Oh My Fucking God There Are More Than 40 Players Online On A Wednesday Night

Discussion in 'General' started by Paradox, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i know i fail getting my points across, but if youd take a tenth the time it took me to write up the shit im writing for deciphering what i mean, you might realize i think the stuff i post through. ofc im not unfailable either, yet please at least try to understand my points (not only you grant, i have the strong feeling i really fail the engrish language - so i dont blame anyone but me)

    if you need 3 grens to take on a med (which would actually mean my 5 per heavy was too few), you need trice the grens of their tanks. now lets say they have 10 meds - apart of that you wont find such full servers - ALL your guys gonna be gren, no engi left (ok theres a theoretical space for two if you count comm aswell), while they still have 20 players that can do something else. and ofc its probably not that linear either - blahblahblah - yet ...

    ive been argueing this for like 6 years with various people and publically on this forum, maybe even since i joined, idk - i doubt you find any new argument.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2014
  2. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    Sorry I was quick replying to ikalx and didn't notice 5 other people posted before I did. I was referring to Ikalx idea of plate damage being felt by the hull in my post. I actually like your points.

    I just wish that the vehicle to infantry ratio was way lower. It is just ridiculous when there are 15 tanks and 5 infantry, it should definitely be the reverse.
  3. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    im sorry aswell, i just realized that its probably only me being sick and pissed because of that.
  4. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    At first I was gonna disagree with some of that, but then I thought for a seconds and realized that for new players it is all true. I do feel it is a bit of question of ability, I know If I had 2 other grens with me, like say spike and freak, heavys would go down pretty fast I think. I know if they aren't the best drivers I can take meds by myself, lights are easy. But yeah, end game with like 3 heavys in your base it really starts to suck. Someone said it and I do agree a bit, it is heavy tanks that people have a problem with, Meds and lights are just fine. Actually I think it is compo heavys that is the real game killer for some.

    Where did you get that? No armor takes less damage from rpgs. In fact reactive takes more damage from grens rpgs(and stickys too for some bizarre reason.)See, reactive is the only armor that has this line, and it takes 20% more damage. So it should take 156 damage a hit from a rpg.
    "InfantryMissileResist" 	"-0.2" 	//Gren Missles
    Reactive is great though, against other tanks and turrets it soaks up damage. It is just tricky for some people because they complain about having 2 plates, even though that is 240 health.

    I would like to point out that I was a scout with vehicle speed upgrade that entire match. Also didn't you have shield on that tank?(for those who don't know, shield was a armor with ridiculous regen so you needed a lot of burst damage to get through it.) If it was compo, then yeah getting through, what 8 plates?, was pretty difficult.

    If it was stock 6 plates slow heavies would be played differently, but could be good. To be fair though, we have this already. Just research coolant as an engine, everything out runs you, if you get flanked you pretty much die because there is no running away, you can't turn very fast so spinning your tank to avoid death is a real challenge, engine has no balls so going up hills sucks. That last one could be changed, but this is all going off of what driving a slow heavy tank with coolant is like. It is great in choke point maps, but is terrible anywhere else, which is why no one would push heavys in certain maps if you made all of them real slow.
  5. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    its not only true for new players, its just that we learned to live with it, i can handle lots of the things i described - i dont get run over that often, you just need to change direction late if you dont have walls or a turret, i know when to killspawn, that jeeps are an actual threat (i also can tell you who is in the jeep just by looking on the scoreboard), i know ml turrets are only good to get vehicles stuck on (so you dont place them upfront but under hobbes - something he still didnt learn - if you are in the nf cv and you see an engi with his calc out, dont try drive over him), i know that engi radar is great to get all sorts of stuff (including the BE CV) stuck while the camera acts as a ramp (wonder ive seen noone try that on new xroads so far, you should be able to jump the ramps), i know where snipers usually camp so i see them and i also know most cant aim (or actually aim to long, just fire, if the first one didnt hit, second one might, if not 3rd one, its huge damage anyway - also scope is overrated hinthint) so running zig-zag lets you get close enough to hit aswell. i mainly play gren (started when we had way less grens around) so some stuff is just no issue by design, but i also know that as engi i can throw seismics far enough to reach lvl3mgs as long as they aint built on some buildings like xroads. i could go through all points and tell with what absurd tactics id approach each problem. it stays, its absurd tactics - please dont tell me using ml/radar only to get ppl stuck, or just irgnoring ml turrets in a tank because they dont hurt you is sane gameplay design? or that rather then using your (unpredicted) main gun you drive over people because its more reliable?

    so even if they are manageable, they are dumb mechanics.

    and yes compo heavies (with 3phase*) are the worst ...

    also thanks for the probably long time it took you to get the meaning of what i type :D

    *shouldnt it actually be a DC motor btw or does it have a powerplant included?
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2014
  6. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    No excuses. I pleaded with you to switch teams with me so I could see it from the other perspective, but you apparently didn't see my chats.

    I agree that it was probably unbalanced, although I never got to experience that :headshot:. If I would do it again, I'd slow the engines down further and torque them up so they operate like a typical classic tank (and could go up hills).

    The point of the classic slow heavy design is to have fewer tanks on the field and more infantry supporting the tanks (or driving lighter, more mobile tanks to support the slow vehicles). It's a teamwork pipe dream not unlike arty, but that's the ideal image.
  7. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I feel like I am alone in this regard, but a very nice thing about empires is that everyone pretty much gets a tank. Not only that but on certain maps, certain teams, and with certain tanks you could just keep playing around with tanks and no one cares. Like, I don't feel terrible for losing a tank, or get miffed when I want to drive one but can't because one of the 3-5 available tanks where taken by someone else.(something that happens in other games is what I am saying.) I don't really like the idea of limited tanks is what I guess I am trying to say. Might be neat to play with a server max of 5 tanks, though, this is something that needs playtesting because you can't really imagine how it would with empire's game play.

    Also flashe, yeah I understand now. Though mls are useful, but unlike having 1 mg which can deter or even kill some people, you need bare minimum of 3. Using walls and buildings and clever placement can maximize the usefulness of mls too. Again though, heavies destroy mls real easy so turrets are useless late game. Spartacus can tell how amazing turrets are in early game to mid game, depending if you have players willing to build them. Actually this is another issue of heavies ruining some aspect of balance/general fun. Though I do somewhat think that turrets are more to be used as an extra person on the frontlines, not something to defend unmanned locations. Actually I think spartacus said something similar at one point.

    I honestly can't remember the last time I dropped a engy radar. That should be changed so its somehow more useful. Maybe larger range than camera but only show stuff on minimap? This includes infantry. Or replace it with a jammer, prevents enemy engineer cameras from tracking your team. Something.

    I don't know now, some of it is little empire quirks, things that work when they shouldn't really. Other stuff just seems... fair I guess. I don't think it experience I am talking about either. Like being able to siesmic lvl 3s.( though I do think you have to take a bit of damage to drop a wall to get close enough, I don't think you can nade it out of its range.)
  8. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    I really do agree.

    If people want to get in tanks, they should be able to do so without feeling like they aren't allowed to die.

    Heavies are expensive. If JGF sees you lose more than one heavy, you go on his shit list. He's pretty tough, but he's not unfounded.

    Lights & Meds are much more disposable, so that's what I think individuals should be able to use when they are fucking around on their own.

    I feel like heavies should be treated almost like arty. If you build an arty right now, you get bitched at. If you lose one, you get double-bitched at. Not everyone on the team is expected to use arty and the community is pretty OK with that. I think heavies should just be slow, short-range "arty" (sorta).

    Obviously, that requires some control from the com and maybe a buff to meds (perhaps Mk II Meds with 2 2-slot MLs or 2 2-slot cannons or w/e).
  9. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    Z100000M I apologise for being a bell end. I do still think you were being a tit, but I aimed a lot of shit your way which had nothing to do with you.

    Only thing I can say in my defence is that I've taken a lot of shit for no good reason from a number of people for no good reason and right there it set me off.
  10. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    see, if you would make infantry being able to fight tanks we could have an actual choice - and theres both kind of guys, infantrists and tankers, around thats the beauty of the choice empires suggest (but doesnt really offer). you still would get everywhere faster in a tank, you wouldnt be threatened by small arms fire and you still would carry a huge damage potential (reread, i actually asked for higher damage to inf since i find it more then absurd to headshot someone with stdcn and he doesnt die), all you lose would be your semi-invulnerability to grenadiers, the class which was brought to the front to fight you - they aint there for points, they are there too kill you. sadly devs* decided NF and BE engineers would be completely retarded and incapable of designing a rpg which can blow up jeeps, let alone tanks.

    but blowing up stuff is why we are here in the first place. blowing up stuff is fun. sometimes you blow up shit, sometimes you are what gets blown up - thats (fps) life.

    milkmaid says, blow up twice as fast but only pay half for your tank, nothing really changes, except for that your kills are less cheap and the guys fighting you have a real chance and dont have to hope for you to do something stupid.
    ofc real values need to be found, double\half was only for simplicity.

    its actually quite simple to see - tank vs tank combat is good, inf versus inf combat is good, tank beats inf every time or at least you get away, repair and come back if its only a LT. trickster already lowered it a lot, i dont mean to blame him for all this, nor any other dev, its also you the community (id say us but i seem to have a rather contrary opinion) defending those kind of tanks, noone is free from peer pressure, not even kim jong ill.

    *its always been like that, it was only worse, never better.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2014
  11. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    I argued for wages for this reason (among others).

    It used to be much more limited, to the point where I would decide not to get a tank because I would just be taking team resources and someone might be able to do a better job than me.

    I agree with what you say, but I'm just trying to point out that this idea you have of Empires is actually really REALLY new. It's good, I like to be able to be frivolous and get a jeep if I'm just tired of getting shot down half way to anything in duststorm, or to take a light tank, or *gasp* a medium :|ove: on my own dime.

    It's just really new.
  12. Silk

    Silk Mapper

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    Just had time to read up on some things while my map is compiling

    Thing is though, if in 5 years (yes five years) the only thing you see or hear is non devs suggesting things and devs replying everything is too much work, it's not about taking a while, it's about giving the impression there really isn't any dev left at all or plans whatsoever. It wasn't untill December that I knew people were working on an engine port to solve core problems. It wasn't untill then that I knew there was a dev left actually.

    Take as long as is needed, don't go stress yourselves, real life should always have priority. Some official update from time to time though, even a repeat if nothing new can be reported, would be much appreciated. Just to know there are plans ... if time allows for it one day.

    For nearly a year I thought the devs had given up on fixing the empires startup problems. I really thought it was abandoned
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2014
  13. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    What wealthysoup said:

    VIPER's Rates
    sv_maxrate 100000
    sv_maxupdaterate 33
    sv_minupdaterate 30
    sv_minrate 50000
    sv_mincmdrate 30
    sv_maxcmdrate 33
  14. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    hmm... I lost my auto config for setting crap since the game not starting up issue. :(
  15. Candles


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    A lot of that was because most people were convinced that because the problem wasn't getting reported as often as it should, that it wasn't really an "empires" problem, it was a client problem. In hindsight, that was completely wrong, but it wasn't really our fault for not realizing it. Figuring out that the solution was an engine port took another month, and then it was just two of us working on it, Beerdude and I. Then real life got in the way, and it was just me for 3.5 months, and I still didn't have much time in between physics, math, circuit analysis and work.
  16. McGyver

    McGyver Experimental Pedagogue

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    The 2013 port came way faster than anyone realistically could expect anyways.
  17. 101010

    101010 Member

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    I was in the middle of moving. Checked the forums and realized I missed most of the testing. Developers really stepped up and got shit done. Thank you. You guys are amazing.
  18. FN198

    FN198 Member

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    commanding is way much more fun/effective when you can manage things on a squad level as opposed to micromanaging players.

    alpha bravo killspawn to rax sw! alpha go engi and keep rax up, bravo go riflegren and push out from it!
  19. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I started out doing this in scrims and now I pretty much can't remember how I commanded before that. If I'm unable to manage my team on a per-squad basis, I essentially can't command my team now. It is without a doubt what I'll be aiming to support when the commander overhaul gets done.
  20. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    It's definitely easier to micromanage 4-5 units against 20.

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