Still looks really low poly. Also you realise that when you turn in IS mode the viewmodel turns? So you will see part of the right side? I hope you have not removed it entirely.
FUCK YEAR. Except the string: I think it should be replaced with something more common, like duct tape, or glue.
The modeling work is very nice. I'm just not in love with the idea of a revolver shotgun. Oh, and it would take one hell of a trigger pull to rotate that big ass cylinder.
there's no such thing as a blowback operated revolver. all revolvers rely on either the manual cocking of the hammer or the trigger pull to rotate the chamber into position to fire the next round. edit: actually, there's a third (extremely rare) kind of revolver that uses recoil to rotate the cylinder, but that's not technically blowback operation. Recoil operation wouldn't work with a revolver shotgun like that.
.... It does exist. But biggest one I have seen was 20 gauge
well back when someone posted that shotgun here i went and researched it (since it was a gun i've never seen before and I am a gun enthusiast). The real version of this does indeed have a very long and hard trigger pull if fired in double-action mode. it can also however be operated in single action mode but then it isn't technically a repeater since you have to manually cock the hammer between firings. the long trigger pull in double action mode is probably one reason why this type of shotgun is not very popular in the commercial market. I know my grandfather, when he was alive, could never operate any sort of double-action firearm because the trigger pull strength is too great, even when you are rotating a small cylinder in the case of a revolver or cocking a small hammer in the case of DAO automatic pistols.
Who the fuck cares. The game design wants 2 shotguns that use clips rather than single shell loading. BE has a clip based shotgun, NF have a 6 cylindre setup, who the fuck cares if they don't work in real life, they're both unique and they both behave basically the same, so it'll be piss easy to implement them.
i never said there was, but i DO know enough about mechanics to know it is possible to design it probably was never made because its a little complex, and the trigger can power it in most instances but when using such a big drum, its a good alternative there, because pickled seems to be unable to think out of the box
What you have illustrated is an example of a gas operated action, which is once again not the same as blowback operation. blowback operation, by definition, uses the pressure exerted on the bolt face from the combustion of the gunpowder in the round to chamber the next round and cock the hammer for firing. all revolvers have fixed bolts so blowback operation would be impossible for a revolver by definition. if you are interested in learning more, the wikipedia article offers a pretty good explanation. I am not concerned whether or not they "work in real life," I only said that it would have a long trigger pull as an offhand comment. I just think it looks kind of dumb. Almost western. I'm not thrilled with the idea of a revolver shotgun for NF just because it seems odd.