Is vehicle research balance really that bad?

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by Lazybum, Sep 22, 2014.

  1. BigTeef

    BigTeef Bootleg Headshot master

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    I am not saying its bad, but let the commander do his job before jumping on him.
  2. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    I get what you mean, but that depends..

    I pretty much only comm when there is a chance to have a good low pop game, but nobody is comming. Its not like I really have any plan in mind or anything. I tend to just research something from what is suitable for the NF or BE and might vary depending on how much effort my team puts into the game. (bad team? = lvl 3s, or etc..)

    Security was pretty much the only person communicating.
    So why would I want to "dissapoint" pretty much the only person that is capable of caring about the current game? I know that he knows what he is doing and that he knows what might help him on the battlefield..
    And yes we eventually won even after cancelling the uml research, btw.

    So it depends...

    Its just that, when I noticed him saying that he wants bio ml he was already saying something like "why the fuck are you getting UML and not bio as I told"
    But I never even found anything about that in the chat log xD but I dunno, maybe I missed it even in the chat log xD
    doesnt matter
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2014
  3. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    I don't really like how trees are balanced with good and bad items within. You try to do a comparison but it doesn't work out that way, and in the end it boils down to buffing one research branch over others.

    Though I have liked the research trees in the past, I just don't feel it's a good way to do things, since it means we couldn't say have regen performing well, or the tree would be too good. We've had the same problem with chemistry in many many iterations, and it's the same drawback with composite being in the mechanics tree that you have to go into anyway.

    Bah, maybe I should try to mock up a research tree that works instead of just pointing out the problems :/
  4. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    What are you talking about ikalx? I don't think trees are balanced with the idea of good and bad items in them, I mean who would intentionally make something suck so the tree isn't as appealing? People don't get compo because it's in the tree anyway, they get it because it is good. If you swapped out regen and compo people would always just open up bio to get compo and no one would still bother with regen.
  5. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Go for it.

    Sometimes the best way to communicate is via example.
  6. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Lazybum. It's actually been done before. In development. On purpose. This one time, I can utterly say, yes! It has been done!

    The reason is not to overpower an option. So that people need to research more than just a bit of the tree, and originally so that no tree would be better than the other. So you don't group everything good together, and you make it so that each tree has a great thing, a bunch of half-decent things and some lame duck option that you may take just because it's there.

    I can give you almost the whole tech tree as an example, so what I'd advise instead is just to have a quick scan of the trees in your mind and rate the best and worst options in each of them - or the perceived worst/things no one gets.

    You know what it is? I'm fricken lazy and it's really a bunch of work, added to the fact that I probably wouldn't draw it, I'd use excel boxes because I'm a lazy ass.
  7. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Marry me.
  8. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    You know that was a pretty good idea, I felt like I learned a bit about research in general. I will say that it is true that parts of almost every tree has some not so good stuff, this is true. But looking at what those parts actually are really make it feel like this time, with this research tree, they aren't gimping it on purpose.

    The weak links of every tree is usually either one of 2 things. It is something that is known to be broke in some way, like fission or coolant, or the weapon itself is something that no one can come to an agreement on how to balance or make it practical/fun to use. Like plasma cannon and guided.

    To give you a better idea of what I am trying to say, you could win with just 1 research tree plus mechanical. Even without compo, though not gas turbine, coolant and fission have too many problems for it to be practical. The only real exception it bio. Simply because bio doesn't have any direct damage dealing weapons and regen is much more effective at mediums and up.

    I will say that I once thought that people would adapt and learn to use what is available. I'm learning that I'm wrong and they can't. Things that are effective and can still be viable on quite a few maps are getting ignored, and that is starting to really bother me. I'm getting the feeling that research should actually start costing again, that way people would research stuff on the idea that heavy research is expensive and a long way off.

    OH MAN, there's an idea, make just chassis research cost resources. It wouldn't even affect the losing team that much, usually when they start losing at the point they can't afford the research it most likely means they couldn't afford the tanks either.
  9. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    but they could save up. saving up for research and for tanks will undoubtably be a lot different - especially timing wise.

    im really torn when it comes to free research. i still remember how cost was a major balance factor, removing it did change a lot, im not sure for the better of worse. research feels a whole lot faster, especially on maps where early radar is a viable strategy now - before, even if you could afford 600 right away, you didnt have the 250 for basic categories by the time the radar was built. today you better drop radar once you reach 600 or you start falling behind ...
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2014
  10. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    @Lazybum. Yeah you're right, they're not gimping it right now on purpose, but the trees still have vestiges of that within. It's the reason say absorbent is in chemistry and composite is not. The reason absorbent is so good now, though, is because for a long ass time HE CN and UML were the pimp daddies of tank combat and you needed something to balance that out.

    The whole structure of the research tree is like that, still. It's part of the reason we're afraid to add interesting variants and instead get things like plasma which everyone knows is a fricken retarded idea in terms of the game, since unless you're in a very niche environment - like a clan match or something, it's a bad choice. Even then, you don't get space to use plasma properly, and consequently over time the weapon has been buffed to not make it look like the joke it really is.

    It's a joke. It's a retarded joke. And the funnier thing is it's in a tree that already has a decent cannon. Already has the one of only TWO options of cannon.

    Mechanics as a tree also is utter idiocy. Mechanics should not be a research tree. Every other research tree is an option, mechanics is the only mandatory research tree - and it's not even in the middle of the gui! It's a fake idea and really should be split up and laid out as the backbone of the game it really is. That's super basic HCI right there.

    You don't put something people will have to use in its own niche. This is why we still get newbies researching multiple guns and armours without new tanks. It's utterly foolish to say that newbies shouldn't command anyway, because if they are commanding it's because the situation demands it. It's the way that the game survives without vets on the board. Gorram it, I wish people would understand that.

    I know it's hard to change some of these things, but it's more ridiculous to let them continue. People don't even understand the kind of rubbish unintuitive ways that they've gotten used to and come up with lots of silly arguments for it. It's not that it's hard to change, or that it's niche to understand, it's that it's not logical in the first place.


    Anyway, the thing with cost is both that it chops up the game into good phases and it also means that people don't just research willy nilly. They strategise much more and need to think, because there's an actual cost to their actions. Going for bio over chem isn't really strategic any more, it's a choice of which comes first, but only time is sacrificed - and not too badly because you can always "erase" your mistakes later, because replacements are too easy to find.

    What would make more sense, is if you gave the first tree free - ensuring everyone had the basic needs of tank combat, and then make the other items cost. This way you make a strategic choice about what you get, and actually have to plan it.

    Though honestly, the way cost worked in the research tree wasn't ideal either. You had to spend money to unlock a branch that didn't even get you anything, then you had to spend more money to unlock the actual weapon or armour or whatever. In theory it could take money for you to unlock the technological know-how, and then just time before the actual item is unlocked.

    But why hasn't that been looked into?

    This is what I don't understand about empires. Everyone seems to be thinking in binary, and people rarely think laterally about problems. Even more rare is they see the whole picture, and the knock on effects. Most of you are doing, or have done, 10x better than I have at school, and yet you don't...want? to take a problem and turn it around in your mind, looking at from each side.
  11. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I don't think I have ever seen a new person research a whole bunch of weapons/armor, they always just go straight for meds or something. I don't mind when someone new comms either, I just mind when they simply don't listen to what vets are telling them to do.

    There is a reason I'm still kinda for the research tree as it currently is, mostly because of time, or rather not wanting to open other tress for whatever reason. Though I really need to remember when I am in comm seat that no one cares or understands having a tech advantage which is never permanent. Which is why whenever I look at the tree I don't think it that bad and most items have their use, people just don't know their use. If it isn't a cannon or missile they don't care.

    Mechanical is something that always made sense to me, tanks are mechanical and so they are in the mechanical tree, right? kinda thing. A lot of the tree is like, I didn't really have to think about where something was because the idea of it can be traced back to a tree's name. That said you are right and mechanical which is completely necessary should be more obvious that it is necessary. Or rather.... I don't know rename it to chassis?

    The thing is the whole hex grid needs to be replaced with a tree you can see in its entirety. No one is arguing against that. It is just we can't do that right now. Quite a few of the problems you mention are related to the gui in some way, so no one can really do much about it now. All that we can really do outside of signing up to program empires is talk about the options currently available, things that can be done within a week kinda of thing.

    Cost though, I really think just having chassis cost would be of help. I like how currently we can research whatever, simply because not so common items do have the potential to be research. If you made everything cost money it would really be a case of, "why did you research that? We could have fielded another tank" kinda of thing. Like people would have to decide what game they were playing and research accordingly, because currently the long game is technically free, you just have to last long enough.
  12. Neoony

    Neoony Member

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    Noob comm vs noob comm make the best games in my opinion.
    It just requires players to be atleast a little bit supportive.

    No "all in", no pointless rush win plans, they just try to do their job and maybe even learn, instead of only having the narrow view of trying to win and thats it.
  13. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    It's been done. It's not an incredibly large point, but a simple change could reflect the reality of gameplay.

    For instance, we have hexagons but have a lopsided tree of 5 branches. If we took the centre hex and replaced it with mechanics, then moved the other branches to the corners of it, it would make more sense - mechanics being in the middle, as it is central to the game.

  14. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Ah yeah that works. It wouldn't be too hard to change in the scripts either I think.
  15. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Yeah, I think you can designate the position of the research nodes in the scripts. It seems pretty versatile.

    Ikalx, go take a stab at it. Literally no one has any more experience with that part of the scripts than anyone else.
  16. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    :) It's the simple things really.

    I just checked and regenerative armour doesn't regen if all the plates on one side are destroyed. I think it's been like that a while, but if we could get them to regen from Zero again, I think the armour would be good once might even need to reduce the regen rate.

    Edit: You want me to play with research? Lol, alright, let's see that I don't break anything :P
  17. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Adding cost back in to any research is as simple as just filling the value back in in research_items.txt on that specific research.

    Spartacus, you can't sub-contract your scripting out after I already sub-contracting my scripting out to you. That's not how it works.
  18. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    Oh was that a thing? Because I think I like that. Maybe. Yeah, that may not be terribly op I think. It would still remain more useful the more plates you can have, but it wouldn't be absolutely terrible on the lighter tanks either. Regen rate would need to go down a bit though, that is for sure.
  19. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    Seems like I can't get access to the central hub very easily. Also, the research branches seem to fill up from the top and then go clockwise, so getting to the top left might be a bit difficult. Really depends if it's coded like that or there's a variable for it.

    I did manage to make the central research index go into mechanics, then have the other branches span out from there, buuut...that doesn't really help anything. Lol.
  20. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Bro, I do benefits for government contracts and let me tell you, that is how it works and it's an administrative nightmare.

    But seriously though, I think the current research tree is mostly unsalvageable. However I see no reason not to allow someone to try to improve it if they believe its core structure is still useful.

    Personally, I've always been a fan of a civ-style tree. It's displayed in an intuitive fashion and you can interweave shit if you like.

    [sub]And you can click on unreachable nodes and it'll queue to that node because research queueing is the bomb.[/sub]


    You're varying XPos & YPos, right? I remember it being pretty intuitive when I used to add extra research nodes and shit, but looking back now, it seems pretty cray. My aspie senses aren't noticing much in the way of patterns that would let us arrange shit the way that you're suggesting.

    If you have any epiphanies, then please share with the class.

    		"Name"			"Research Index"		//name given to research item
    		"Parent"		""				//name of parent that this branches from
    		"Description"		"Research tree begins here."	//description given when hovering over research item
    		"Icon"			"comm/hex_tree"			//icon drawn on research tree
    		"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_dark"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    		"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    		"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    		"Time"			"0"		//time to research this item in seconds
    		"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    		"XPos"			"257"
    		"YPos"			"0"
    		"Name"			"Physics"		//name given to research item
    		"Parent"		"Research Index"				//name of parent that this branches from
    		"Description"		"Physics allows access to plasma weaponry, a fission reactor based vehicle engine, and nuclear weaponry."	//description given when hovering over research item
    		"Icon"			"comm/hex_cat_physics"			//icon drawn on research tree
    		"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cat_physics_off"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    		"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    		"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    		"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    		"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    		"XPos"			"50"
    		"YPos"			"24"
    		"Superheated Material Physics"
    			"Name"			"Superheated Material Physics"		//name given to research item
    			"Parent"		"Physics"				//name of parent that this branches from
    			"Description"		"(Items In Category: Plasma Cannon, Plasma MG) Study the properties of matter as it is heated to plasma like levels."	//description given when hovering over research item
    			"Icon"			"comm/hex_multi"			//icon drawn on research tree
    			"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_multi_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    			"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    			"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    			"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    			"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    			"XPos"			"20"
    			"YPos"			"48"
    			"Plasma Cannon Projectile"
    				"Name"			"Plasma Cannon Projectile"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Superheated Material Physics"				//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle Cannon) Utilize the knowledge gained from superheated material physics to develop a projectile that is superheated before leaving the barrel.  This projectile is designed to impact a vehicle's armor and transfer a large amount of heat into the vehicle as well as breaking down the armor's structure and weakening it."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"0"
    				"YPos"			"72"
    			"Plasma Bullet Projectile"
    				"Name"			"Plasma Bullet Projectile"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Superheated Material Physics"				//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle Machine Gun) Utilize the same design of the Plasma Cannon Projectile but in the smaller confines of a bullet projectile which will allow heat to be transferred into a target at a much higher rate."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"20"
    				"YPos"			"72"
    		"Projectile Physics"
    			"Name"			"Projectile Physics"		//name given to research item
    			"Parent"		"Physics"				//name of parent that this branches from
    			"Description"		"(Items In Category: Reflective Armor, Extended Range Cannon, Heavy Caliber MG) Study the properties of projectile interaction with materials and their subsequent detonation."	//description given when hovering over research item
    			"Icon"			"comm/hex_multi"			//icon drawn on research tree
    			"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_multi_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    			"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    			"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    			"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    			"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    			"XPos"			"50"
    			"YPos"			"48"
    			"Reflective Armor"
    				"Name"			"Reflective Armor"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Projectile Physics"				//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle Armor) Utilize the knowledge gained from projectile physics to create armor that can deflect projectiles and their kinetic energy away from a vehicle, severly reducing its power."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"90"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"50"
    				"YPos"			"92"
    			"Extended Range Cannon"
    				"Name"			"Extended Range Cannon"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Projectile Physics"	//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle Cannon) Access manufacturing process for longer bore cannons with further range."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"30"
    				"YPos"			"92"
    			"Heavy Caliber Machine Gun"
    				"Name"			"Heavy Caliber Machine Gun"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Projectile Physics"	//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle Machine Gun) Access manufacturing process for larger barrels and ammunition for conventional machine guns."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"90"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"70"
    				"YPos"			"92"
    		"Nuclear Fission"
    			"Name"			"Nuclear Fission"		//name given to research item
    			"Parent"		"Physics"				//name of parent that this branches from
    			"Description"		"(Items In Category: Vehicle Fission Reactor, HIT Warhead) Gain access to the most basic methods of harnessing the power of the atom."	//description given when hovering over research item
    			"Icon"			"comm/hex_multi"			//icon drawn on research tree
    			"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_multi_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    			"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    			"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    			"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    			"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    			"XPos"			"85"
    			"YPos"			"48"
    			"Fission Reactor"
    				"Name"			"Fission Reactor"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Nuclear Fission"				//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle Engine) Gain access to a small experimental reactor coupled with a steam based drive system for use as a vehicle engine with excellent horsepower but excessive waste heat."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"85"
    				"YPos"			"72"
    			"HIT Warhead"
    				"Name"			"HIT Warhead"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Nuclear Fission"				//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle Missile Launcher) Gain access to the High-Impulse Thermobaric warhead. This weapon utilizes a High-Impulse Thermobaric warhead to deliver an intense pressure wave to its target, resulting in a more powerful explosion than is possible via conventional means. It is highly effective against both mobile and stationary targets."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"180"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"105"
    				"YPos"			"72"
    		"Name"			"Chemistry"		//name given to research item
    		"Parent"		"Research Index"				//name of parent that this branches from
    		"Description"		"Chemistry allows access to improved cannon shells, explosive bullets, a powerful missile warhead, absorbant armor, and a vehicle engine with advanced cooling properties."	//description given when hovering over research item
    		"Icon"			"comm/hex_cat_chem"			//icon drawn on research tree
    		"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cat_chem_off"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    		"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    		"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    		"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    		"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    		"XPos"			"175"
    		"YPos"			"24"
    		"Improved Flagration Compounds"
    			"Name"			"Improved Flagration Compounds"		//name given to research item
    			"Parent"		"Chemistry"				//name of parent that this branches from
    			"Description"		"(Items In Category: Explosive Tipped Bullets) Increases the power of bullets by increasing the stored energy of a bullet's propellant chemical compound."	//description given when hovering over research item
    			"Icon"			"comm/hex_multi"			//icon drawn on research tree
    			"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_multi_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    			"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    			"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    			"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    			"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    			"XPos"			"135"
    			"YPos"			"48"
    			"Explosive Tipped Bullets"
    				"Name"			"Explosive Tipped Bullets"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Improved Flagration Compounds"	//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle Machine Gun) Engineer a machine gun with explosive bullets able to damage armor and infantry with a small blast area."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"30"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"135"
    				"YPos"			"72"
    		"Improved Detonation Compounds"
    			"Name"			"Improved Detonation Compounds"		//name given to research item
    			"Parent"		"Chemistry"				//name of parent that this branches from
    			"Description"		"(Items In Category: Upgraded Grenades, High Explosive Cannon Shells) Increases power of small explosives such as grenades and cannon shells."	//description given when hovering over research item
    			"Icon"			"comm/hex_multi"			//icon drawn on research tree
    			"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_multi_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    			"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    			"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    			"Time"			"30"		//time to research this item in seconds
    			"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    			"XPos"			"155"
    			"YPos"			"48"
    			"Upgraded Grenades"
    				"Name"			"Upgraded Grenades"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Improved Detonation Compounds"	//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle Grenade Launcher) Improves the explosive power of vehicle grenades and extends their range."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"175"
    				"YPos"			"72"
    			"Explosive Shells"
    				"Name"			"Explosive Shells"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Improved Detonation Compounds"	//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle HE Cannon) Engineer a cannon shell that uses its kinetic energy to penetrate a target and then exploding to inflict even more damage over a large radius."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"90"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"155"
    				"YPos"			"72"
    		"Improved Warhead Compounds"
    			"Name"			"Improved Warhead Compounds"		//name given to research item
    			"Parent"		"Chemistry"				//name of parent that this branches from
    			"Description"		"(Items In Category: Upgraded Missile Warhead) Increases power of large explosives found in warheads."	//description given when hovering over research item
    			"Icon"			"comm/hex_multi"			//icon drawn on research tree
    			"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_multi_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    			"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    			"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    			"Time"			"90"		//time to research this item in seconds
    			"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    			"XPos"			"215"
    			"YPos"			"48"
    			"Upgraded Missile Warhead"
    				"Name"			"Upgraded Missile Warhead"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Improved Warhead Compounds"	//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle Missile Launcher) Upgrade the standard warhead found on missiles for more damage."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"90"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"215"
    				"YPos"			"72"
    		"Improved Heat Transfer Fluids"
    			"Name"			"Improved Heat Transfer Fluids"		//name given to research item
    			"Parent"		"Chemistry"				//name of parent that this branches from
    			"Description"		"(Items In Category: Advanced Coolant Engine) Develop fluids with excellent heat transfer properties to be integrated into a standard engine."	//description given when hovering over research item
    			"Icon"			"comm/hex_multi"			//icon drawn on research tree
    			"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_multi_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    			"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    			"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    			"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    			"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    			"XPos"			"195"
    			"YPos"			"48"
    			"Advanced Coolant Engine"
    				"Name"			"Advanced Coolant Engine"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Improved Heat Transfer Fluids"	//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle Engine) Engineer an engine with standard horsepower but with the ability to cool components better than any other proposed engine design."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"195"
    				"YPos"			"72"
    //		"Absorbant Materials"
    //		{
    //			"Name"			"Absorbant Materials"		//name given to research item
    //			"Parent"		"Chemistry"				//name of parent that this branches from
    //			"Description"		"(Items In Category: Absorbant Armor) Gain access to materials designed to absorb excessive force and undergo extensive plastic deformation vice fracturing."	//description given when hovering over research item
    //			"Icon"			"comm/hex_multi"			//icon drawn on research tree
    //			"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_multi_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    //			"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    //			"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    //			"Time"			"90"		//time to research this item in seconds
    //			"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    //		}
    			"Absorbant Materials" //used to be Absorbant Armor
    				"Name"			"Absorbant Armor"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Chemistry"	//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle Armor) Engineer armor that is able to absorb a projectile's kinetic energy and reduce damage better as a projectile increases in speed."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"90"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"175"
    				"YPos"			"48"
    	"Mechanical Engineering"
    		"Name"			"Mechanical Engineering"		//name given to research item
    		"Parent"		"Research Index"				//name of parent that this branches from
    		"Description"		"Mechanical Engineering gives access to upgraded chassis types (medium tank, heavy tank, artillery tank), composite armor, and gas turbine engine."	//description given when hovering over research item
    		"Icon"			"comm/hex_cat_mech"			//icon drawn on research tree
    		"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cat_mech_off"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    		"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    		"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    		"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    		"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    		"XPos"			"257"
    		"YPos"			"24"
    		"Upgraded Chassis"
    			"Name"			"Upgraded Chassis"		//name given to research item
    			"Parent"		"Mechanical Engineering"				//name of parent that this branches from
    			"Description"		"(Items In Category: Artillery Tank Chassis, Medium Tank Chassis, Heavy Tank Chassis) Gain newer vehicle chassis types."	//description given when hovering over research item
    			"Icon"			"comm/hex_multi"			//icon drawn on research tree
    			"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_multi_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    			"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    			"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    			"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    			"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    			"XPos"			"257"
    			"YPos"			"48"
    			"Medium Tank Chassis"
    				"Name"			"Medium Tank Chassis"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Upgraded Chassis"	//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle Chassis) Gain access to the medium tank chassis."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"90"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"237"
    				"YPos"			"72"
    			"Artillery Tank Chassis"
    				"Name"			"Artillery Tank Chassis"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Upgraded Chassis"	//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle Chassis) Gain access to the artillery tank chassis."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"120"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"277"
    				"YPos"			"72"
    			"Advanced Chassis"
    				"Name"			"Advanced Chassis"		//name given to research item
    				"Parent"		"Upgraded Chassis"				//name of parent that this branches from
    				"Description"		"(Items In Category: Heavy Tank Chassis) Research the required chassis improvements for the Heavy Tank."	//description given when hovering over research item
    				"Icon"			"comm/hex_multi"			//icon drawn on research tree
    				"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_multi_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    				"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    				"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    				"Time"			"180"		//time to research this item in seconds
    				"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    				"XPos"			"257"
    				"YPos"			"72"
    				"Heavy Tank Chassis"
    					"Name"			"Heavy Tank Chassis"		//name given to research item
    					"Parent"		"Advanced Chassis"	//name of parent that this branches from
    					"Description"		"(Technology: Vehicle Chassis) Gain access to the heavy tank chassis."	//description given when hovering over research item
    					"Icon"			"comm/hex_cube"			//icon drawn on research tree
    					"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_cube_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    					"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    					"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    					"Time"			"180"		//time to research this item in seconds
    					"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    					"XPos"			"257"
    					"YPos"			"96"
    		"Advanced Machining"
    			"Name"			"Advanced Machining"		//name given to research item
    			"Parent"		"Mechanical Engineering"				//name of parent that this branches from
    			"Description"		"(Items In Category: Composite Armor) Gain access to an improved armor material and a more powerful engine design."	//description given when hovering over research item
    			"Icon"			"comm/hex_multi"			//icon drawn on research tree
    			"Unresearched Icon"	"comm/hex_multi_empty"		//icon drawn in the GUI
    			"Type"			"0"		//nothing
    			"Cost"			"0"		//cost of this research item
    			"Time"			"60"		//time to research this item in seconds
    			"Team"			""		//which team can research this
    			"XPos"			"277"
    			"YPos"			"48"
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2014

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