Silk can't map, or test maps, help him! Ok so i've got this problem: Error! To use model "models/imperial/vehicles/ground/tankartillery/cannon.mdl" with prop_static, it must be compiled with $staticprop! Error loading studio model "models/imperial/vehicles/ground/tankartillery/cannon.mdl"! Error! To use model "models/common/props_foliage/trees/lighttree04a.mdl" with prop_static, it must be compiled with $staticprop! Error loading studio model "models/common/props_foliage/trees/lighttree04a.mdl"! So obviously these two models aren't static props, but it looks like you can get around that problem. How do i compile it with $staticprop ??
Use prop_dynamic_override instead. When it refers to compiling it with that parameter, it means compile the model. You don't have the source, so you can't do that.
I can decompile then and then recompile then with the $staticprop parameter if you really want them to be a static prop, but the prop_dynamic_override will be just as good.
New question asking time again ! Ok so i've made a defensive wall in my map, that can be build in 3 levels. I used the info i found on the wiki to do this. Almost everything works, but for one tiny, stupid problem. When the map starts you can see the transparant lvl1 wall, but also the transparant lvl3 wall (which is the problem). Lvl2 is not visible. Everything works, so when i've build lvl1, lvl2 appears (transparant), and when i've completed it i can build lvl3. The only problem is being able to see AND build lvl3 from the beginning. I tried building lvl3 first to see what happens, and apparantly i could build it, but when i finished the 2 previous lvls and checked the lvl3 wall, it had only 25 health (amount of health on start), while the other lvl's had 100 health. I've checked the entities ten times, both the settings and the outputs. Only lvl 1 has Brenodi as initial owner. lvl1 has 'enableimp' (or something) for lvl2 'onbuild', and lvl2 has 'enableimp' for lvl3 'onbuild'. I also have the 3 'kill' outputs, but i don't think they are relevant here. How is it possible that i can buil lvl3 from the start?
Are you sure you have it set to be initially disabled (no owner, disabled)? I'm fairly sure that the instructions on the wiki are accurate (although I still haven't got around to team changes yet).
I think it bugged. I had a play around and found the same problem you had. However, I found a workaround. Workaround: place a logic_auto anywhere in your map. On the logic_auto's outputs... Set output name to OnMapSpawn set target to lvl3 wall and set 'via this input' to InputDisable. Compile the map and try it out.
Yes i'm sure broccoli. Slasher's solution works perfectly btw. I now have a working, 3 lvl buildable defensive wall. Only one thing to test: enabling ladders (since lvl2 and 3 have a ladder, but lvl1 not). Let's see if that works as well.
Provided you use the ladder tooltexture, they can be part of the same emp_map_brush or whatever it's called. Then they are enabled and disabled at the same time. Glad to know you found a solution, although it certainly does sound bugged. Do you have a rouge output anywhere that's enabling the top section before it should be?
I haven't got any entity beside the env_fog_controller, light_env, water_lod and shadow control entity. None of them are making use of outputs. None of the other brushes (from the other walls, or even the other team) has an output that could (should) affect the lvl3 wall. So yeah, i guess it's a little bugged. But as long as it's fixed this easily that's not really a problem, i think. But wait a minute, didn't you have a tower that could be build in 3 stages in one of your maps?
Yes I did. I wrote that tutorial according to the exact process, that's why I'm having difficulty in understanding why it doesn't work as described. This simple fix seems good enough though. The problem is that the top section is being enabled before it should be. This fix disables it again once the map is fully loaded. Very strange stuff goes on behind the workings of hammer... I'm glad people are using the tutorial though! I'd like to see more of these kind of levelled structures.
The strangest thing is that the nf walls do work, even lvl3. So only the BE lvl3 wall is displayed too soon. Anyway no problem here anymore. And yes, i use the wiki a lot. I just used it to put nodes in the map, which i'm still working on because i didn't like the resnode model so i have to look for something else.
Here i am again, with more questions: I'm looking for a way to make the repeating pattern you get when having a texture on a large surface much less visible. All i can think of is some sort of shadow like for example from clouds. I've been looking on the internet and found a few hints, but i couldn't find a simple step by step tutorial. Does anyone here happen to have some usefull links, or the knowledge i need? btw could a moderator change the topic title, since i plan on asking all my questions here. Something like 'Silks stupid problems' would do.
Don't fail at texturing. :D It's hard to get rid of it completely, but just doing simple things like stretching it (not too much though) and rotating it can cut down on the effect a lot.
There are a few things you could do, but mostly it comes down to the texture itself. Generally you want something quite plain for the base texture, then use overlays to add detail to certain areas. Your best bet, if you are set on using a certain texture, is to enlarge it and rotate it to an oblique angle, as ark said. If it's a displacement, use alpha blending to patches of a slightly different texture. If you don't mind posting a screenshot I'm sure it'd be helpful.
Well it's not about one place specific. I'll put in an image from the vehicletraining map though. It's just that empires maps are big, and i like the ground to be detailed, but it's not easy to have it detailed without having that disturbing repeating pattern. Maybe this is a better example. Some building will be put on the left piece of concrete though, but the pattern will still be visible on the other parts. And this title is the best so far!
Hehe, love the new title. That concrete would work better if it was the same shade all over. Is that meant to be a wall texture? The variation in brightness from the top to the bottom is what makes those stripes so visible. Other than careful texture selection, there's not a whole lot you can do about it.
I think concrete could look more planned out, because it is manmade. If you made it look like big slabs, that would be interesting.
The best way to make the tiling less apparent on that concrete would be to add geometry. Railings, trim, height variations, maybe a few crates sitting on the piers...