lets make slaughtered un-official

Discussion in 'General' started by blizzerd, Apr 30, 2010.


make slaughtered unofficial

  1. yes, unofficial

  2. no, keep as is

  3. remove it till we can make a "better" slaughtered like trickster did with money

  4. i make a different suggestion, see my post

  1. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    lol defensive! Raiders doesn't lag for me. Also making noobs have to download an old official map is dumb. The map works a lot better than money and yet that map is always played even when its left off the official map rotation.
  2. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    slaughtered is awesome because there are so many ways to get out of those shit team recessions and there are many ways to get screwed over.
  3. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    Are those people that say that emp_slaughtered is
    none linear serious or is it a joke I dont get?

    Its the most linear official map.

    Many people enjoy slaughtered cause it doesnt force you
    to think. Almost every other map from duststorm to midbridge
    to mesa (:P) forces you to constantly analyze the situation or
    you will lose. It looks like a big part of the internet gaming
    community hates to addapt to new stuff and fight in new suroundings.
    (Like dust2 in css)

    I take emp_mesa for an example cause I made it and watched many
    games in spec to see what works and what not. The problem is
    that most people behave like sheeps. Even if you would place a big
    blinking sign that says "secret flanking road to their base" they would
    ignore it because they want their action now and shot stuff. Those
    people are usually the ones that call every open (like duststorm) or
    half open (like midbridge) map lame cause its so totaly unfair -.- that
    the enemy can flank them, outmaneuver their whole army and kill
    the base behind them.

    I personaly think that empires would be long dead and forgoten if it
    has only linear and donat shaped maps because it makes every game
    the same. (yeah I know that css seems to do pretty well with it but
    most here on the forums dont like it anyway)

    Slaughtered is nice cause of the intense fights in the canyon but
    if every map would be like it I wouldnt play the mod for years.
  4. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    All the arguments about skill and being a well thought map with many strategies is moot because it is one of the least balanced maps with many exploitable features proven on many occasions to be a horrible choice for organized play.

    It is precisely for this reason I am for keeping it in the official rotation, but never to be played competitively.

    Slaughtered is fun. There have been many good games on it in public servers.

    It is horribly NF sided as well. First of all, the south east refinery can be sniped by artillery, while NF's refineries are relatively safe from harm. Secondly, NF's rush distance to the center clearing is shorter than NF's even if BE takes the quickest route possible, scaling the hill. Therefore almost every game, NF holds the strategically superior middle clearing, allowing for the artillery sniping of the south east corner. This basically forces BE's hand; if they do not take middle early, south east is a deadzone, leaving them short one refinery and one possible base.

    In every competitive game on slaughtered I've played, there has been tons of complaints about the map, from the PUG to scrims.
  5. .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329

    .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329 Member

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    Pretty sure money/crossroads are more linear.
    And maybe even canyon.
  6. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    Nope.. Slaughtered is basically the S-bend. The bridge is walled and only needs a barracks and 2 or 3 people to hold.
  7. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    money isnt official its not on the official map rotation list
  8. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    sry had to QFT that ...
  9. Killing Machine

    Killing Machine Member

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    Did i make myself clear when i sayd that i made a fucking mistake?
  10. Killing Machine

    Killing Machine Member

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    Fucking Midbridge and Silo are horrible maps i mean look at this
    [+] this fucking represents the map see the plus thats bridge and the space under bridge. and this is Silo [\] that line is middle and you have to go all around the map if not for the Middle road.... Now look ath this we need more maps desinged like Mvalley, Canyon or Duststorm hell even Homeland fits in a nonlinear map due to so many flanking points and alternate routes....
  11. Killing Machine

    Killing Machine Member

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    Really? Ever considered this? Build bridge rush couple of tanks/spawnAPCs across and maybe distract half theyr team to help out, than push from S bend road and than atleast destroy the base they have in S-bend.... If plan fails Bridge is going to be atleast cleared of walls on NF or BE side (not totally) but get A GOOD SCOUT to sneak trough there and get a ninja up in NW (im using BE as an example on the attack since BE is totally underpowerd on this map.) And anyone realized that Slaughtered is a Attack Defend map meaning NF is attacking BE is Deffending. Like that what make Slaughtered Unique.
    This is what sets Slaughtered away from the other maps.
  12. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    All the arguments about skill and being a well thought map with many strategies is moot because it is one of the least balanced maps with many exploitable features proven on many occasions to be a horrible choice for organized play.

    It is precisely for this reason I am for keeping it in the official rotation, but never to be played competitively.

    Slaughtered is fun. There have been many good games on it in public servers.

    It is horribly NF sided as well. First of all, the south east refinery can be sniped by artillery, while NF's refineries are relatively safe from harm. Secondly, NF's rush distance to the center clearing is shorter than NF's even if BE takes the quickest route possible, scaling the hill. Therefore almost every game, NF holds the strategically superior middle clearing, allowing for the artillery sniping of the south east corner. This basically forces BE's hand; if they do not take middle early, south east is a deadzone, leaving them short one refinery and one possible base.

    In every competitive game on slaughtered I've played, there has been tons of complaints about the map, from the PUG to scrims.
  13. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    Hamster, I've got news for you... You don't have a clue what you're talking about...

    Slaughtered asymmetrically balanced. If you're not paying attention, you could look at and say it favored to one team. However, upon closer inspection, you'd realize it offers each team a set of advantages that balance out.
  14. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    What advantage does BE have?
  15. .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329

    .:.HeXi.:. emcalex329 Member

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    I think recon was trolling you.
  16. WalMartGreeter

    WalMartGreeter Member

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    Only in the sense that BE has a chance by turtling, then making a big rush through S-Bend (bridge is risky as it can be easily taken out and s-bend is completely open) late game. I actually don't know any actual attack/defend maps off the top of my head. Escort doesn't count as there is no building/comm. I would be surprised if there aren't any.
  17. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    Silo is a 3 way map and midbridge is a 4 way map with a 5th way for infantry.
    Midbridge has so many ways that its basicaly none linear like bush or mesa.

    I dont see any argument here why its horrible beside "i dont like it"...

    Maps with multible ways tend to have a very fluent and always changing gameplay
    because its open enough so you can always attack every point on the map but its
    close enough so you cant reach every point fast enough on the map to defend everything.
    I like that cause it keeps games interesting, theirs never a point where you dont have a chance to win.
    Last edited: May 4, 2010
  18. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    nono, mayama, killingmachine is totaly right, the only non-linear map in empires is escort :rolleyes:
  19. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    I still think slaughtered is pretty much the best map for newbies and a lot of fun for more advanced teams - EXCEPT if it comes down to nf artying BE refs, then it's pretty fail. Would be better if we could finally get those refs moved, then we could get a long-term game in, rather than pretty shite BE pwnage.

    That's the least we need - balance. Regardless of whether or not BE can get to the bridge as fast as NF.
  20. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    All you need is an engineer to build and spam walls and a riflemen to kill any tanks and inf that cross the bridge. Half the team is not gonna respond to an attack on the bridge specially when its so easily killed from both sides. Sure a scout can sneak thru and make an ninja rax every once in awhile if they are sleeping at the bridge(its a boring job).

    Still with that happening once in awhile I would be 90% of the fighting goes on at the S-bend. Which is also spammed with walls and buildings so even if half your team is at the bridge you again only need people to lay walls to keep tanks from rushing. I'm against removing it from being official but it is by far the most choke pointy map. But like I said earlier the bridge needs inf paths prolly to be higher up than the ramps near the bridge.

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