If you let people camp with a HMG in the sewers then you fucking suck. There are 1001 ways to get rid of a HMGer, including if he's clusterfucked with healing engineerss. I've seen the old version with rooftops, back when I had 2.12. It looked fucking shit. Obviously I never saw it being played, but "intense ground control" basically equates to: Place turret behind HMGer to stop pushback, take healing upgrade, dominate flag. And it's far harder to get rid of the HMGer when he's on a rooftop than in the sewers. Albeit 99% of these problems that are with the rooftops, and by your opinion the sewers too, are related to the HMG.
There are 1001 ways to get rid of a HMGer List plox. i have a hard time dealing with them, so I'd like to know how to.
Conc then melee. HE nades. Come up behind him. As Dubee said: 2 HMGers. Seismic spam. Kill someone in front of him, watch them get revived into eachother. Kill someone in front of him and when they get revived, take out his engineer. RPG + mortar (+ shotty if needed). Just run round and punch him in the face. They usually don't expect you to come at them head on. These are some of the ideas I go through when I have this problem in district, and depending on the situation, at least 1 of them is always successful.
I have problems killing HMGers/BECARers on district from lag. By the time the first hits register, I'm down 75% health.
Mowtars use to be great counters. It's easier to hit a prone person with them. But since that bug. It takes like 2 headshots from a mowtar and by the time you shoot the second one hes already healed back up.
I can agree there. Imo mortar should bypass dig-in. It's still useful for physically putting them off and occasionally moving them.
what about making mortars toss people around a bit? like if engyclusters appear you can break them up with mortars just an idea i believe in the mortar as anti infantry
It use to have more push but they reduced it. I thought it was stupid too. On icy maps you use to see prone people flying all over the place.
"Lets nerf mortar cause there are 3-4 players in the empires community that fucking kick ass with it" I think was the reason for the nerf.
APC rush was a problem with specific maps having too much starting resources, nothing more. Streets of fire being a prime example.
That's a problem with a map, not the balance... Although if it was enabled with a research that is already being researched often anyhow, like upgraded chassis, it wouldn't be an issue for anyone AND it would solve the rush problem.
That's my point, it's a map problem, not a balance problem. Why are we talking about APCs in a district thread?
I have just gotten a totally ridiculous idea. Every X minutes, whichever team owns the middle flag has an APC spawned at their first flag. This way, instead of useless ticket drain, the team that holds the middle flag gets the chance to actually push forward. :p