Hello. I'm redoing some of the models in order to render out higher resolution textures and fix eventual oddities in the meshes. This thread if for you to suggest (realistic) changes to these models. So far I have completed the low poly model for the ones below: I couldn't import the turret for some reason so it has none atm. The only change I've done to this one is to move the rope at the back down a bit, since it's floating in the air on the original. No big changes here either so far, patched up the hole in the wheel housing and removed the extra handle poking through the saddlebag.
move the hatches above the origin of the turrets so that they can be unlinked from passengers. iirc that was the reason mootant gave at a point why riding up there sucks so bad ...
oh yeh that would help balancing a lot too ... and maybe if its possible cut a bit of the AFVs height so its more equal to a LT (or get that replacement someone made, thatd be even more cool)
Do you mean something like this, so the player is above the turret in the hatch? This is just to demonstrate, I know it looks bad:
i meant that the center of the turret is exactly under the hatch (and finally the player model) or smthg. probably better wait for mootant to find the thread, i bet he can explain better :D
I don't know how relevant this is to what you are trying to achieve but if you are redoing models here is something to consider changing: (Sorry for the huge image) You can optimize those meshes quite a lot just by doing this, there are a lot of cylindrical objects on them that have end caps with the unnecessary center vertex. It adds more triangles to the object and serves no purpose.
maybe you could make every concave surface flat to save some tris based on that we get POM for those details
I'd love a hatch on the NF APC, so fucking much. And yeah, like flasche said, try to keep the pivot of the turret in the centre of the hatch. If it isn't, then the hatch will actually move within a certain distance of the pivot, meaning that if we do unlink the rider from the turret, then his legs will end up pointing out from the side and stuff at certain angles. Another idea to keep in mind is that the hatch itself should have a lid (open). I don't know why, but without one, all tanks look really weird. Imo, they all look better with the open hatch/lid design that they have now. Having no lid/closed lid just makes them look a bit boring. Overall, fantastic work.
Besides the much-loved hatch fixing... - Jeeps should have their rollbars removed entirely. (SIP did this once when he fixed up the LODs, but the models didn't support the new skins.) - RPGs shooting through the LT's wheels have been a long-standing problem, though I'm sure LT drivers don't mind. - The NF medium and heavy tanks have always been either too high or unable to aim low enough, though I doubt that's fixable. - Dedicated missile pods.
Jeep stays with rollbars, APC stays with no passenger outside. Missile pods and machine guns (so tracers start from a place making sense) would be nice. High poly needs to have properly detailed wheels (for parallax and normal). Circle shown by Smithy on the left would be fine if game used triangle fans. But it uses triangle strips. I'm not exactly sure how is the right one better with triangle strip. It's hard for me (maybe I'm stupid) to imagine efficient triangle strip covering circle on the right.
why no nf apc hatch? BE heavy - close the hatch on the front under the barrels, it looks retarded sitting wide open all the time
Seriously, no logical reason for this at all. It's not "asymmetrical balance", it's making the game less fun for one team for no decent reason.
You could also just weld the central vertex to one of the edges, much easier. Of course it also makes it hard to edit later.
On the original models cylinder caps are done as the one on the left, with the vertex in the center. Anyway, any ideas on missile pods and MG's? I imagine they have to be pretty close to the barrel, so I made some suggestions with that in mind: I like the first one the most, where the ML would be in an extension of the barrel. Would this work?
actually i like the second one more they dont necerally have to be that close to the barrel what i like to suggest it to move the hatch farther down because it is really anoying when you cant shoot in that direction just because the driver looks in the opposite direction
Do you mean the top hatch where the passanger would be? Problem is it would intersect the antenna behind it, but i guess you could move it.