There is no such need whatsoever, as emp lacks any super campy spots or immobile infantry emplacements. HMG guys are way to fucking hard to hit from a distance anyway, and mortar is better in any regard in dealing with any type of campers. So far the only reason for not removing it "no". Yeah, compelling argument that one.
Isn't the only game that has an AWP Counter Strike??? AWP is a specific sniper rifle. Not a class of sniper rifle. Stands for Arctic warfare police.
Also when you're discussing an AWP in a game you mean a 1shot perfect accuracy weapon with a scope. Empurz does not have that.
if anything make it a supression tool. Lower the damage alot, decrease the reload speed, reduce the sway. Give people a chance to get out the way of it but if you could use it to lock down an area of cover and allow others to advance or just pick people off who are in open areas
Ok, you've piqued my curiosity. How would you create a "balanced" sniper rifle for Empires? And fuck off with the mines. Seriously. Writing "I hate mines" at the end of every post does nothing except polarize people into not hating them.
My solution is to remove the scope and add iron sights. I think that would be fun. Or make the scope a 1x or 2x scope. It's prolly like a 10x now.
I doubt the model can be easily changed. Perhaps the magnification of the scope can be easily changed instead?
Scope magnification is at most 3x, I think it's 2x though. Binocs are around 4x. No way it's anywhere near 10x.
I don't think Steyr scout have that much falloff in CS. About the damage value, I think the current scout rifle is fine, at least not requiring a change, especially a buff. In CS you can't prone on the ground 50 meters away from enemy with hide, so it's acceptable to make it more powerful than our current scout rifle. "Too powerful" despite being "balanced", really. IMO scout rifle can only be too powerful if you make it one shot kill like AWP. But then it's totally not balanced. So would you tell us how to make scout rifle "powerful yet balanced"?
scout rifle is a hitscan counter for riflemen if being shot at by a scout rifle is a problem get a vehicle if having too many scouts is a problem just know that in big enough games there aren't enough scout rifles to be the main factor of losing. people just like to point fingers anyway all the classes except engineer have near-instant kill capabilities and the scout rifle is fair
You call scout rifle fair, where the main argument is that it sucks dicks with/has no place in empires dynamic. Go figure.
Well, the ONLY problem I see is that new players will use it and camp, and bring down the team, I don't however believe that it is OP. I cannot recall ever being in a situation where i was pinned down from a sniper or i was like "oh shit guys theres a sniper out there, what do we do?" Hell, i'd rather fight a squad of camping snipers than 2 riflewhores. However, there are a few vets out there that are good with the sniper rifle, and to the average player it may seem overpowered when you instantly die. But, most vets don't use the weapon anyways. Thats why i suggest removing the scope or nerfing it to 1x to discourage its use by new players.
A scout rifle scout is basically worthless. It's as if you've playing a man down. If you have more than one scout, your team could be playing a few players down. We already bitch about the ever present stacking issue. That's just one or two players contributing significantly more than the average player. This scout problem is the exact opposite, but just as influential. We have a handful of players that simply cannot contribute as much as the average player. It creates an effective team skill gap equivalent to that created by stacking. So I conclude that you claiming that the scout rifle is no big deal is equivalent to claiming that staffing I'd no big deal. Years (literally) of discussion suggest that stacking is an issue, so your claim is most definitely a false one.
people stack because the community is shitty and the scout rifle is not relevant. you're not going to drag people in on your neurotic power fantasies where they play the classes you want them to play. scout rifle is a niche weapon that's sometimes useful, sometimes not like any other weapon. the ideal solution is to switch the weapon order so an smg comes first. remember when scout was the default class? the problem was much greater then however if you want to address stacking and how scouts factor into that problem you should start setting an example instead of trying to wrangle people to follow you
I don't think Z10000M is saying that the scout rifle is unfair so much as he's saying that it's useless and doesn't fit in with "idealized" (whatever that means to whomever defines it) Empires gameplay.
Removing scout rifle will not improve anything. If you think that it will encourage or force new players into becoming participating members of the team, than you are wrong. A lot of new player come into empires with absolutely no intention of playing cooperatively. They see large wide open maps and think "Man, this is perfect for sniping." If they notice an absence of a scoped rifle, they will think that the game does not offer much in terms of infantry combat. If all they want to do is sit in a corner and snipe, let them. Would you rather have fewer players but have everyone be "useful"?