The worst part about turbo is that we graduated to using this shitty physics-push turbo. Torque-based turbo was so much better, I have no idea why we stopped using it. But turbo is a crutch that we should avoid either way, or make it directly damage the hull or something if you use it. I'm deadly fucking serious. It should also only be possible on one specific engine, maybe Gas Turbine. With regard to jeeps, they should handle with controllable drifting, which is essentially the total opposite to what ViroMan did. Viroman did to the jeeps exactly what the tanks needed, but for reasons I still don't understand, couldn't stop wasting his time fucking about with jeep scripts which were never ever going to be added to the game (a fact I made clear several times during the development process). It's a pretty simple list of requirements: Artillery, Heavy and Medium tanks should not skid, and should generally be able to turn quite well, just like actual tracked vehicles. Regardless of what people think about making tanks feel "heavy", tanks RL can rotate far quicker than Empires tanks can, and that's something we should change. It would improve tank combat immensely. Jeeps however, are the opposite. A jeep should be easy to drive at a basic level, but the moment you start dabbing the handbrake or whatever, that back end should be kicking the fuck out and you should be going round corners sideways. To a FAR more limited extent, this should be slightly possible with APCs and LTs also. The fact is, vehicles should be fun to drive. To have fun driving them, you need a decent skill ceiling. Vehicles that engage in mobile combat, or no combat at all, should really be focused on having a high skill ceiling with regard to the overall movement possible. Tracked tanks are the opposite. The skill ceiling there should be based in decision making with regard to where, when and how you engage other tanks. I don't feel like there should be a huge degree of skill with regard to mastering how to actually drive the tank, the skill should come from use of the weapons and the stuff I said in the previous sentence. No-one has ever used a plugin to enable turbo, no-one ever will. There is one way to enable it, and that's by adding the lines to the scripts. The same lines can be added for any vehicle in the game. Stop making posts when you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Now you need to go through all the customisations on your server and check them. These are going to be different for each server but all we needed to do when updating VIPER was fix the Jeep Turbo plugin. Maps with the same name were overwritten but configs remained, admin tools, map vote stuff all appears to be working as before.
AZK was probably just a little confused. I'm fairly certain you don't need any plugins to edit the vehicle scripts.
Im sorry I made you bin your efforts wealthy I honestly thought I would get the results I wanted with little effort. Time went on and it was draining to get all the different test results and I was felt I honestly close to being finished discovering all the little nuances with several settings and shit and then loose all the data I gathered up when and update decided to write over all my shit that I foolishly didn't backup as well as I should have. Its kind of difficult for me to pick up where I left off as every time I start to do a little and I don't get the result I want.. I just drop it out of disgust.
No, thats not the only reason. To get them to handle the way they should (and reznov and bloodraven were happy with it) it will need ALL other vehicles to be changed at the same time (and possibly even some maps). I may look into doing that or I may not bother. In April I had the time but as said earlier Viroman was also working on the vehicles and there was no point us both doing it. I have much less time (and to be honest, inclination, to do it now). Although on the upside. After some digging I found a couple of versions of the script I had modified atleast. Edit: I'll give more clarification. One of the big complaints about removing turbo from jeeps was that on a hill it takes forever to get started without them. To fix this the jeeps need more torque/slow speed power. This allows (with some engines) jeeps to push other vehicles with the current scripts around like toys. I don't believe that fixing other vehicles to stop them being pushed around is as easy as raising the vehicles weight.
Going to double post. Lets have a bit of fun. Because I can't remember the pros and cons of what I did then lets have a bit of open testing. If I get detailed feedback then I will try to spend time to fix it up, if not then I may not. Update empires to the beta branch on steam and have a play with the BE jeep and the NF jeep. The BE jeep has been changed whilst the NF jeep remains as it is in the public build. Tell me the good and the bad. Also mention where it can be abused in its current form. Go. P.s. I suggest instead of waiting each time that you type "exec testing.cfg" in the console at the start of the map (without quote marks). This will remove the wait time and allow you to build vehicles without a vehicle factory. For people like spartacus who like looking at text: Yeah, viroman mentioned a couple of other changes. I will say I did get a chance to test out those vehicles though, and the way heavier tanks interacted with lighter stuff is exactly what people what I think.
Idk about you, but I've already started testing with pubbers and getting feedback. Get on my level, Wealthy, get on my level.
You realise that I DIDNT make a public release of my jeeps for a reason. As described above. Then you take the file and add it to yours and release it publicly...
. But turbo is a crutch that we should avoid either way, or make it directly damage the hull or something if you use it. I'm deadly fucking serious omg hurt the hull? research for turbos? omg..they were just fkn fun,
Researched turbo is possible. Not via engines but, via new vehicles with turbo. Turbo with ultra heat increase or hull dmg is possible with minor code edit.
Just for discussion's sake... It would give you massive hill climbing power if you could manually shift. The engines auto shift up at 40% rpm. That is a shit load of lost torque as it shifts to a higher gear with a significantly lower ratio. From 3.5 to 1.8 in switching to second gear for example. Now I understand what you say is true. It could be daunting as hell to remember to shift in this game where shit is happening all over the place and not having a pedal system set up can't be very nice as well.