Current Working Version: Emp_district402_alt3 Link: Changes (from Original): :: 2 new ways to enter the NF bleeder flag :: Ticket bleed removed from the 3rd flags :: Added NF vandalay building :: Turned the medium tank to flow people in the opposite direction :: Moved NF 3rd flag ammo boxes to a less exposed position :: Added 3 new sewer entrances to the NF that are slightly more no in the middle of the street. One in the vandalay building, one outside, one on the opposite side of the street :: Added similar BE sewer entrances, but only 2 (already has one in it's vandalay building) :: Changed spawn positions in relation to flagged captured :: Removed the garage door from the NF 3rd flag so you don't have to crouch :: Crate in front of said flag is no positioned out a tad more to provide cover rather than get in the way. It is slightly off the ground cause I forgot about the rise in the pavement there, but whatever :: Couple of other changes that I'm sure I'll remember later. Well, I might as well make this the thread title since this is really what it is.
well, second to last flag does bleed yet. but that's more if you get pushed back that far, you probably will lose and it's just a camping game at that point.
EDIT: Please add this: :: new ladder models for sewers :: new textures for sewers :: more and brown ! water in sewers :: lots of static props :: more buildings that can be entered :: props that can be destroyed, like on homeland
when you're prone on the tank, it's really easy to hit the physbox. that's why it would be great if it was moved.
only thing I can do is change the model completely. The physbox is tied to the entity. Problem with the medium is that the cannon sticks out and blocks ya I think. you can't shoot under it. i'll look and see if the heavy model is any better, or see if I should replace it with the apc or afv model.
This map is completley unplayable for me and makes my ping spike to 600 for whatever reason. It was like this in the tester version for the old district but they fixed it.. So you need to do the same. edit: I think a work around back then was snd_restart. I haven't been able to test it on this one tho.
sound fucks up your ping? I might just remove the ambient generics from it then, They only play onthe BE side anyhow.
If I remember correctly BumGravy had the same issue during the testing. He might know more about it then me. Or whoever worked on district last. I doubt its because of a BE sound cause I was only in spec.
I'll try and get ahold of ya guys. my version of district I started to fuck with may not have been the latest one in use on servers. Also, about that tank. I'm using the BE heavy wrecked model for it because the turret isn't in a phys box.
due to your request i crosspsot this here b3 is heavily BE sided imo - the 3rd NF flag is far too accessible ... apart from that, the new geometry doesnt fit the old one ... but its no problem - i dislike district, be it old or new, and gonna sit it out in spec ...
Be flag is VERY accessible atm. there are 2 ways in, but the backalley has two entrances itself. Difference you'll soon see is that NF can't just sit there and camp the middle, they'll have to watch their asses from now on. They don't have 10 seconds from the itme someone attempts to rush their flag to the time they can actually get onto the cap point.
Personally I think the sewers were good as they were, currently I dislike them and they seem to look rather odd too. I liked the old version of district, I would simply like district with the bleeder flag being the third flag again and without turrets/nadespam. And HMGs removed.
Fortunately I try to listen to the people who have been playing for several years rather than several days, thanks. This is not official work, it is not, to my knowledge, ever going to be official unless a dev likes the changes. That being said, you can keep your HMG Turretless older district and play it to your hearts content. When you have something constructive to say, come back.
Ive been playing Empires for 2 years, I just could never be bothered to sign up. Also, the reason for this is, 1# HMG is used as a defensive weapon, and on district people use it to camp in my opinion. 2# I don't like the way the new district looks, the sewers look rather... odd and out of place. The old district is NF sided in my opinion, while the new one feels BE sided. Personally I am clueless how to solve district, because even if we remove "defensive" weapons like HMGs and Turrets I feel people are going to find another way too camp, as you could say - every weapon that can be used offensively can be used defensively.