Star Citizen: Organization!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by =PVCS) Cpatton, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. PredatoR[HUN]

    PredatoR[HUN] Member

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    But skill is the decisive factor in the game. It doesn't matter if you get a super hornet after two weeks, that ship is only good for fighting and you will still get your shit wrecked by an aurora if he is a better pilot than you. Or at least that is what was promised and that is what's happening in arena commander right now. And there are people who don't even want a ship, who just want to play crew and/or do fps stuff.

    I don't entirely disagree with you but I don't think ships are gonna be that important or at least I hope not. Either way you won't be able to simply buy ships forever, this store will be removed and while you can buy in game money, it will be limited.
  2. Posthumous

    Posthumous Member

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    One thing I never understood about Empires is some players think they get to sit on a throne of judgement and yell be rude to other people about their decisions.

    Before I defend Star Citizen no-one on here has any right to tell people how they spend their money. Someone spending $15,000 on a game if they deem they want to do that is fine. Some people spend 50 grand on a BMW that technically has the same performance as a 30k Honda, but they do so by choice and no single person has the right to criticize them for these decisions.

    Defending Star Citizen, every ship in the game can be achieved in game, that means spending the $45 dollar one time fee means you have access to the same damn ships as everyone else, some people will start with better things. It's just like life, some people start with money, some people start off not-so-much I have no issue with this, if you do go reevaluate your goddamn life. If you buy into star citizen you are doing so because you believe in what the game is about.

    If you don’t want to buy a game that is still in development by all means, don’t. You should buy it if you know you are going to play. You should buy it if you have the computer to play it. You should buy it for early access, both to the beta and to the game because they aren’t going to wipe the game right at release, so beta players get a little head start and that’s going to be important for securing our space. You should buy ships that you know you are going to want, or ships that allow you to play the way you want to play. Most of all, buy a ship if you want to support development. But I think in the end, if you knew you wanted a ship if you were to play, and you missed out on some of the good deals right now, you are probably going to kick yourself later.

    If you don’t want a ship, if you want to kick ass with a rifle and do some ZERO-G combat and TAKE some ships, or man a console on the bridge of a ship or a turret on the side of a ship and kick ass without the commitment or the price, that’s perfectly fine. We need those people too. Really, and you earn income for it.

    So to Answer two questions so far:
    • subscription is literally as close to *just* supporting the devs as it gets (if paying $100s for a ship wasn't enough). You literally get nothing but occasional publications about the game, so maybe more info. Nothing to do with in game content, and completely optional.
    • Sure games can be broken by paying for upgrades if done poorly, and like mentioned, Guild Wars 2 was broken by it. The thing is this game is meant to be 90% NPC, 10% players in terms of in game entities, so the people who are paying? Drop in the bucket in numbers and won't affect the landscape much. The additional population of Idrises or Javelins are not going to skew anything by much, and the systems are going to be populated by ships not piloted by the players too. There will be opportunities to get your own by force. How easy? I doubt it will be easy, but it can be done, and damn if we won't end up trying. And frankly I think the PEOPLE who bought capital ships will be the easiest TARGETS, NPCs will be programmed to defend, people won't have a clue early on. The game currently favors numbers more than firepower, and that's what makes it great, cause we will have the numbers.

    Also if you are actually interested in Star Citizen and would like to learn more please contact Cpatton or I, we will give you actual information about the game and we are also having a townhall meeting about the game and the empires community this Saturday. Feel free to ask questions, respectfully.

    One last thing, this post is about Star Citizen and the Empires Star Citizen organization, I would like to keep this thread civil and polite, despite your opinion on the game; this thread is not about individuals opinion’s on other’s spending of their own money, so please keep those comments to yourself and try to respect other empire players opinions.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2015
  3. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    i hate all grindy bs mmos. if noone has time to grind then why is there a grind aspect in the first place? why cant everything be available to use (here's a hint: capitalism) theres a reason why i play empires in that everything is reset after the round and you start from 0 (same reason why i liked dota before i got tired of the required 40 minutes needed to play)

    and i do have the right to tell people how to spend their money. and i like doing it because this is what im fighting against. "supporting the devs" - the greatest invention by rich people. this guy has literaly made 71 million dollars on that line. and this thread is funner like this
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2015
  4. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    So you don't play single player games at all? All rpgs have this "getting improvements over time" thing.

    No one ever said you had to grind in star citizen, just do what you want. Want to command a giant ass ship? Guess what, friends can let you pilot them so you can do as you please.

    2 questions I got is there a vague idea when the beta starts? And I get how the ship replacement thing works, but I'm wondering what happens when your character dies.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2015
  5. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    sigh... yea the greatest invention by rich people who built some of the greatest games of our youth and want to build a truly ridiculous game today, who are willing to continue developing the darn thing until the money runs out.

    ... I hate subscriptions. I hate micro transactions. I love people being up front, and real about the process, and building a great game. I've never paid more than $50 for a game before this, and you know what? I feel perfectly ok with what I've spent here. A part of me does want this game to be as deep, as broad, as glorious as it can. I believe in his story telling, I'm blown away by the graphics and flight and fight so far, in 2 months I have full confidence he will do the same for the rest of you with the FPS module lol :P.

    Everyone knows about the ships and that this is all available in-game, and I for one would rather start out with something because yes, I have a job, I have disposable income, and this is what I'm going to spend time doing but I want to enjoy doing it and I know what ship I want to rock. I'm happy to grind from there, most of all I want to grind with everyone and look forward to some truly epic space battles. Most importantly I think with a collection of just auroras and a few bigger ships we could avoid the grind and *take* the ships we want, I think the empires community is clever enough for it. I'll be talking more about that on Saturday, during our town hall (3PM Eastern!).

    Speaking of town halls, Star Citizen just posted the video from the end of theirs, and it was rough but exciting. Coolest thing was they announced the FPS module, social module, and planetside module to be released at the end of march. 2 months like I said.

    EDIT: Also complete, you should really put up that smoke detector. The 9 volts don't cost much, vacuum the dust off it, and put it up. Fires are no joke.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2015
  6. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    you should see the pic with the cat shit on the carpet
  7. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    It's nice to see where you are coming from. I get it really I do, and I understand your perspective, it's valid too. I don't think it invalidates mine, or anyone else's here.

    I like Space sims, I like Chris Robert's space sims, I love that he put up a giant middle finger to publishers, I like how the game has developed, I love the scale and ambition. To say that it's all a retarded business model is easy, but I think publishers are a retarded business model. I think crowd sourcing is a *better* business model, and honestly the money being donated is completely disproportionate for the *big* ships being awarded, so I just have trouble really crying out against the paltry in game content of large ships, when these people are few and far between, but truly supporting the development in a big way.

    Those of us getting some of the nicer single seaters are still only supporting development a little more than normal, get a little nicer ship than normal. The $45 for an aurora and the whole fucking game? That's a really good deal, and a thank you for supporting early, and so i can see tiers of packages for all walks and perspectives, even yours.

    If you still think the game is going to be ruined though, I get it, no sweat. I'll see you at release or sometime when maybe the game proves you wrong, and you're welcome to come board a ship with me or some shit :P.
  8. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    I shouldn't preorder vidya games but all I want deep down in my heart is to fly in orbit of some gas giant, legs on my desk, and chill out as the view slowly shifts.

    I'm willing to risk it for the biscuit the moment I pass all my shit, I'm 3-1 right now ^_^
  9. Candles


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    In between Cpatton's gushing, Posthumous's supa srs post and Teef+Lamer agreeing on something, this thread is downright hilarious. Bravo Empires forum.
  10. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Hilarious? I kinda vomited inside reading all of that
  11. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Don't like monthly subscriptions, never will. It's like rent, and I don't like paying a rent for fun things.

    Regarding the game...I think people are just buying into the world. They're buying the adventure they want and organising themselves so they can have the best time when the game actually gets released. Their belief that the game will tailor to their sense of adventure, and that they will be able to be the space explorers/pirates/cowboys they want to be will probably actually help them do that, since you often need communities in the game that create that atmosphere. I know the devs are certainly giving off the idea that you'll actually be able to do what you want to, and are accruing this insane amount of money to actually do that for people.

    What gets me, usually, is that there are lots of viable, amazing ways to change our world right now getting on kickstarter and things like that, and when you donate a little bit of money everyone tries to shoot it down in flames. They don't want to even believe it can work, because everyone's hope is now so broken and they're so jaded they can't believe in anything. They think the world can't be changed and there's nothing they can do about it.

    And then you see a game getting an insane amount of funding, and you have to wonder. Heck, even the regular ideas for games get more money than most innovative and good ideas for life technologies, which is funny. At least with a game like Star Citizen, people have been waiting to play it for 20 years.

    It's been a long time since I've played a good space sim, and they never should have gone away, really. I love the idea of Star Citizen and I think if it's something people like the idea of and believe in, there's nothing wrong with throwing money at it.

    I just... I feel it's sad that people don't want to invest in reality any more. Because with that kind of money, we could change the world easily. People believe the government BS about needing billions of dollars to do anything, and feel they can't change the world. But a good idea makes itself work. Just like a good game can still be created by just one person.

    If people weren't so broken, weren't so crushed by having their hopes dashed, could actually believe in an idea without feeling it'd just die, could actually let others believe without tearing it down, we'd be in a better place. And if people actually believed the way they believe in Star Citizen, we'd be closer to that as a reality, rather than just a game.
  12. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    I'm so playing iwth you when this goes live.
  13. f1r3w4rr10r

    f1r3w4rr10r Modeler

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    For a moment I was thinking about buying a Reclaimer right now, but then again...That ship is really tailored to a specific play style I have no clue about, if it will be fun for me. I think I'm just good with the two ships I have right now and have a look at the Reclaimer once it's out.

    Also in the last 10 for the Chairman, Chris actually asked for Hard Surface modelers to send their resumes, because they need more people. For a moment I actually thought about applying myself, but eh...not sure if I am good enough yet. And I also just got a new job, which doesn't earn bad.


    Patton, I applied for your corporation for now.
  14. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    Ikalx, you inspiring old bastard, that brought a tear to my eye :D .

    I live in DC. One of the things that does is put me in the city which wants to slowly corrode faith in ideals, but it puts me in closest touch to politics raw. Mostly I think I've learned that most of the time, people agree 95% with what the answer is, and the fight over that last 5% on how exactly to do things is polarized to the extreme, and takes an awful amount of effort to move that 5%. I put my money into fighting for net neutrality, and that battle is only just finally turning into a congressional one now with "Title X" gaining traction.

    I'd like to think idealism is a way of thinking, it inhabits the mind, not just a person's attention to a thing, and nothing captures the imagination quite like the new, the unknown, and space. Star Citizen may be able to provide me more fun than say Space X, but I can tell you I'm just as excited about recycling rockets and finally making space business viable. I'm really excited about the close ups to Pluto coming up this summer from the New Horizons spacecraft, and the images we will get of both the used-to-be-planet and it's 5 moons. We live in interesting times and a fascinating reality.

    On a personal level, Star Citizen *looks* and allows me to feel like I'm in beautiful, endless space, and in a universe where people just *live in it*. it's a universe built around the *pilot* not the ship, around humans interacting in a space worthy civilization. I think I can say for sure that I will take that inspiration with me, and I'll feel it in my daily life, I think I have with many of the games I've played. Star Citizen will be like Interstellar, but all the time, with new systems to explore and places I haven't been.

    I think it's just important for people to believe in something, even if it isn't quite reality. Believing in something shows in a person, it fuels the human spirit, and it follows you. It obviously follows you, ikalx. Reality will feel it too.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2015
  15. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Ah, I finally remembered my real question to you guys, what do you fly ships with? Keyboard and mouse, joystick, or a controller of some sort? One thing I was really looking forward to is flying them with a joystick, I'm wondering if anyone here has experience in that.

    I have to say after watching some vids it seems like a mouse is better for fine tuning your aim, like in planetside.
  16. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    So I was really looking forward to using a HOTAS or Joystick. I bought a joystick to test out how StarCitizen responded.

    Now, that was like 8 months ago, and controls weren’t overly configurable at that point for joysticks. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t the best for me, so I kept on keyboard and mouse.

    Apparently most have done that. So far keyboard and mouse are doing better than joystick users. I expect that to change a little, but right now I’m definitely sticking with a keyboard and mouse, expecially when the FPS module comes out. Then I’ll test switching between keyboard and joystick and configure it and see if I can’t make it work.

    I always used a joystick for the older games, but the FPS component makes keyboard and mouse have to be right there too.
  17. ukgamer

    ukgamer more like noob gamer

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    I haven't actually tried flying with the mouse and keyboard yet and I don't have a joystick (although I have been looking at them recently); I use the 360 controller. For the most part it's alright to fly with the controller but their "gamepad assist" thing needs more work.

    I find it's difficult to line up with and track targets sometimes since the system continuously adjusts your thumbstick input according to your target's position/velocity. When I try to make small adjustments the game exaggerates them and my aim ends up jerking around. I'm sure they'll find a good balance eventually.

    Or maybe I just suck.
  18. f1r3w4rr10r

    f1r3w4rr10r Modeler

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    Keyboard and Mouse. I don't have a HOTAS with enough buttons and I don't plan on buying one for it.
  19. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    no that gamepad thing sounds bad, I honestly am not sure if I could really be accurate on a gamepad especially at high speed. You should check out a joystick, and see how that feels for you IMO. Then again, I suck with a gamepad these days because I don't console game anymore.
  20. ukgamer

    ukgamer more like noob gamer

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    I haven't console gamed in years (the controller is all that's left of the 360 I sold years ago) but there are some games I prefer to play with a controller.

    I'll try out the keyboard and mouse later. I'm waiting for one of my friends to get a joystick then I'll see what he has to say about it.

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