SUGGESTION: + Give own mines a GUI symbol hovering above their position + + Make the minimap show your own mines as GREEN instead of BLUE + --- Reason: Mine's color can get mixed up with map's ground color too easy. Can't tell a friendly mine from your own mine. (i.e. Your mine blew up, someone else put a mine at the exact position) --- Example: Drop BE/NF mines in an infantry/commander map with particial black/orange groundcoloring. *8/8 mines dropped at various black/orange colored ground at different places* *You lose 3 of them to enemies* You want to replace them or figure out which ones blew up.
Mines in general need a better system for keeping track, but you definitely make a fair point. You should have HUD indicators over your own mines. I'll try to remember to add it to the list.
It's not hard to remember where your least recent mine was dropped. I've never ever once needed this feature, if you're relying on mines that much you aren't playing the game right. Mines are like ablative armor, they're disposable temporary protection that probably won't even work.
I kinda like this suggestion. More so I don't end up putting mines in the same spot when I didn't want to. And Empty, If you believe mines are a temporary thing that probably won't work, then you aren't using them right.
More like I'm not putting them at the top of every ladder like a cunt. I drop mines to stop vehicles not infantry, you'd be surprised how often I kill a tank or two with them, and some glorious memories of getting 9 points off a single APC. Tanks will often survive a mine, and any threatening infantryman will see a mine before he steps on it and avoid it/defuse it. They're temporary and they aren't guaranteed to do shit.
Relying on mines? You're getting it all wrong. As grenadier if you can't be at every spot on the map (especially a big one), you drop mines in an area you have cleared of enemies so they don't immediatly take it back or rush pass it with an APC or tank. Of course that happening depends on the mines position and the enemy not using defusal which basicly means you have little chance of your mines doing its job. My problem is when an enemy gets killed by one of those mines I dropped, I have a hard time figuring out which one went off (and memory won't solve that problem). Some symbol over the mine or minimap marker would definitely help figuring out which one did blow up. Or else you would have to drive to every location where you have placed mines and figure out which ones blew up. And god do I hate looking for mines which have the same color as the ground. If you don't use mines as grenadier on choke points, important passages or vital positions you are just wasting potential.
I'll give you that but imo it's still trivial. Mines are not nearly effective enough to warrant me relying on them, so I don't really care if they're still there or not. It's more of a 'I'll spend 2 seconds dropping this and potentially stop an enemy push, but I'm still willing to killspawn here if it gets attacked' They're nice if they happen but they don't happen enough. Also generally, you should be sticking to one area and fighting over that rather than jumping around everywhere, because it saves tickets and keeps the front line stable for your team (the exception is obviously when the enemy makes a critical push or your team is fucking retard babbies who can't hold any front unless you're there, but in that situation you've lost already anyway) I value mines even less because I switch class situationally. I'll run gren most of the time but usually my team is too fucking retarded to handle me not being there to build every single refinery/barracks or not being a rifleman to kill every single enemy, so I'm forced to be the most useful class at any given moment to ensure our team isn't getting raped, while 90% of the team sits in the corner eating glue.
Oh I see what you mean. Usually I stack mines though 2-3 for apcs/mediums and at least 5 for heavies. I know that sounds like a lot of time for just one tank but being able to instantly take them out is always a good thing. It is impossible to kill heavies by yourself unless the driver is simply terrible, mines help even the things out a bit. And yes, I know, you should be working with other grens, but that doesn't happen as much as you would like.
There's 8 max mines, just remember where you left them, most maps played are linear/bi-linear so you'll just know exactly where they are anyways.
Grens are balanced to work in groups of 3-4 But I've never seen more than 2 grenadiers working together ever. There's no justice.
And that is why I suggested this. You can keep pushing an area while you have a slight idea on what is happening to the mined areas. Depending on the situation you can keep pushing or have someone check out what is happening at the area where your mine blew up. It's like a deadly third eye. Also trivial ideas seem to be the suggestions which actually help improve the gameplay and are easy to implement.
I don't really see how this would improve gameplay beyond being a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny grenadier buff which maybe 1% of the top grenadiers would use, and would only matter 1% of the times it got checked.
The more you talk about mines, the more OP I think they are... No one ever talks about turrets being a "deadly third eye." More like a needy baby that needs constant tending. And maps strip away turrets on a regular basis!
Grens are balanced for groups? I thought they were just more op than they already are when in groups.
It's a really nice feeling to Play alongside a Gren or two, you fel like your shots actually have an impact on the fight.