The round thing above the trigger on the side. brass is an alloy made from eh.... coper zinc and maybe something else.... if thats what your asking ?.
No I mean something that says like "Jekotian Arms Serial 352526" or something in cyrilic letters. Its a bit hard to see on this, but I tried to make it look authentic. It says Жекотиан Армс Сериал: 443531 which is just basically what I said before in cyrilic letters... fsfsd
Yeah reminds me of my antique Remington It says the brand, country, the date of the patent and date of production I guess. Looking at my old rifle I think it could use like a few cross bolts or screws. Rigth on the sides below the hammer to look more "authentic ".
Its from 1864 I found it in an old moisty/flooded basement. Actually in a small gap between the foundation and floor that I crawled into. Also found a real SS helmet with insignia and a name in the back. When I saw the stock I had already found the helmet and I was already dreaming it was a mauser K98.... but this was also ok to find
Indeed, but I was hoping for a fully functioning rifle maybe other stuff too. But its a nice piece of decoration. So I like the shotgun and the stamp seemed like an improvement, but the sides of the metal frame just seemed too empty to me. Figured it out when I looked up from the screen got it mounted over my pirate flag.
i found this on the attic of my grandfather, smoke comes from the hammer when pulled back and released together with a bag of sand and stone marbles, i trew away the sand as to prevent someone to equip it into a working state (i think it might have been propellant)
wauw front loading with a copper barrel. Sweet I also got a double barreled side by side 12gauge blackpowder shotgun with hammers and double triggers. But I dont have it here. Its still in my parents house.
awesome, please post pictures for us to enjoy if you can (if its not a bother, since your parents house could be very far away)
The print on the shotgun could say something like Екотиан Оборотный Ружье Печатать - A52 Jekotian Revolving Shotgun Type - A52
IMO if you're going to make it say something it should refer to Raven Arms, the primary Jekotian weapons manufacturer before Jekotia fell. E.g. Raven Arms Type A52 Revolving Shotgun