i havnt played in about 4 months and have been waiting for an update or somthing. i think at this rate this mod is going to die out. thats just my idea, but i suggest to either put some smaller updates out just to keep people interested to play or hurry up the big you that is gettin done. seems like its been a long time since a change has happened. thats just my 2 cents, for all i know i could be way off.
Neither, gave it a try today and let me say I played for 4 hours straight... Just load it up and give it a shot again, it will suck you in for a good amount of time... Other then that I wouldn't worry, it may seem like so... But as soon as that patch comes out... All hell is gonna break loose, expect an ungodly amount of activity everywhere... And I would get my new emp_recruit, flame resistant suit now... just 1000 internets...
i know its a good game but i think alot of people who are tryin this mod out for the first time wont like it,, but i think aircraft will be a burst of fresh air for this mod,,
yea, i dont have it on this comp, didnt seem worth it until something new came along to revitalize my interest.
i reformatted and have had no interest in reinstalling it since then. it starts to feel like the same old thing over and over(not on clan or anything). It also gets annoying to be on a team that you can tell will lose from the beginning(seems to happen alot).
i dont play very often (less than once a week), but when i do it does suck me in for 4-5 hours. the problem is that, even though the game itself is awsome, it alwase seems like 1 team wins every match. im not talking about NF vs BE balance its that the same ppl alwase join a team with the same ppl, and thus there is no variation from map to map.
I think the creator of this topic forgot what it is like to play, and thus complains. Come on, I know updates are coming slowly, I still haven't been able to play for over four months and I'm all up to get into the game again, what are you talking about?
I agree, that's one of the major problems that ruins the fun. Sometimes get worse when people joins the winning team (which also has the best players), so the "noob" team is even outnumbered. Wish there were a better balancing system, so the team with better individual player score can be outnumbered, and not the opposite. Maybe there would be needed an auto-switch team feature too. IMO, that kind of things would help Empires more than other "cool" stuff. Adding features could be good, of course, but aircrafts and such won't make team balance better, to speak in short.
People won't like being switched to a team they've spent the game working into a corner. --- My biggest problem with empires at the moment is that it lacks that instant action feel and turrets tend to slow the game down far too much for my liking.
Well the solution is quite simple really....when global ranking comes into play, then the server will automatically balance the teams.
Yes, I should said some sort of auto switch only for low score players. Would be better than nothing, at least to prevent severe imbalances when 2 or 3 players from your team leave at once, and you loose any chance of keep in the game if some other people don't replace them fast.
or just make it so you cant manaully join teams. only auto-balance (checks for total points 1st, then player count, then tickets) and spectate alowed.
I can tell you this much. At least for me, clans give x99 the fun. It's x20 the strategy and teamwork when you know what you're doing, what other people are doing, that you can trust your teammates, and it's also more rewarding to win that way as well.
I've been thinking about this, and wow, the idea sounds so appealing now considering how unmobile turrets make gameplay. The current tank like turret annoys me, being impervious to bullets and even a couple of grenades. Its got open electronics, why shouldnt bullets be able to neutralize them? Its better than being completely stopped halfway across the map and not having any grenades left. This would mean you could kill them at pretty long range than right? (within the range your damage deteriates) I think you could counter it with a much extended range with the mg as well, and mabye not so instantaneous tracking. (I'm only speaking about MG turrets, not MI turrets. They seem more like sam sites XD) (A small blow to nade spamming?)
I was talking about the ML turrets You spend about 10 minutes of the game securing territory to fund the purchase of a vehicle that you can drive half way across the map... to snipe rotating death boxes. I find turrets to be too influential when really, they should be little more than stopgap measure at best.
Warning, pointless thoughts ahead Now I wonder, if you limited the amount of turrets that can be placed on District, would it be less monotonous? Anywizzay, I don't play much anymore myself. Nothing to do with the quality of the current version, but the fact that nobody plays anymore (Well, I guess it's because of the version indirectly). Only one to two servers are populated, plus, I'd rather play on a server with untainted gameplay. Unfortunatly, nobody uses the official server anymore (What happened, is it now a taboo to play on there?) lag means nothing anymore; times I do play on the Bee Sid server, my ping ranges in the mid 100's, but that doesn't affect my performance. Not even when the server's heavily populated, either I'm just used to playing knee deep in lag, or some alien conspiracy. The only people who play this religioiusly anymore are clan mizzembers, now when 1.08 rolls around they'll have an even more dominating edge. I don't know, being hounded by three fighters with some missile locked alarm going off right before I'm blown out of the sky seems...thrilling. Woo, I can hardly wait. Well, I could always just do a tumbleope and destroy ramsack their tailpipes like in BF2. Again with the turrets. I'm fond of being engineer and nade spamming the ever watchful sentries. But there's nothing stopping me (Or any one else, since it is an old trick of the trade) from dropping a crate and destroying several hundred geyser juice's worth of equipment. Now, if that tactic will remain in the mod or not I could care less, I'm happy either way. Now, onto 1.08, (Since it's a popular subject when it comes to whether or not somebody wants to play empires again) will there be specialized anti-air turrets? Or the current ones will just double that role? Also, what about that little Mobile Anti Aircraft? Work began on that, or was it dropped? I'd love to see some 'Flak' upgrades and such. Ugh I'm so useless, I don't even join IRC around here (I bet some of you are thankful for that ). Hmm, maybe I should make another comic when I find the time, or If I still had flash lying on here. Hey that's a great idea, someone go make a flash.
I've not played Empires for....a few good weeks, if not more. I have to agree somewhat with the OP, in that when I do go on empires to check who is on, I find that fewer people are on than I am used to seeing. I think a patch that is smaller and just does some simple bug fixes would be a very good thing, rather than just letting things sit until the gigantic patch comes along... As far as autobalance, I think that some system is needed, as one of the main reasons I am not missing the game, is that I got really tired of comming and trying to get people to do stuff, or being a regular ENGR and simply trying to get the Comm to do something intelligent. But, that stuff is a simple flaw in the foundation of the game that I can really think of no real solution to, short of making a global rank & points accumulation system where teams are balanced using ranks as an indication of skill. Heres an example, sort of: www.aaotracker.com Oh, yeah - another reason I don't play? One of the only 2 populated servers has a really low build limit, so that you can only really get one base that has a decent amount of defense. I think that's the freaks server...
That's kina what I am doing ^-^; And when it comes around, I'm going to spam it to every news site and mod channels around in the hopes of getting more people back into it