I think the game may be too mentally challenging for it's playerbase.

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by Chris0132', Jan 3, 2008.

  1. MomoZMonster

    MomoZMonster Member

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    the old question of it being better to be loved or feared applies.

    A GOOD comm can take a bunch of misfits and get them to benefit the team. Maybe they don't win that map, but down towards the road those misfits may have even turned out to be decent players. Then they look for that comm again cause that comm actually helped , then you've got something.

    A BAD comm assumes their shit don't stink and starts whining like I've seen in this thread about the players instead of whining to himself on ihs inability to command and lead players , really all that shows to the players too. They know the comm can't command anything and is not in control of himself.
    Respect is out the window at this point. And in the world, you loose the respect of the people gunning for you? they start gunning AT you. So in empires at that point you turn a team into a bunch of bounty hunters.

    Don't give a flip about them, and they will sure turn the favor.

    I'll give this man a lot of credit for writing a few essays on his failures with not just commanding in empires, but being human and what it means to be human.;)
  2. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Fear works fine in the real world, but what I usually go for is making it in people's best interests to do what I say, which is the case in empires, I'm simply vexed that people don't appear to realise this, it strikes me as being incredibly stupid.
  3. Tyberian

    Tyberian Member

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    Despots use fear to get the people to obey. Do you consider yourself a
    despot? If you were to take a poll you would find that you are not feared.
    Reviled by some, maybe. Pitied by some, Ignored by some, Laughed at by
    many.... You desperately need to learn proper leadership. It will get you
    a lot farther in life and in Empires...... I wish you good luck... You desperately
    need it....... I am among those who pity you.....................:pathetic: :D

    One more thing to add: I suggest that you read Prince Machiavelli's "Discourses."
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2008
  4. manhunt0r

    manhunt0r Member

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    ahahaha dude foff with those kid phylosphies of yours there are no despots or white coated heroes its just works or doesnt, all that considering the short and long runs

    ps the poster above me makes me feel inteligent there is something wrong with him
  5. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    Knowing about all these "phylosphies" should make you feel "inteligent."
  6. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    tyberian that brought a tear to my eye. I salute you.
  7. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    I consider myself right nearly all the time, and quite intelligent.

    You can bully people into doing what you say quite easily, and it's much easier than any other method, but the one that works every time is making people want to do things, which as I said is what I usually aim for. Thinking about it sensibly, you should want to do as I tell you when you play empires, because you stand to benefit from it, so why wouldn't you?
  8. manhunt0r

    manhunt0r Member

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    it doesnt as its just plain bs, but nontheless its quite fun for me to logically dissassemble such statements, its a cheap way to improve selfimportance ^^
  9. Superlagg

    Superlagg Member

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    Fear doesnt work over the internet, unless youre an admin.
  10. flatmush

    flatmush Member

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    There's your problem.

    To me you do sound like a good comm that knows his stuff, but most people don't know that and most of the time will benefit little from listening to the comm. You need to communicate if you ever want the rest of the team to trust you, the only reason I'd trust you is cause I've heard your strategies on the forums and they sound well thought out. If I hadn't then I'd take your orders with a pinch of salt (and possibly still would having never seen you in action).
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2008
  11. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    I find the secret it to become good enough you can singlehandedly throw a 10-20 person game completely in your favor.
  12. Tyberian

    Tyberian Member

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    Someone who is truly intelligent does not have to bring that to the attention
    of others. Chris.... You are a bully who associates ego with intelligence......
    It is not the same thing.... I hope that by some quirk of fate you are allowed
    to grow up..... Life's experience hopefully will give you some maturity.......
    Meanwhile sail on with fair winds and following seas during your journey
    over the sea of ignorance................You could not persuade me to follow....
    or even travel alongside. Go learn leadership and then come back...........

    I am probably wasting my time.... Any one have a Tylenol ??? :rolleyes:
  13. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    Trust not those who claim to have found truth but trust those who claim only to seek it. Blah Blah Blah, we get it, you got your honors philosophy degree in 1948.

    On a more important note. Who the fuck uses despotism?? Is this 1963?

    Plenty of very intelligent people are egomaniacs.

    Anyways most of what Chris has said has been at the very least well founded and logically cogent. Most of you however have countered with personal attacks.

    Skill/clan stacking is a big issue even on servers like KM that have anti-stack settings. I see claners blatantly switching teams, and doing stuff like going spec untill they can join their clans team. While I'm not claiming BSID is without fault some other clans do this to extremes. Even when we are all playing in the same server we generally have at least a few people on the other team. And yes we can be cocky, but last time I checked we are pretty fucking good.

    I played 4 and only 4 games earlier today on the KM server and magically KEU CW Z4G and ghost kept getting on the same team every game even on a server which has anti-stacking settings. I'm talking blatant sitting in spec until they could join the other team with clanners while I was the only clanner for the beginning and sometimes entirety of those 4 matches. (my team won 3/4, turns out cw z4g ghost and keu suck, we only lost when our commander couldn't drop a rax in middle on crossroads.)

    TBH if anything this thread has made me more likely to listen to Chris ingame because he isn't a pussy. Before this thread I probably would have ignored any orders from him as I usually do with most comms.
  14. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    everyone stacks, stack with the ones you know, stack with the player u believe they behave in a way you like, stack with players who win, etc

    everyone does it i dont belive that there are people out there that hit the random team button every time they play.

    Fear doesnt work over the internet but fame does. Play good, get the upper positions on the scoreboard and you will see that people tend to listen to you more often than if you are unknown.

    And i must say that i prefer to play with clan members, why?

    Because its more likely that they help you to build up stuff or drive the 6th apc on front cause the first 5 explode or wall up and defend the area.the whole boring stuff....

    I dont say claners are better i they there are a chance that they might be more team/game orientated than those snipers, lone wolfs who doesnt care about anything
  15. manhunt0r

    manhunt0r Member

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    screw you and your anti z4g claims simon :P
    and tyberian u need a reality check, try to do all your thought debates in a dialog with another person this usually helps.
    and stop writing useless methaphors this kind of bs only works on 16year old girls(EDâ„¢).
    all at all less personal oppinions more logical assumptions, pleaaaaaase.
    until now i HAVENT hit the random button like 10 or 15 times and if i see that the enemy team got to many nubs in the begging of the game or that there are stackers on my team i try to switch, all those "epic" wins in like 5 or 10 minutes get boring after the 5th time or so.and srsly i did assume that most ppl hit the autoasign but as its random stacking can occur nontheless, yesterday i was assigned to nf 6 times in a row
  16. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    I know that.

    Which is why, for possibly the fourth time, I say that I prefer the idea of making it in people's best interests.

    Do I have to say it again?

    Someone who is truly intelligent wouldn't need me to tell them that I am.

    I'm egotistical simply because I can be, I'd still be egotistical even if I was thick, I'd just be less eloquent about it.

    I would be the first to admit I don't know the first thing about leading stupid people, just as I don't know the first thing about fighting stupid people, because as somebody said (I can't remember who), the biggest problem with stupid people is that you don't know what they're going to do next.

    I can lead a team which is intelligent enough to see the sense in following the orders of the commander, but I can't lead one that isn't. I also don't think I should have to, people should be able to realise the neccessity of a clear chain of command, and if they don't, I think the mod needs to drill it into them a bit more strongly before turning them loose onto a server I'm playing on.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2008
  17. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    Oh great you blew our cover thanks a lot bastard
  18. Tyberian

    Tyberian Member

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    Manhunter with the pumpkin head.....As for the girls 16 will get you 20.....
    The awful truth of the mater is that if given a choice I would like to be
    both loved and feared. If I have to make a choice of only one of these
    I would choose "To be feared." you are also right about the metaphores.
    I prefer it to being crude, demeaning and patronizing. Leadership is not
    generic. It is learned and practiced. With Chris I have yet to see either.
    You follow him if you so choose. I choose to go my own way as is my right.
    This is my last post on this thread. I am comfortable with myself and shall
    continue to do as I choose. I do not have to toady up to anyone.
    Asses are to be kicked, not kissed.....Oh.... And some advice... stay away
    from the 16 year old girls... They can be nothing but trouble.
  19. P0g0

    P0g0 Member

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    As I see it in PUGs the chain of command stops at the squad leader spot.
    The squad leader is the first guy to squad. This has no promise of the right
    person being the squad leader. Without a good squad leader who talks to
    the comm and takes orders from the comm the comm becomes an island
    who has the god eye view and does research. I can think of no cure for
    this unless the power to replace the squad leader lies with the commander.
    The games take on such a rapid progression that there is not time for this
    action anyway. I have no workable solution for this..... Do you???
  20. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Maybe repetition would work.

    Simply keep saying to the players LISTEN TO THE COMMANDER throughout the tutorial or something and they might get it.

    Oh and by chain of command, what I actually mean is 'Do as I say.'

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