Status of BSID Servers

Discussion in 'Clans' started by eth0, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. eth0

    eth0 Member

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    Did i just here someone volunteer to be Empires PR?

    On a serious note, i think the "Dev blog" thread like most threads here have there place in terms of "discussion", the simple point is that like after a meeting some poor bugger has to take the salient points and write those up as minutes.

    It would seem natural that the salient information find it's way on to the Empire wiki ... somewhere.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2007
  2. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    I did read everything (From the very begining of this thread, 3rd time is a charm eh? ;)), and just stating facts on what you have said yourself...

    Personaly I never read the wikki, nor do I check it >.< (Yes I know shame on me)

    If you really want a REAL dev blog, make it like an announcement, everyone can see it but no one can reply, that way things stay in chronological order without the spam. People can create topics to discuss that and thats where the spam will go.

    As I said I am happy with the amount of dev responce we have been getting. If they were to post an update every day I would think they are insane and would take upon myself to get them to their local assylum O.o;;
  3. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    The claimed issue seems to be that Grizzly, Megel, and I got together to play a little bit of Pirates, Vikings, and Knights 2 since I hadn't tried it yet, and we used the standard Empires Ventrilo server to communicate during the game. Thor and eth0 showed up apparently wanting to talk about Empires while we were focused on playing a game and felt ignored because we weren't responding to them.

    That's probably just a catalyst for some other issue which seems to be impatience towards 1.08.
  4. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    eth0 - I realize that you host the BSID servers on your own and that you can do whatever you want with them. However, isn't it a little immature to use them as leverage?

    First when you were banned from the forums you took them down as retribution. Now you took them down to try and get empires dev team to be more open about progress, etc. (or for being ignored on ventrilo).

    I respect you, but I question your methods.

    Aside: it is hard to stay on top of posts when they get to be 50+ pages long. It's daunting.
  5. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Why do they matter? There are more servers then there are players... No need for R&D either... and in any case it is not like it is limited to BSID only...
  6. Thor

    Thor Member

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    Let me clarify...Thor, Eth0, Beerdude26, Lion_IX, Dizzyone, Goose, InstantDeath, Kazuhiro, and Eddgedg were all present at the time and all of us were ignored. At first, we thought this was a ventrilo issue, but were sad to find out that we were indeed being simply ignored. We understand that you were playing a game, but the fact of the matter is that we were completely ignored and weren't even acknowledged, which we all were pretty put-off by that. Since Krenzo seems to be such an ellusive person to talk to(won't answer pms, not saying he hasn't answered mine before) and get in contact with as the other devs I speak to regularly don't know how to get a hold of him in a timely fashion, we thought it would have been an okay time to ask a couple of questions we have been eager to ask for quite a long time, and some things that could be possibly considered to quicken the release of 1.08.

    I understand it was not a scheduled event but in previous times of trying to get a meeting going with the dev team, it has failed. That was pretty much a last-resort to get some attention from the devs. We(BSID) were upset that our words fell on deaf ears so to speak, but many of us are upset or are losing much faith in the competence of the dev team and the mod it works on, due to the lack of communication that can be seen between the devs and it's community.

    This is not a cry for attention, but rather something that can help address the current communication problem that many of us veterans who have been following this mod for nearly a year have seen over the past six months of waiting for 1.08.

    The BSID contains some of the most loyal and dedicated players of the mod to date, and also has contributed directly to the mod itself, so many of us are disheartened by the actions of late, especially since it is the eve of our 1-year-anniversary.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2007
  7. eth0

    eth0 Member

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    Not a question of leverage, as i can see that it could (possibly?) be perceived. Sorry to do this to you guys at CW but maybe you can field the tide of in-game questions from pubbers for a while? ;)

    It's bloody difficult our servers being the focal point for this purpose, hence sometime back i mentioned something about "welcoming a more diverse set of servers" (this was meant mostly in a geographical context).

    So for the meantime BSID will keep the servers off-line, occasionally online when we are fsking around.
  8. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Lion posted a complaint on your forums which promptly got baleted...

    I dont respond to my MSG for a long while either... sometimes I come back 5 hours later saying "Oh shi-" with all the blikning tabs in the taskbar...

    Communication problem? I fail to see any...
  9. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    I was more concerned with those damn pirates stealing our precious treasure than anything else. It's not like they didn't have enough booty already that they go and steal ours.
  10. Thor

    Thor Member

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    Not deleted, just unapproved it until I could talk to him about it, please don't assume. BSID forums are probably the only forum that doesn't 'delete' any negative post. And regarding the communication problem, thats your opinion. You've already stated it once, and I don't see why your doing it again in an unconstructive manner.
  11. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Very well about the communication...

    Nothing gets deleted anywhere, short of the Official forums where few flame wars sparked out. In other places volatile topics are just closed for a little bit, with every single flame perfictly preserved...

    So whats the read out on the servers, and for how long do you expect to keep them "offline", until 1.08 comes out? Just like in the begining of this thread?
  12. Cyber-Kun

    Cyber-Kun Member

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    I make sure JPL doesn't loose any post since someone may not like it, but then again I don't have people in JPL say things that need to be removed or hidden... well okay there was one post that had to be closed but that issue was solved at the end peacefully.
  13. Thor

    Thor Member

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    You will have to talk to Eth0 about that, as I'm currently unsure on how long we are keeping the servers down. They will be up most likely on wednesday to celebrate the 1 year anniversary, however. About the deletings of posts, several posts made by members of the BSID such are Beerdude and Eth0 have been deleted on your forum, but thats neither here nor there.
  14. eth0

    eth0 Member

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    Ok Shizon, i'd like to point you to our server's entry in the wiki
  15. Cyber-Kun

    Cyber-Kun Member

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    Can you please give me the details there? I would like to see what had to be removed and if thats true.
  16. eth0

    eth0 Member

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    More of a "cooling off" period, a couple of post back (this thread) i mention something about this.
  17. DonMegel

    DonMegel Member

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    I kept hearing people join the vent server but that was pretty much it, hard to hear when you are running from your life from 3 knights consumed with blood lust blanketed heavily with the creams of the dead and dying.

    I have not been contacted by BSID with any questions at all and I know Thor is on my AIM list. Even those who aren't can PM me. This is absurd. I have long valued the BSID and always played on their servers but this behavior is beyond childish.
  18. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    R&D server you will be sorely missed.

    This sucks for Europe. I'm good though, the ON|E server is only 2 hours away, i get great ping.
  19. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    Well I guess maintaining 4 servers for the game is a lot less work than saying hi. I wouldn't be surprised if they never came back up, not that I care, someone puts up servers for a game they love, it surprises me Krenzo that you would dismiss a part of your fanbase, like this, kinda feels like wasted time for me aswell even though I was staying out of it, but how funny those posts were, I doubt the persons involved will see the humour in it.

    How would you know we came there to whine about 1.08? How would you know we came there to talk, maybe we wanted to see if you were alive and send you a big gift made with lots of love (aka semen)

    also its not about the whole thing on the vent, you guys will clearly just playing a game and didnt want empires bullshit, but the posts here just confirmed trhe whole ignoring thing.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2007
  20. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    im glad people are starting to open there eyes

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