Status of BSID Servers

Discussion in 'Clans' started by eth0, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. Niarbeht

    Niarbeht Member

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    Am I sure I want to expand the 42nd into an environment like this?


    Every PM I've sent to Krenzo thus far has been answered, I believe. That's a total of two or three PMs for about a six month forum membership.

    Second, the public version of Empires/Source (not Empires/1942) has existed for a few days past a year now. This means the dev team averages what, one update every month and a half? For how many people? And how many features/elements exist that are partially, mostly, or fully coded but not ready for implementation yet (aircraft)?

    Is it your fault that noobs ask you all the questions? No. Is it Krenzo's fault? Not really. Is it the dev team's? I wouldn't imagine so. After all, it's entirely within the realm of the noob to read the manual or not. It's their choice, and sadly you guys are the ones to suffer for it (never minding the fact that anyone who plays on the BSID server, not just the BSID guys themselves, winds up answering the questions).

    As for the Ventrilo incident, what can I say? It was wrong of Krenzo to take a break after coding Empires for six hours straight. It was wrong of him to want a little fun-time after staring at gauges all day. It was wrong of him to try to de-stress after someone stole his lunch.

    It was wrong of him to want some peace and quiet, some alone time, where he didn't have to deal with the Empires community.

    It was wrong of him to even code Empires for ungrateful cretins like us.

    And by the way, if it's vaporware, where the hell are the test servers coming from?
  2. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    You heard him, Colbert! Put 'em up on the board!


    I'm getting the vibe here that BSID somehow feels that the Devs owe them, and that they should be treated differently than other players. Am I wrong in this?
  3. Niarbeht

    Niarbeht Member

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    You're dead on from what I can see, Dumpster.
  4. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    I wouldn't say the environment is all that bad. This is simply a clan taking an action they seem fit. This is very little to do with the environment, and much to do with one group of actors within that environment.

    Also, to Bodrick who has likely slept through all of this.

    Last edited: Mar 20, 2007
  5. Jcw87

    Jcw87 Member

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    I think it sort of is their fault. They had those 2 bot players on the server, so whenever nobody was playing and a noob started up the game, first place they go to is the server with players... and those players happen to be bot players that do nothing. Those bots are a noob magnet.
  6. eth0

    eth0 Member

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    Genius on the board, dumpster; however i take back 25% of that cos of your last comment which means you didn't go quiet far back enough in this thread... and to be honest i wouldn't bother! :)
  7. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    Well, sure, you said that you don't think they owe you special treatment or anything, but you're acting otherwise.
  8. Pimp Recruit (formerly Don Music)

    Pimp Recruit (formerly Don Music) Member

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    Hell.. I'm gone for a day and this happens?

    I understand Etho for not providing servers for a mod whose developers piss him off. Especially if he's spending something on it (like time or money).

    Now on the other hand,
    if some "random person" joined my ventrilo server.. I wouldn't exactly feel oblidged to answer. ;)
    I guess the Devs aren't exactly happy with "pushing back" the release
    and most likely generally not very responsive to questions for a release date.
    Now combine these three possibilities.

    Their job isn't PR and spreading the love, they're making the game.
    They have Bodrick for such pesky tasks, like talking to mortals. ;)

    Of course it's not friendly to ignore people, but asking in ventrilo is comparably "offending" to a phone call.

    Hmmm ... actually I don't know why I am writing this ..
    *presses submit button
  9. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    Just to comment on the ventrillo thing. Is it really fair to be so annoyed at the devs for not answering you when technically, you were the ones that were interrupting them in the middle of something? It's not very reasonable to expect them to drop everything just for you.

    They may be devs (for a completely free mod I might add) but they're also people and I can pretty much guarantee, like most people, they don't like being disturbed when they're busy with something else.
  10. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    You earn respect by giving respect.
  11. nebajoth

    nebajoth Member

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    Absolutely genius "On Notice" picture. Saved that one to the ol' hard drive.

    Hey Krenzo, I've been meaning to play PVKII for a while... is it as awesome as it seems?
  12. DonMegel

    DonMegel Member

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    Dont play it! Someone might talk to you in the midst of battle and then get angry when you dont respond! Its cursed!
  13. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    Maybe somebody should become a PR guy, so all questions are directed to him, and questions he can't answer, will be passed trough to those who can answer them, unless the answer is secret or unknown (i.e. release date).
  14. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    I'm still waiting for bsid to admit this was all just a big joke, and they were just trying to guilt me into releasing 1.08.

    I like how Megel put it, "And as for not talking about Empires while we were on Vent, a few times during the game I brought up this feature or that and was told by Krenzo to guard the gold or to help him he was being attacked by knights. I supose this means I was being ignored so I am going to quit the mod team!"

    I think the moral of the message is to send me a PM and not try to talk to me on Ventrillo while I'm playing a game.

    As for PVK 2, I like it just because it's unique with the melee combat. It needs polish and some of the maps are kind of boring where you try to keep a treasure chest to yourself, but the map where you try to steal all the treasure chests and hold on to the most is really fun.
  15. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    what I really wonder is, wth is tap class xD
  16. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    Transition Assistance something something where they tell me how to get a job when I get out of the navy. They kicked me out saying they were full when I tried to go so screw them.
  17. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    ooh hot chicks, that explains it all.
  18. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    Right, time to assess this delicate (in a sugary way) situation:

    First off, let me tell you that I too was a bit, well, let down by not hearing a "hi" or "hello" from any of the devs. Your PVK2 sound might have been on incredibly loud (damn those explosive barrels!), so you might have not heard us. Still, the flurry of people joining could have caused a greeting.

    Secondly, this entire thing seems to have blown out of proportion by ourselves. I can understand the frustration on eth0's side, because being flatly ignored when it's not even sure you even wanted to talk about 1.08 in the first place, but I can of course also sympathize with the devs and their failed attempts to de-stress from a long working period (virtual or otherwise).

    Thirdly, I do agree with the need for a PR-like person who rounds up the new tidbits of information so community people who don't visit the forum every day (like eth0, hence this snowball-effect :p).

    Finally, I like the light way of the devs reacting to this. I know dev teams who would outright flame or ban the community members in question.
    Ah, and a final addition: No, we don't think BSID is better than pubbers or other clans because it's BSID. A few guys might get cocky sometimes, but any ivory tower will go down over time, and we keep that in mind (and ourselves down-to-earth).

    EDIT: Darn, just remembered: I did send a few PMs to Krenzo that never got replied, but that's probably because his inbox was stuffed with a lot of other stuff aswell. I'll resend those now.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2007
  19. InstantDeath

    InstantDeath Member

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    so my take on the entire incident:

    eth0 and a couple members from BSID went on the ventrillo server that the devs were on, started politely asking about 1.08, and were ignored. All they wanted to hear was "We are busy, talk to us later" but no, they got all pissed because they got no response because Krenzo and some of the other devs were playing a game. eth0 feels dejected because of all the help he and the other BSID members did to improve 1.08 . This feeling of dejectment made them feel as if their time and money were wasted.

    if it were up to me, Krenzo should just apologize for the devs for ignoring a simple request, even though they were doing something else. Some people would believe it would not be hard to just say "We're busy." Anyway, if etho were to accept the apology BSID servers would probably go back up and all would be well. Although some BSID members might try to tie this incident to the lack of official announcements, which is true, there have been few "official" announcements as of late. Granted, the dev blogs and the "guess that feature" forum game does add excitement and information in a different way, some people still want that "official" update.
  20. Goose

    Goose Member

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    We'll, when I am playing a game usually I do not answer people because a) i am very involved with the game, b) I can't always hear them.

    I think the main issue involved was just a lack of communication on both parties. Although BSID did attempt to contact via Ventrillo, a more formal median would have been the most accepted means of communication. If they were blatantly ignoring BSID multiple times that is a differnt story. I can see that where the Empires Mods wanted to do something other than work/sleep/code. I just think this is just a case of the mondays that will resolve itself in an appropriate time frame.

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