-Suicide miner (who wastes countless tickets on District) Also, you should definetely tell the tale of drama seen in Escort
Looks sweet Shinzon! I'm assuming that's serious, it didn't really make me laugh :D Also, what's with the random "hahahehhuuahhehe" in your previous comic?
Er... Its a drunk engineer laughing at another drunk engineer that somehow got a bucket/pot plant on his head... You have to read the 1st one to get it though... >.<
The distance between the pictures leads to misunderstanding. It makes you think, you have to read first the left side and the the right and not that you have to read it line after line...
It would be nice if you could put all the comics into one post so people don't have to look for them through the thread... An a completely other note, check your PM folder.
With GMod. And I guess he used the spawn window that you can get from teh forums... There's some linky somewhere here if I'm not mistaken.
Just go the the facepunch forums and type in Empires, then through thousands of pages of spam, you will find the thread that says something like Empires spawn menu or something like that... Take note that it crashes often... Atleast for me >.<
How to get Empires Content for Gmod10? Does any body know how to mount the empires GFC's for GMOD10... and ... when to get the, apparently vanished, "Empires Spawn Menu". ? :/
I wouldn't call Gmod10 a mod seeing as how, since you people like to consider game MODS by their folder directories, Gmod10 is NOT in the Sourcemods directory in Steamapps, but instead in it's own Steamapps directory. Stop whining because you don't want to dish out $10...