New League Season

Discussion in 'Clans' started by Evan, Dec 23, 2008.


Interested in a new League season?

  1. Yes! Sounds like fun

  2. No, I'm not interested.

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  1. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    No :)

    If you want to set this whole this up, feel free. But I'm doing it, so shut the fuck up.

    Now back to business:
    I think I have the flash file backed up.

    It was based on a psd file shinzon made that highlighted the regions
  2. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    Also, there is a version of the gameboard with like 11 spaces, making much smaller regions
  3. cpugeek

    cpugeek Member

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    Please don't use the gameboard again, its really lame and just complicates things. Just use a pre-determined map cycle to decide which map to use. That way you can have every clan easily play a match every week without fuss. Also, it will mix it up so that the clans aren't necessarily picking their favorite maps every week. Just use a point system to track wins, like most leagues. Sure, it might not look as nice on the website, but it would be much better for the league.

    Oh, and Evan you can't force yourself into that leadership role. If they don't want you doing it, then you just need to step down. The clans should fully support the leadership of the league, or else they won't participate.
  4. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    We're talking about the gameboard for the PUG. Not the league
  5. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    And I disagree about not being able to force myself into the leadership position :)

    Krenzo appointed me and I control all of the existing league software, domain, logos, etc

    De facto --> a transition by force to a new leader would be a lot of time to invest on their part
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2008
  6. Cyber-Kun

    Cyber-Kun Member

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    You where forced leadership position since you whined enough.

    None of the other clans at the time wanted you to lead the thing but for CW, since well it is your clan.
  7. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    hahahaha. hahaha. haha. ha. no.

    Meh, if you wanna prove you don't suck now because you've all become OAPs then its your job to prove that.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2008
  8. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    Great pugs! Yes! Alright! I want to be able to play with vets with out the smell of cheats or foul play. I remember we had a clan match against CW where the server just randomly changed maps right before we won, and I know you guys deny doing it and all that(even though only cw had admin on that wolf server) but it would be nice to not have to deal with any shit like that again wether or not you did. It's just that people are so noided and immature around here that a season 3 would just cause drama.

    I say for now clans can just scrim each other whenever they want but the PUG would not only be good fun and bring us together like the good old 1.8 tester pugs, but it would also really help the empires community in a lot of ways.
  9. bitchslap

    bitchslap Member

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    jpl up for a scrim next week ?
  10. Coffeeburrito

    Coffeeburrito Coder

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    The issues with crashing server and spontaneous map change were tracked down to the BAT (Basic Admin Tool) plugin. After that we switched to a vanilla server... this should be a requirement for any league matches.

    Also, trying to oust Evan isn't really a constructive way to change the league. If you want to make changes, suggest it, discuss it, and hold a vote. The reason this didn't work well for the last season was either there were too many conflicting opinions, or the change was suggested after the season started. It's not hard to understand why somebody making final decisions causes the occasional butting of heads.
  11. Thor

    Thor Member

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    Well I can tell you straight up that if evan is involved in the league as anything more than a simple participant than there is no way in hell that BSID will be involved with this league at all, period.
  12. Opie

    Opie Member

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    People say this again and again. These are usually people who have not read the forums. Many of the people who complained about Evan are those who had spent the most time trying to make the league better. The only butting of heads was when Evan would not allow things to go to vote. Or if something did go to vote, and people were voting against his opinion, he would restart the vote. Or when he would change rules by himself, a day before a match, hoping no one would notice. Or when he purposefully ignores questions regarding land exchange in a forfeit (season 1) when it could benefit his clan. Nobody has ever complained about something that needed to be changed in the current season unless it was in dire need of change.
    But still, people come up with the same strawmen or quotes. These people do not know what has transpired in the league.

    1.)"You can not blame Evan for problems no one foresaw".
    -No one has ever blamed Evan for these problems. People can blame Evan for problems people brought up over and over again.

    2.)"If you want something changed, suggest it in the forums"
    -This is like pulling teeth. Granted a lot of good changes in format have been changed. There is no longer a never ending season. Often when an idea is posted in the forums, and Evan does not like it, he gets his way. There have been at least one instance I remember when a vote was restarted when an suggestion he did not like was winning. But even then, it was Evans decision to listen to the suggestion.

    It all started with the first meeting of clans to discuss the league. Where the clans voted on a plan, and a decision was made which was later overturned by referees. A plan that would have fixed season 1's never endingness, which ended up being a big problem.

    3.) "You should voice complaints in the Empires League forum"
    There have been instances where things have been deleted or changed in the forums.

    4.)"It is Evans league"
    -It is the Empire's league, not Evan's league. Evan was granted rule over it. Since that time there has been more than enough sufficient evidence of trying to change rules to favor one team over another by Evan; ignoring questions related to the rules, when it could benefit one clan over another.

    You would not understand why so many people are upset with Evan unless you followed the league. And I will keep bringing these things up until people know all that he has done so that people understand WHY people don't want Evan in charge.

    The problem with last season was two things, and only two things. First, extremely fishy things with rule changes and restarting servers still happened. Second, not enough clans. Nothing else needs to change. Keep the scoring system that is in place. Only suggestion I liked was the playoffs. If there is only like 5 teams, maybe there can be a championship game between the two highest rated teams, where the highest rated gets to choose the map.

    We absolutely do not need to go back to the season 1 format. Season 2 put the power of scheduling matches in the hands of the clans involved, which allowed more opportunity for matches because the clans got to decide. This was a huge problem with season 1, we went in a set order and it was a month between when you played matches.

    I've talked too much as it is. Merry Christmas
  13. ScardyBob

    ScardyBob Member

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    I can be a referee if there is a need, since I am not part of any of the clans.
  14. communism

    communism poof

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  15. Tuxu

    Tuxu Member

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    Maybe Cyber-Kun is right, idk, but instead of killing the whole thing there might be some regulations that would make the whole League-thang viable.

    How about hosting every fight on a neutral server?

    A. say that its a BSID vs JPL match, it would b hosted on a CW server (and i hope that this time the maps won't randomly change *just* before one side wins ;) )

    B. there would b a rule that advance weaponry like artillery, nukes and rails would b restricted by referee until there has been, say, 25 minutes of game play.
  16. bitchslap

    bitchslap Member

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    "B. there would b a rule that advance weaponry like artillery, nukes and rails would b restricted by referee until there has been, say, 25 minutes of game play."

    that was a retarded idea.

    oh and MAD wants to play in the league that BSID do, whatever league that may be.
  17. Evan

    Evan League Commissioner

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    Opie & Dubee, would you co-run the league?

    We can run the league website for you
  18. BumGravy

    BumGravy Member

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    It would be cool to have a player PUG league

    Just have a league table of players, organise times to play, and then form teams with whoever turns up. If you are on the winning team you get a +1, and maybe record player points or KD ratio at the end of the game and add that to the table to seperate players with the same amount of wins.

    Matches could be organised by seeing whoever turns up, then checking theirnames on the league table, all even numbers on one team, odd numbers on the other, so teams are balanced according to player wins, if you see what I mean.

    It would obviously not be a clan league, but would at least get people interested in organised serious play, and maybe get people interested in joining a clan. It would also solve the main problems of clan play: people not turning up, and timezone mismatches, which are the reason it is so hard to organise even a friendly game.

    I don't think a clan league is really viable at the moment due to lack of clans, but if something like this was set up and successful it might generate enough interest to get a few more clans organised, and introduce more people to the fun of organised play.

    *** Edit: I only posted this idea because i really like the idea of a NF vs BE pickup league, but realistically you arenever going to have the same amount of people showing up for each faction, so my idea solves the problem of people having to change faction to make up the numbers, or sit out because not enough of the other faction showed up.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  19. Stu

    Stu BehälterGott

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    JPL will have to play in whichever league BSID plays in if we want any competition at all

    The last time when BSID was gone and we just steamrolled was actually sorta boring
  20. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    Yes this is a good idea! and what me an opie have pretty much been suggesting for what seems like years. I still think it would be cool to have forums for each faction and have people join whatever faction they want. But We can just talk strat during a long comm vote.

    But I think your right that it may be too one sided(haha i think im the only person who would join BE). But it would would be super cool if it could work out and we could use that territory map again. But your idea is simple and fun.
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