Own Mine Location

Discussion in 'Under Consideration' started by Reznov, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. Reznov

    Reznov Member

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    Turrets are easy to take out but my fucking god do they get in the way too often. If you have someone to fight and there are few turrets hitting you while you are at it, they pick off some decent HP/hull off you during the fight. I especially HATE MG turrets. Just cause my HP != 100 after I encounter one by accident, which puts me into disadvantage if I try to fight someone else.

    I also hate the supposively removed auto-spot feature but since VIPER has that thing forced, all my ninjaing can go fuck itself.
  2. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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  3. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I don't know why, but I find this whole post amusing.
  4. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Mines are still worse. I'd rather have HP<100 than HP=0...
  5. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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  6. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    This thread is a joke. Its like asking "I cant aim with mortar, make it guided"
    You cant remember mine placements? Well great, you have that much less skill as gren.
  7. urethra franklin

    urethra franklin Member

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    Are you surprised someone who has to rely on the crutch of an op class doesn't have skill?
  8. Reznov

    Reznov Member

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    @Neoony and @urethra franklin:

    ... are you guys serious? I think I've to put my suggestion easier to understand.


    + Give own mines a GUI symbol hovering above their position +

    + Make the minimap show your own mines as GREEN instead of BLUE +



    Mine's color can get mixed up with map's ground color too easy.
    Can't tell a friendly mine from your own mine. (i.e. Your mine blew up, someone else put a mine at the exact position)



    Drop BE/NF mines in an infantry/commander map with particial black/orange groundcoloring.
    *8/8 mines dropped at various black/orange colored ground at different places*
    *You lose 3 of them to enemies*

    You want to replace them or figure out which ones blew up.

    P.S.: This isn't skill related in any way. It's making the game less tedious.


    On that note of people complaining about this suggestion to this extend...
    Why don't you guys go complain about grenadiers being able to see enemy mines with/without defusal?

    That would be something better to complain at than this one if you care about skills this much.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2013
  9. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    You can't complain about the defusal thing because all grens come with a mine sweeper(or whatever it is called in-game.)It sits in the fourth slot of gren equipment.
    I still think this would be kinda handy to have so I support this. Though the minimap thing seems like extra.
  10. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    It is.
    Mines and how they work are one of the things that you can master to be a better grenadier.
    All that this suggestion is trying to do, is trying to make it easier.
    ...so that your lazy russian ass can play the game without thinking/using memory.




    I just dont want any gren dumbing...


    You would be amazed by how many grens without defusal still step into those mines, when the mines are placed properly.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2013
  11. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    If they are anything like me, it's probably because they switched defusal out with something else and then promptly forgot about it. So they just happily walk into the giant mine field, explode and think, "oh yeah, I don't have defusal anymore. Doh."
  12. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    I would say its very uneffective to use defusal as gren, unless its very crowded map (e.g. district) or when you are driving vehicle or in second seat for somebody.
    Its a LOT more effective to use other skills instead of defusal.
    Speed and ammo is a MUST.

    I barely ever use it, only in the situations that I have mentioned.
    Almost never use it, unless I have 3rd or 4th skill opened.
    I could say, 20% of my gren gameplay.

    Mines are easily avoidable as gren, unless its a HOT area where you are paying attention to something else/fighting. And thats one of those mine placements areas that make grens without defusal step into mines. And that goes not only for grens...

    Or...just like you mentioned xD
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2013
  13. Reznov

    Reznov Member

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    ... let me give you a better example so you finally understand.


    Throw an apple into each of the 8 empty bowls.

    Now look away.

    You know that someone just took 3 of those said apples.

    Now a friend of yours is puting more apples into each of the bowls with the same characteristics.

    Turn around.

    Figure out which bowls have been robbed of that one apple you put into each of them in the beginning.


    This has NOTHING to do with memory nor skill, yes you can figure out which mine is yours if you have photographic memory (which really is not worth going for) or if you put your mines in places no one else would ever go to which leads to your mine being useless, but that is not fun nor do you gain something from it.

    And explain what kind of advantage do I have against the enemy if I know which mine belongs to me? Does it improve my skill drasticly? Do I get several kills now because of it? What is your god damn point Neoony about me being a noob grenadier for wanting to know which mine belongs to me?

    Urgh why in the fuck do I have to explain this so specificly.
  14. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    Your strategy of placing mines is wrong then.
    The game rules are: You will not know which mine has exploded.
    The question is: How to place mines effectively despite this fact?
    I dont know what is your strategy when placing mines, but there are 1000+ other better places where you can lay next mines.

    If you are trying to hold too many places with mines and then get confused by not knowing which ones went off...you are doing it wrong.

    I take this as a gameplay mechanic. And it creates the need for figuring out the proper strategy of placing mines effectively.

    Adapt, stop trying to bend the rules.

    Having GUI icons on top of mines and whatever not only takes this away but also takes the mentioned need to think/memorize away.

    Probably a bit better suggestion might be making colored icons of each mine ON your HUD without seeing the location of those mines.
    Now it would be your task to remember where you placed specific colors.
    This would be a bit less "dumbing" way to do this.
    ( this idea came in the middle of writing this, so...sorry for not telling sooner xD )

    You just misunderstood. It makes skill requirement lower. Less thinking, more automated gaming.

    I would probably even didnt mind that colored mines on HUD, that I mentioned. Just please no dumb GPS mines with GUI icons on top of them.

    Oh crap, I forgot...Isnt the HUD code "untouchable"? :pathetic: :verysad:
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2013
  15. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Hold the phone, does this actually work? I never knew that. Does it work with class specific vehicle perks too?

    Yeah your right about defusal being useless most of the time. Personally I take speed then health regen. Ammo seems to never be much of a problem I think. It's when I am done driving a tank and want to switch it out for something more useful that accidents occur.
  16. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    Yes it does, damage and other vehicle stuff should work in second seat aswell.

    Honestly, ammo should always be your problem. As effective gren you should be shooting pretty much everything and pretty much all the time whenever it is possible.
    I often take ammo instead of speed. If there are no armories, you switch to engi and drop a box, but that is ONLY if you have no mines placed (switching to engi disables your mines)

    Health regen? I never use it, only when the bio is too bad.
    Seriously, consider using health upgrade rather than regen.
    You are going to be dead before the regen even comes to be useful, or you are not being effective xD

    As gren it is not your job to stay alive as long as possible, but rather make as much damage as possible and as fast as possible (fast but effective). I often just go die or kill myself because there are no engies and no ammo around, it is more effective than sparing ammo or running around with pistol. But you also have to always find out if the current match is going to be a ticketwar or not.

    And this thread is now converted into gren tips&tricks.
  17. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    This is starting to feel like the Starcraft 1 worker rally point issue. (The workers only move to rallied minerals, you have to order them to harvest).
    It's skill to be able to do it while playing, but it's a pain in the ass to do.
  18. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    Would you rather like only building the workers and they would automatically go to and harvest any minerals as a solution? xD
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2013
  19. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    I would like them to harvest the minerals I set their worker rally point at, which starcraft 2 allows me to do.

    This suggestion wants to fix the GUI, it's mostly a GUI suggestion. And the Empires GUI needs fixing. So.. Just add it to the list of work needed to be done with the GUI and end the discussion about skill, etc?
  20. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    That is what I suggested, but it involves the HUD "fixing" instead of GUI.
    (Which is probably not "doable")
    This is how it is:
    (The workers only move to rallied minerals, you have to order them to  harvest).
    It's skill to be able to do it while playing, but it's a pain in the ass to do.
    Requires apparently too heavy memorising and thinking.
    This is how it is going to be with the GUI "fix"
    Only building the workers and they would automatically go to and harvest [B]any[/B] minerals
    Ability to see which mines exploded. Ability to see the location of mines.
    Takes away memorising completely and requires less thinking. (dumbed)
    This is how it would be with the HUD "fix".
    I would like them to harvest the minerals I set their worker rally point at,
    which starcraft 2 allows me to do.
    Colored/numbered icons on HUD, ability to see which mines exploded but still requires memorising and a bit of thinking as you would have no idea where are the exact locations without a bit of memorising.

    Or maybe any better ideas?

    It is rather a new feature than a "fix"
    Just making it clear. Said all I wanted now. :p
    Decision is not up to me. :rolleyes:

    ( such a small thing lol xD )
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2013

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