Suggestion - Suggestions

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Trid3nt, Jan 26, 2008.

  1. Reef

    Reef Member

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    You didn't get the point of prototyping.
    When You will have Your better version of the rules post, post it here, so we can discuss it and improove it.
    Then we will discuss it here and someone will put an improoved version and we will discuss and someone will put an improoved version again.
    This will happen until we will get the impression that the rules topic is complete and ready to release. Then we will ask a moderator to assist us, so we can post the topic and lock it instantly, because no discussision should be allowed in THE RULES topic. The rules will point on a 'rules discussion' topic that will be created. This is to prevent spamming theads like 'would we please change rules so..." every month.

    So Trid3nt, You managed to read the dizzyone's promise that he will sticky the topic, but You failed to read mine prototype... I guess I can belive that, I sometimes miss a post too.
    Feel free to post suggestions or an improoved prototype here. I don't want to do all the work by myself (this is a straight way to do stupid mistakes).
  2. Trid3nt

    Trid3nt Member

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    Okay, I've made the basic layout, but I need to finish it off and do formatting before I post it up here. I also directly quoted your bit, as well as private sandbag.
  3. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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  4. Reef

    Reef Member

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    this is an idiom or something, I don't understand what it means (I only know from the rest of the sentence). Could we please change it to "do not talk about this" or something easier for players that are not english-perfect?

    Yup, true, but it could be shorter and less complicated, like
    If Your idea gets aprooved by the community, You should read the instruction in the organize stuff thread.

    We create this topic for a certain reason and it's not about making the new posters "think". We want them to obey the rules, that (like in my prototype) say "DO NOT post about stuff that will make people go Rambo and average teamplay level will be lower", "DO NOT post about stuff that will make the game shorter", etc.
    You are too kind. Thease should not be "suggestion how to make suggestions (but if You don't want to stick to it - You don't have to)". Thease should be THE RULES (obey or Your thread will be deleted and You can be banned).
    See the diffrence?
    Still, You have not described the proper format of new suggestions.
    I'll have a prototype of that (I will edit-it into this post).


    Also, in introduction we need to say that:
    You fail with the scout rifle? That is not a reason to make the scout rifle handling easier. Practice or dont use it.
    You fail with overheating Your tank? That is not a reason to remove overheating. Practice or dont use it.
    <one more example here>

    Idea description here

    Will it benefit game-play in empires or is it just a gadget?
    YES NO

    Does it fit into the empires universe?
    YES NO

    Is the idea simple and there is no need to create new models to implement it?
    YES NO

    Is it worth to code considering that we have very limited developers time?
    YES NO

    Is it encouraging teamplay or will it rather make signle players more powerfull so they will not have to work as a team that much?
    More teamplay Neutral Less teamplay

    Will the game be more tactical or fun if the suggestion is implemented?
    More tactic Neutral Less tactic
    More fun Neutral Less fun

    Does the change keep the games balance intact? (so the game doesn't need to be rebalanced)?
    YES NO

    If You got any red's, Your suggestion will be probably rejected. Think it over.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2008
  5. Reef

    Reef Member

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    Ok I got an idea. Why don't we disallow all suggestions about anything that is related to aircrafts, airports, bombs, rockets, parachutes... Literally anything that is related to flying. Certain plan is on implementation phase, so it will not change until the implementation takes place, whatever we would think of (if it would, release would never come - common reason of failing IT projects). We don't have a full, clear idea how it will be implemented.
    I think, that all discussions on this matter (but only on Suggestions forum) should be frozen until aircrafts public beta will be released. Am I right? Or no?
  6. Trid3nt

    Trid3nt Member

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    Wouldn't it be best if you rewrote it with what you think is good, Just so I get what you mean exactly? And also, it's not mentioned as much, include navies though.
  7. Aquillion

    Aquillion Member

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    I think that this is a little broad; there may still be good suggestions there related to the way heat works. I would say "anything that would reduce the effect of heat on tank combat" instead.

    I strongly disagree with this one. The fact is, there's no such thing as a totally original FPS; Empires took basic things from other FPSes, and other FPS have either taken things from it or ended up making the same things because "great minds think alike". The basic idea behind the game is still fairly original; adding improvements that have become standard for the genre is common sense, not being a copycat.

    If a good idea has been used by another game, it's still a good idea; if it fits well into Empires it should absolutely be put in here. Likewise, the fact that something worked well in another game is a perfectly valid point to bring up when suggesting it here... as long as you can also make the case that it would work well in Empires.

    One other thing that might be worth adding: Something mentioning that the Scout is generally supposed to be the weakest class against vehicles; anything suggested for them to use on vehicles should generally be a 'support' ability to help other people kill vehicles, and not something that lets them beat up (or steal) tanks on their own. (I seem to recall that tank stealing has been specifically rejected by Krenzo.)

    I think that you want the post to fairly strictly tell people what not to post, while Trid3nt wants it to be more like a guideline.

    I think it should probably be worded more as a set of gentle suggestions and not as hard-and-fast "do not discuss this, ever" rules. There are several reasons for this... First, nobody likes to come into a forum and see a solid wall of do-this,don't-do-that (or, at least, I don't.) Second, we can't foresee every possible suggestion; it may be that someone will come up with something new that is actually good but nonetheless infringes on one of the "rules", or a variation on an old suggestion that does away with most of the objections to it. To a certain extent we have to trust people's common sense. Finally, when you get down to it, the people who bother to read this post in the first place are going to be the thoughtful ones anyway... They'll know what it means. The ZOMG ADD REALISTIC SUPER-HOVERBIKES THAT NEGATE HEAT people are probably not going to read it anyway, unfortunately.

    I would replace "Try to phase out" with "try to avoid".
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2008
  8. angry hillbilly

    angry hillbilly Member

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    The thing is if u close the suggestinos forum then all the noobs will flood gameplay and other parts and begin to whine saying 'plz krenzo! plzzzzzzz can we have a suggestions forum and we will be doomed for good. :(
  9. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    I got a better idea.

    Sub forums >_>

    Vehicle suggestions
    Building Suggestions
    Infantry suggestions
    Com suggestions
    Aircraft suggestions (closed)
    Miscellaneous suggestions (auto deleted)
  10. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    I think there are discussions to be had about aircraft and miscellaneous. misc includes things like removing leave squad ability from the F menu. aircraft CAN include things like "should aircraft be allowed homing missiles", "should AA guns be large and rare or small and plentiful?", "should AA be machineguns, missiles, cannons, or what?"

    it's just a bunch of silly people that demand outrageous suggestions that gives the freedom of the suggestion forum a bad name.
  11. skynet

    skynet Member

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    Concerning the guidelines-thread: I think there is one "does" too many in this sentence
  12. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    just posting here to say: i like the new sticky... good job my tri pronged buddy.
  13. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    dunno if someone has posted this already but theres a typo in the Suggestion thread guidelines - Read this first!-thread.
  14. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    That's correct, or do you mean something else than "an smg"?
  15. Caelo

    Caelo Member

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    shouldn't it be "a SMG" as its...

    nvm :D it's starts with an S :/
  16. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    This list needs moar shield generators, any form of automatic repair, and wall/building upgrades.
  17. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    It's an old topic but I want a change in sticky thread: aircrafts are not being implemented. Don't even think about aircrafts.
  18. Zealoth

    Zealoth Member

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    How can u say that? And what do u mean:" Don't even think about aircrafts"?
  19. KILLX

    KILLX Banned

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    Because then it will shut everyone up with the retarded aircraft suggestion (because there all noobs that think their vision of aircraft is how it will work ingame). Or its MOOtant being negative again since he believes aircraft wont work out on the Source Engine in the end.
  20. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    He's either saying that he won't implement aircraft, or that there will never be aircraft. You can't know for sure unless he specifies which it is.

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