As I understand it, Empire's is a bandwidth/CPU intensive game. I remember a few months ago we were trying to determine how much bandwidth/processor capacity Empire's used by getting 20+ tanks into the middle of money and firing at the same time. I think the conclusion was that only a dedicated server could probably provide non-laggy gameplay (although even that may not be enough). 54 player matches are fun, but I think most people would choose a non-laggy 40 player server over a super laggy 54 player server any day.
I agree 1000% I dropped slots down to 40 today and we will see how that goes. If I can't afford a dedicated server, and if we can't work out anyhting else I will just drop it to 32 players and be happy with no lag.
lol well somehow they registered w/o my approval and made 100's of posts with pictures and links to pornographic sites. I tried deleting them but it was way too much for me so I just deleted the whole forums.
If it still lags I say drop it back down to 32 I enjoy non lag fest games more than bigger games, no offense intended of course I've always liked you servers because you have been so open to suggestions and lets keep it non laggy gameplay if possible (if your dedicated server falls through)
Thank you I will do exactly that. If you or anyone find it still laggy at 40 slots please let me know.
The resolution is good but the compression of JPG format has made it a bit smudged. For example, around the teeth you'll notice what I'm talking about.
Thta's odd how you both see if unclear. On my screen its crystal clear and I had Sparky look at it on his laptop and he sees the snake clearly too, teeth and all. I don't understand how it can appear differently on different screen:confused:
My desktop is XP. My Laptop is Vista and the snake looks clear on both OS. SO I have no idea. On VIPER's motd in game how does the snake look to you there?
Hi vipervicki, Please look into adding custom maps to your server! its almost always populated and the stock maps get really boring after a while. Thanks! blah is good shadows is good for a new push map [cant think of the name] is good to. the one with the blimbs and the missile batteries.