Stepping on a mine feels GRRRRRRRRRRREAT

Discussion in 'Archive' started by FN198, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    That's the first time you gave a reason as to why you thought the idea was bad. Thank you for explaining it.

    Now, tell me why you felt the need to insult me personally for a joke post.
  2. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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  3. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    i has admin and i is not hesitate to aboose it
  4. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    you should stop drinking dizzyone :/
  5. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    In all sincerity, Metal, would you even enjoy being blocked off from entering enemy structures because of some invisible wall? They can go through the invisible wall, and you can't. Imagine the aggravating scenario's this may lead to.
  6. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    The implementation of doors. Empires is the only game that I can think of that has a spawning structure that enemies can enter.

    At any rate, I understand the problems but think this solution may very well make more sense to many players, as well as make the game much more fluid.
  7. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    The invisible wall was only part of the problem, I didn't consider that you would try and evade that part of the problem, by suggesting doors. Either way, doors or no doors, it's still an invisible wall, a special place that only a team can enter. Even TFC allows you to enter the enemy spawn area, if you managed to get through the doors that is. I'm also not really sure how many comparable games you can think of, since almost every game I can think of has some sort of spawn camping, and some sort of spawn protection to fix it.

    Saying things like "it makes more sense to many players" and "make the game much more fluid" are meaningless. I understand both of them, in a positive way. However, they're still meaningless as they can be interpreted in any way you like. I just like to think I sort of understand where you're coming from. On the flipside, it doesn't actually make a whole lot of sense, as I mentioned, it's this "special" area, that doesn't work well with common sense. The game being more fluid is only speculation by not having a cat and mouse game inside of the barracks, but the cat and mouse game still exists around the barracks itself. In this same fashion, you're removing a shortcut, which might as well make the game less fluid.

    Theres 2 sides to this, and I sort of prefer being able to enter buildings, whether or not it serves a purpose. I doubt anyone gets a warm feeling when being confronted by a player clip.

    Apart from all of this, spawn protection is the safe zone you mention. It already is the solution to the problem, and it can be raised by server admins if 3 seconds isn't enough (atleast it used to be possible to set the count by a con command). The safe zone you want is completely pointless in reality, why would anyone want to stay inside of the building? You can't repair from the inside, so theres is literally nothing to do. It's the equivalent of doing nothing.

    There are also a couple ways this can actually be abused. Forceful expansion -> inside barracks is bullet proof safe zone. Spawn protection doesn't suffer any of this, it allows a player to have a protection in and outside, as its time limited, and the exploitation is reduced to a minimum by the time limit, and the fact you need to spawn for it to work.

    In conclusion, Empty most likely didn't feel like even discussing with you. Hence, you're a fuckwit. The fact I do, doesn't mean you can somehow think you can iron out all of the flaws. Spawn protection is better and even if its flaws are worse than what you suggest, your idea does not address any of its flaws, it has the same flaws, made worse, and adds new flaws as well. The latter might not be a good argument against your idea, as it isn't necessarily comparable with spawn protection from your POV (you might think that way), however, if you're talking about it as a solution this specific problem, then it is a good argument and spawn protection is the better choice, by far.
  8. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    I honestly fail to see how letting you be immortal for the first second or two makes up for having a guy sitting in the corner ready to melee you in the face. The whole method of spawning and forcing your view to a certain position disorients me personally, and I either can't figure out what direction I'm facing at first, or I can't gain my bearings before having a fist in the back of my head. Add that to the problems with lag, hit detection and the small size of the barracks, especially BE's, it's a huge pain in the ass. People with melee and speed upgrade can become nearly untouchable, because they can melee you before you see them.

    If the netcode and game were perfect, I'd agree that spawn protection alone is a better option. However, there needs to be some sort of deterrent from running inside a rax to rack up melee kills whenever you get the chance. Currently, the game actually encourages this behavior.

    It's frustrating as hell, a pain in the ass. I'd have to consider it somewhat an exploit.

    then again, if you've never experience being killed where you were rather that where you are, or have not had trouble killing someone even after watching their blood splatter the ground for a mile, I can't say you would understand.
  9. Empty

    Empty Member

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    I gave you my reasons at least 3 times before now. You just can't read.
  10. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    See now this is the real problem. It's the fact that the barracks are cluttered (the BE one is the one that hinders most) and you spawn in a certain direction. You need more open space around you, and preferably spawning with your back to a wall (I don't care if there's a cryopod against the wall or whatever).

    This is why you have all those problems - because the rax is basically just badly designed. For the BE barracks, what you need at least is a removal of the bunks in the main partition, even then, it's still fairly cluttered...but if you spawn to one (either) side facing the space around you, then it may be okay.

    All it's down to is the model. And while that may be a hard thing to fix, that's where the problem lies.

    Edit: Also if you had a god damn arrow showing commanders which way their troops will spawn before they place the rax, it would make things a hell of a lot better.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2011
  11. FN198

    FN198 Member

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    all buildings when first selected to be built point towards 0 degrees in source which is ALWAYS directly east. infantry will always spawn facing towards the initial east exit. rotate the east exit to whichever direction you wish and infantry will spawn facing that one instead.

    easy easy easy
  12. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    So easy enough to put an arrow then, isn't it? ^^

    Usually I get my raxes facing the right way, but I never knew that, and never experimented to find that out. Not many people would.
  13. FN198

    FN198 Member

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    i think adding an arrow would confuse newer commanders. they might think they have to point their raxes certain ways when it is really not too relevant.

    rax orientation is for noob funneling which isn't something that new commanders would understand.
  14. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Thank you, I always wondered how experienced coms seem to know exactly how to face raxxes.

    I agree that an arrow or something would help immensely. Right now, figuring that little tidbit out is hard, hard, hard. .)
  15. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    It's fairly relevant...and it helps both noobs and vets alike, since no one wants to spawn and exit to a wall. If you used some kind of notation to show that players would spawn facing that direction, rather than just a random arrow it might be better, I guess.

    Still, if the person doesn't know that the barracks has two exits, you're pretty screwed to begin with. A small arrow would probably be better to denote it's small significance, even better if it just had "spawn direction" annotated underneath.

    Or, a tooltip on the build menu to say exactly what you did a few posts ago.
  16. Qwert

    Qwert Member

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    Yet again, having some archaic and almost undocumented "feature" of source/empires be such a separator of good players from poor ones is dumb. Knowing how to use the feature should determine skill, not the knowledge about its existence.

    If we run out of things to make pro players stand out, then we should add ways for them to be pro, not hide critical existing features from view.
  17. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    You're assuming people actually know what they're doing around here. It's hidden because no one really cares, and veterans are pro because everyone else finds something better to play.
  18. Krazer

    Krazer Member

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    You guys seriously having a fit over this. It makes no difference which way people are coming out of the baracks since good coms should always place the raxe parallel to the frontline. (Common knowledge)

    Face armories where you want noobs to go.
  19. Deadpool


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    Could enemy players be attacked by a low/medium damage DOT while inside an enemy rax?

    That way you could be in there for few seconds, maybe run through and drop mines, or melee a guy (both things being generally sucky for the recipient, but that's why this next sentence is important.) - Which would not solve the problem, but would mitigate the pain in the ass of having an enemy in your spawn, without removing it entirely.

    story justification:

    BE - Detection/Flesh Eating Nano Deterrent - or D/FEND
    NF - Anterior* Invasion Defense Spray - or AIDS
    (*Anterior = in front of, at the front, etc)

    TLDR: bio/drowning type DOT for anyone inside an enemy rax, until they leave, DOT is strong enough to deter enemies after a few seconds.

  20. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    Put lvl1 indestructible turret upside down fixed to the ceiling of barracks.
    Also install central air and Tivo for people in spec.

    Edit: Actually I prefer Deadpool's idea of Bio DoT - still, squad heal counters all so in practise it will just be another wierd dynamic.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2011

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