There isn't really enough room for that. The floorplan I have to work with is very small when you consider that most of it is taken up by a large central spawn area and the requisite obstructions that stop you shooting through the barracks. That leaves very little room for any sort of overall structure. If I make it half concrete half something else it's going to look silly, because it'll look like they got halfway through building a bunker and then ran out of money. I don't think the NF would have all their structures half finished or half-restored. I was thinking concrete with metal panels on it for reinforcement, because metal has different physical properties to concrete so using both would give you more resistance.
I'd take it without the camo netting but my aestethic sense is non existant unless greatly disturbed by bright colours. CB finds it meh I guess we can't replace the current block then.
Not true. I made sure to include that in the disclaimers. If everybody except me loves it, it would be silly to not replace the current barracks with this one. I'm just difficult to please. It really comes down to what OTHER people think, probably in a vote of some kind.
Well in any case I can try another theme and see if that works better. Concrete would be preferable because I can make more interesting shapes with it. It's also quite easy to optimise.
Would underground models work? If they could, you could make NF rax like a little dugout or something...iono.
you need to add the "foot" to it, the large footprint that goes into the ground and stops gaps between the terrain and the structure being visible. I personally really don't like it too much, it's really angular and ugly. It assaults the eye, it's basically not an attractive shape or colour. And by attractive, i don't mean "pretty" in the sense of something i'd like in my living room, I mean something that looks woretorn/NF, but still not angular and "HL1"
The only way I can make it not angular is to use more polies and people do nothing but whine when I do that.
There are these things, called squares. No, but seriously, how many polys is it right now? How does that compare to our current models?
12 thousand. Current BE rax is 6 thousand. Most of that is detail on the plates and the sandbags, also the pipes have a lot of polies due to the bends. I figured if you're going to be crawling on the roof the floor shouldn't look completely flat.
It would be great if you could update your OP with the most recent images so people don't have to search through the thread.
Actually, to specify, you can make holes in the map displacement but you can't update the collision mesh of the displacement without access to the very core of the source engine which is behind very expensive license. You can also manipulate the visible shape of the displacement but you can't update the collision mesh from the game.
No, because they are still flat, normal and bump maps don't parallax and parallax mapping doesn't work when viewed from angles close to parallel with the face, and isn't in empires anyway.
details like the sandbags should be models. that's what models are for, and I'm pretty sure the current structures use crate models.
Er, yes, if they didn't model the crates they wouldn't exist, but crates are just cubes with chamfered edges at the highest LOD. If you're suggesting I model actual sandbags then the polycount will go through the roof.
perhaps give it more of a curved look on top? i don't really care about polies as long as they don't go higher as say 15000 you cannot make something prettier without giving in performance on systems that should have been turned into recycling bins 2 years ago sorry low budget players but some systems are just not worth it to take into account for performance balance
I was talking to a guy last night while playing, and he says he uses a 1.6ghz p4 with some crappy ass 256mb video card and gets 10 FPS. He says that 10 FPS isn't so bad when you get used to it.... The sad part is that I think he was serious.