Weightlifting/Bodybuilding Advice Thread [SRSBZNS Edition]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BitterJesus, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Obviously I don't know about Blizzerd's case specifically, but it's possible that the hormone stuff isn't really increasing your muscles specifically, but your water retention, which gives you larger looking muscles. Testosterone tends to do that.
  2. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    Yes, i am a plumping chicken


    tbh its probably partially that, but also ive noticed a relevant increase and decrease in strength (some days i can pull up my own weight several times, some times i cant)

    Although id admit its possible to be a placebo effect (oh my tshirts feel tight around the arms for a month or 2 now, i must be stronger. Oh, im getting quite thin again, i must be weaker.)
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2014
  3. communism

    communism poof

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    everyone knows your a scrawny bitch boi BJ ill fite you right now
  4. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    why dont you say that to my face, not online and see what happens.
  5. DarkHorizon

    DarkHorizon Member

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    Eternal Leader can do many things.
  6. DarkHorizon

    DarkHorizon Member

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    Hes talking to BJ = BITTER JESUS.

    What are you going to do fuck him in the ass?
  7. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    commie i would recommend you wait 6 months until bliz gets fat again before you say it to his face

    im sorry i had to
  8. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    dat reading skill
  9. communism

    communism poof

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    ill fuk both of you up now
  10. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    This seems like the appropriate thread. I goofed and forgot to workout over winter and I was reminded that I start my job back up in like the first week of april. So while this sounds terrible does anyone have a good workout plan to increase stamina and strength? I'm not looking to get ripped, just not die when I start working again.

    Imagine being able to dig a hole in hard shitty soil for 4 hours straight and haul wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of the stuff out, that's what I kinda need.

    Currently I'm doing sprints, pushups and pullups, but I know there's a better way of doing.
  11. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    I'll fight you
  12. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    I will also fight you.
  13. Lawliet

    Lawliet Member

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    For stamina, if you're aiming for explosive stamina, a sprinting program works out well. If not, C25K works okay depending on your previous running experience.


    I have yet to try that myself but it's pretty well layed out.

    For strength, Strong lifts or Starting Strength or a routine you can ease yourself into works. Or just stick to big compound lifts like weighted pull-ups, barbell rows, benching, squats (wide-stance to improve speed), dead-lifts, and maybe cleans if you want to improve explosiveness.
  14. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Thanks, that's pretty helpful. Looks like I have to join a gym to get the most out of it though, but that's ok.
  15. Lawliet

    Lawliet Member

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    To be honest, you don't necessarily have to join a gym. You can try buying a pull-up bar that you hang in your door and get most of your work done there. Push-Ups work pretty well but I hate to say it, they don't necessarily translate well into strength unless you're doing it with the intent of lifting like 60% of your bodyweight. You can check out Pushing the Limits by Al Kavadlo or a book called Convict Conditioning if you want to to focus on bodyweight exercises. I pussed out when it came to hand-stands but if you're fucking crazy and looking to save some money, it works out pretty well, just make sure you customize the programs to your liking.
  16. McGyver

    McGyver Experimental Pedagogue

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    INB4 Trickster recommending steroids.
  17. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Honestly just a good lifting program will help if you're starting out. I wouldn't recommend roids unless you were sort of in a position where you have no distractions for a long period of time so you can focus on working out, i.e. in Iraq for 4-7 weeks doing nothing but working. Even I didn't manage to stick at it properly and I lost virtually all the gains I made and even ended up a little heavier than before. Mainly because I came home, didn't do any working out and drank like a borderline alcoholic every day. Shit makes you fat.

    As cliché as it is, Zyzz's program is actually surprisingly good for hitting nearly everything. You'll want to find a some abs workout to slot in there on a Friday maybe, but besides that, it's actually pretty good shit, hits nearly all the muscle groups and will give you a nice even build. You'd probably need to join a gym, though I've managed most of it in my home gym.

    As for fitness, it's difficult because you kind of need to decide whether you want to get strong or get fit. If you do a lot of running, it tends to be catabolic and just wastes your muscles a bit. It's not to say you can't do cardio, but you probably want to focus on HIIT training instead so you can get the fitness but not lose your muscles in the process. It's worth saying that C25K is actually really good, but I don't know how it'll fit in with lifting. I'm actually having the same issue at the moment as I'm preparing to go Snowboarding. I'm trying to build my muscles back up but I don't want to be tired from just a general lack of fitness on the slopes, so I'm trying to do sprints every day.

    Lastly, diet and supplements. I guess it goes without saying that diet is like 70% of getting in shape, gym is the other 30%. Despite what some people will tell you, you can build muscle while eating at a calorie deficit, but it will be slower. I don't really know what shape you're in now, but if you're one of the skinny people then you'll obviously need to eat a fuck tonne. Lean meats, eggs, and just generally proteiny shit is good. Avoid carbs like the fucking plague. Rice, Pasta and Bread are the devil. Some people say brown rice, wholemeal pasta and wholemeal bread are acceptable. I have probably 2 slices of wholemeal bread toast a day, but I still feel pretty guilty for it. But I fucking love toast. If you're trying to lose weight then the same applies, just eat less of it and make sure you're still hitting your protein target (minimum 1g/1kg of target weight, aim for 1g/1lb of target weight though) by relying more on protein shakes. But they aren't meal replacements so don't treat them as such.

    Supplements, I'd recommend Optimum Nutrition. They're good shit. The most important is just regular whey protein. Gold standard ON is about the best for that. Then consider multi-vitamins (Opti-Men) and fish oil tablets. Again, just generally very good for you. I'd say at a basic level, that's the most important stuff to have. If you want to go a step further, you can get Casein protein for before bed. It's like regular protein only it takes a lot longer to digest, which is super good for when you're sleeping. There's also Creatine which you can take like once a day. It does something good and a lot of people swear by it, I just have no idea what that good thing is. I take it anyway.

    I don't actually know that much, I just generally try to pick stuff up off people I've worked out with and what I've read online. I'm in absolutely horrendous shape myself at the moment, so it really feels like I'm getting back into it for the first time in a really long time. My best advice is just to avoid alcohol except on your once-a-week cheat day or whatever. It's loaded with calories and it drops your metabolism through the floor. If you have to drink, just drink stronger stuff like Scotch or Vodka or whatever. Beer is the fucking worst, which is a shame because it's my favourite.

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