Tank restoration project

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by blizzerd, Jul 24, 2016.


speeds of tanks in general

  1. are fine right now

    1 vote(s)
  2. need to be generally slower

    7 vote(s)
  3. need to be generally faster

    0 vote(s)
  4. need to be changed but not linearly to one direction. explain in thread

    5 vote(s)
  1. NekoBaron

    NekoBaron Member

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    decoupling the turret from camera would be great but it would need work since you have to be able to visually show where the cannon is aiming with a free camera.
  2. VulcanStorm

    VulcanStorm Developer Staff Member Moderator

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    If you look at where the crosshairs are on the screen for vehicles, they are actually dynamically positioned based on the world position that the barrel is looking at. So the position of the crosshairs shows exactly where the cannon is aiming.
    This is not the same for infantry though, since their weapons fire from the center of the screen.
  3. NekoBaron

    NekoBaron Member

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    Thats good to know since its not very noticable at times with the turret locked to camera, limiting turret rotation speed would allow for more tactical tank combat, I wouldnt go as slow as say the some tanks in war thunder but it is fun to be able to get behind a tank without them being able to 180 instantly and shoot you back.
  4. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    ramming into someone is now "tactical" huh.
    I also like noone mentioned how it would make it impossible to look behind you without it moving your turret around which could potentially screw you.
  5. NekoBaron

    NekoBaron Member

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    You know that's not what I meant, and you could implement a key to hold so you could free cam in a tank and not move turret.
  6. Avatarix

    Avatarix Member

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    well, that's what cameras and radars are for (maybe scout would became more useful)
    and you would be able to speed this up by turning vehicle too
  7. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    How exactly are cameras and radars helping me know where exactly are my allies/buildings/the map stuff itself behind me
    No i dont know thats what you meant, if youre making a suggestion you do it fully and not just throw farts onto the wind.
  8. Avatarix

    Avatarix Member

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    I dunno, i thought you are on enemies. Also, in upper right corner there is a minimap btw
  9. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    This is the entire point. I think a majority in this community as well would like this game to be more combined arms rather than spam tanks to victory. If you can't look behind you, you rely on other people informing you and covering you to stay alive, which is beneficial to the whole combined arms argument. Make Tanks generally slower, buff their weapons a lot, and boom, now you have combined arms.
  10. Avatarix

    Avatarix Member

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    Actaully, tanks are big fast armored things that can shoot giant guns, so their weak points was that the turret can't see everything at once. But in Empires, the tanks are really hard armored, fast as fuck and they can see everything around them in seconds. So yeah, that's the thing.
  11. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    No, vehicle physics in source is shit so we can't have things like that. Please note the devs can't really do much at all here either, I'm 97% certain all vehicle handling scripts are entirely hidden in the engine in ways the devs cannot see at all. I'm still get this magical feeling when I asked candles a question on something and he said something that had a huge effect on vehicles was never called in the source code ever.

    My 2 cents on this thread in general though, I love empires and it's arcadeyness. Is it silly? Yes. Is that bad? Hell no, it's super fun. I understand slowing things down and for heavy tanks giving them turrets speed issues might be cool because it would mean more meds and possibly but probably not lights, as long as meds and lights didn't have a slower turret(at the very least not lights, I would really quit empires if someone did that to the almighty light tank.) So there's still arcade goodness but if someone wanted to be huge hulking boomtastic heavy tank well they trade their experience a bit, which gives more variety and that's always a good thing.
  12. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    It's not the arcadeyness I want to get rid of, I don't want to strive for realism, I just think we can all agree combined arms feeling is better for games like this. It has all of the makings of a combined arms game but fails to achieve it on almost any level. Once you have money, all you do is roll tanks because infantry is at such a disadvantage.
  13. VulcanStorm

    VulcanStorm Developer Staff Member Moderator

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    My main concern about a combined arms game... Is trying to incentivise teamwork. You know other team games?(tf2,dota cs:go).... No-one wants to play support, everyone wants to play fun big killing roles. So i feel that this will cause new players to try and steal tanks even more because they want the biggest gun and don't want to be relegated to "repair man" or "medic".

    I am actually all for making empires suit a more combined arms style, but do we actually have the players to pull it off regularly?
    I mean, we should try combined arms now with a squad, 4 infantry and a tank. See how that kind of game plays.
  14. NekoBaron

    NekoBaron Member

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    We should encourage teamwork frankly, and yes new players want to get in the tanks because they think or see tanks dominate the entire game, they dont consider playing something like gren because its an unsatisfying experience for new players.
  15. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    You encourage this whole combined arms deal by having less tanks on the field in general. Security mentioned making heavier chassis more expensive simply by increasing weapon cost, it'll help a bit in this regard. Some maps though are rolling res though, like streets or slaughtered or insurrections(My goodness do I keep getting surprised at the res flow on that map.). It's kinda annoying though, because if you simply make tanks expensive, or rather less common, then you got people sitting in the vf which is no good either.

    I still think the better way of handling tanks is some sort of resource that is managed by the individual player. They won't wait around the vf for ages if they know they can't actually build a tank. Also prevents someone endlessly losing heavy or arty tanks, every comms worst nemesis. I've suggested a couple of ways of doing it too, but I can't remember how those suggestions were received.
    blizzerd likes this.
  16. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    Combined arms is tough because of the pace of the game in Empires is pretty fast and movement speed between unit types is quite different.
    Renegade X I thought is a pretty good example of something that works though and would be a good place for us to aim at in terms of how it feels, infantry and tanks work well together.

    I don't think slowing down tanks will actually slow the game down as a whole. Yes you will spend more time getting places, but you wont be able to retreat as easy - so engagements will more often end in a winner rather than 2 guys backing up and repairing their tanks.

    The faster combined arms games have less emergent kind of game play, there are more controls on how things will work out. With capture points being a focus and without engineers who can build walls or turret farms it is much easier to have combined arms, because the map features are what dictates who can go where. Empires is different because you build bases where you want and can alter the map dramatically in real time.

    The slower combined arms games have no useful lessons, empires isn't arma.

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