This is kick-ass! However, I think it would be a lot better with a metal stock wrapped in leather/cloth because even though it's awesome, it doesn't look too NF to me.
For a 2048x2048 texture, it doesn't look like it'll look as good as the 512x512 textures used for the HL2 shotgun. Explain yourself! (Yeah yeah, they're professionals... Wah wah, so's your mother.) Actually I am impressed, but don't I need to have a snobbish reputation in order to post in the Art forum?
the fact that if this gets in the game all our other art is outdated again saddens me godly win vess, godly win...
i had a glass of fruit beverage with alcohol, i tend to act weird when i come into contact with alcohol (so i mostly avoid consumption of any alcohol, but my spouse would be called a borderline alcoholic by some *rolleyes* so sometimes i do get tempted into trying some from the extensive supply we have) ANYWAY release the model already!
this model is fucking A! Needs some engravements with the NF flag or something though :D then it'd be absolutely perfect!