silo is uploading now, will also add mesa and hazzard. @trickster rainbowroad looked very interseting I will give it a try. @quackums blah and shadows will also be added I will add these maps slowly one or two at a time, wait a day or two to make sure no issues occur on the server.
You should hold off on silo till its done. While the optimization is pretty good, there's still a fair number of complaints about FPS (or lag from the less technically inclined) on that map.
I might readd this, for some reason I lag alot on this map, some others say they don't I am not sure why I do though. Blah4 and rainbowroad are on mapcycle now, and I removed silo from it until its completeted. I will add two more in a couple of days
And also, Im not 100% percent sure of this but it seem the infantry maps on your server are consecutive (urbanchaos, escort and district). Could you make it so it's spaced out on the rotation?
They're each a few maps apart. I'll space them out even more so. @jragbir blah is on cycle now and so is rainbowroad, I will add tropicvendetta as well
Custom Map Pack emp_ward_rc2 emp_frozensummit_b2 emp_homeland_b7 emp_tropicvendetta_b4 Just a few suggestions. I don't think you should add all of these maps to the regular rotation, but you might want to upload them and make them an option for RTVing. That is what I mean. You can see blurring around the tooth. But anyway... And I think the latest Shadow is unbalanced. Badly. Every time I have played it, it has ended up in BE winning and I think this is because BE's flags are same distance away from each other and they are in tight areas with a lot of detail and cover. Whereas NF's first two flags are basically in the same area and the third and fourth flags are in quite open areas. And fifth flag just doesn't give NF as much advantages to advance as it gives to BE.
I see its blurry on the image which is enlarged. It looks blurry to me also but on the site its a smaller image and looks clear to me and some others, so Im perplexed, I took a screenshot on how it looks on my computer, to show how clear it appears, not sure if you all will see it the way me sparky and others do. you need to click once to zoom it in to acutal size
Yeah it is still blurry even it is small. For example look at your picture and the yellow top banner, now look at your real website banner. And especially look at that middle narrow thing there. I think you'll notice what the JPG compression did to the yellow banner. THAT's the blurryness I mean. Anyway, if you do more jpg pictures, decrease their compression quality, meaning make the format compress less or use PNG format if you want to have sharp pictures.
VIPER is getting a nice upgrade this weekend. We'll be doing 54 slots, and if this seems stable, 64. Yays!
It seems like your fast download isn't working. I had to come to the forums to download tropic and blah since it was taking ages to download in game.
very odd I see it all crystal clear and sharp. not sure why or how you are seeing it. I asked a few other people and they see no blurriness either, a few see it blurry That was jsut a screenshot I took to send, someone suggested maybe its a difference in monitors or resoltions I don't know. But I am using a LCD flat panel montor resolution 1280 by 1024..maybe that is why I see it differently I dunno:confused:
The new server was purchased by the company they are waiting on one thing, whne that is completed then we will be moving VIPER over to the new box. I will post the new ip when the move is completed. So it might be over the weekend or next week. The tech guy assures me he will not put more than 4 or 5 other games on the new box so I will have one core for myself for empires. (it is a dual quad core)
oops left the word core off my previous post..At first he is not going to add any additional games and VIPER will have the box all to itself for a test period, then add one game at a time and make sure VIPER isnt' affected, but he will not exceed more that 4 or 5 games, but will stop adding before that if VIPER's gameplay developes lag. I have been with this company for many years and because of that he told me I come first ahead of new customers and will do everything he can to allow me the number of players I want w/o any lag or deterioration of we will see how it goes.