My advice would be to look for something real that has a lot of detailed reference photos, something like a M79: Or an M203 attachment: And try and make it as detailed as possible while sticking to reasonable poly limits. Once you have some practice at making things accurately from reference pictures you will be able to get a better idea of what works and what looks good. If you want to make somethign original sketch some concepts for it first and get feedback on the concepts before making the model, and with practice from working with references you will be able to make it exactly as you want it. Another good tip is to try and get somethign simple to the completed stage first, remember for a model to work it has to be able to fit with the player hands and be able to animate with moving parts as well as having movable cartridges/magazines. Remember you are going to have to learn to UV map and also skin the model yourself unless you can find a skinner to do it. you will also have to learn how to animate. These different aspects are all related and rely on a good quality starting mesh, you do not want to spend hours making something complicated and later down the line realise that it is going to be impossible to animate properly or too much hassle to UV unwrap it. Once you understand the full process you will learn how important it is to get the mesh right. I know this sounds like a whole lot of work but that's what it takes to make models for source unfortunately.There is a reason there are very few modellers, texture artists and animators in the source community, it is certainly a lot harder and takes a lot more work than mapping where u can learn the basics and have a playable killbox compiled and finished in 6 hours.
An example of reasonable polies, you see the grips? instead of doing that with spheres, do it with a central cylinder and multiple slightly larger cylinders for the bumps.
ok emptie there are NO speres with my models only cylinders and capsules and hypernubs combinedwith a flowereffect and a extender
If it's highly smooth it's high in polies. Capsules essentially are spheres on the ends of a cylinder anyway.
Well for something like the grip you could probably do it with under a dozen polies, considering the ones you cant see are deleted and it can be kept simple because its probably not even gonna be visible because its off the bottom of your screen or hidden by the rest of the weapon or the players hands.
my experience with modeling is very slim, but I'd like to throw it in the same boat as mapping here for a second. So you have this wall you want to make in a map, its a brick wall and has mortar between them. Now would you make every single brick of the wall out of a new block colored a red material with another block of grey material between for the mortar, OR would you simlply slam one square block into the map and throw a brick wall texture on it? while the brick by brick would look very realistic, it would also take up significantly more memory without serveing any real addition to the game. smooth curves = brick by brick block design. you just got to think about useing the minimum ammount nessessary to get the needed look. Ask yourself how much the part is going to be seen?(left hand holding barrel vrs right hand holding trigger hidden by gun) Which direction is it going to be seen from?(seeing side vrs seeing bottom) How close is the part going to be seen from?(iron sights vrs ammo clip) How often or how long the part is going to be seen?(fireing animations vrs reload animation) so for some exagerated examples for the first, maybe you make the left hand have each finger made out of 3 blocks, where as the left hand can have the entire fist made out of 1 single square block.(remember these are exagurated examples and should never be used unless your makeing a game 16 years ago) now maybe you have this tall eclipsoid(or suppose to be) part on the top of the gun, well if your only going to be seeing it from the back pretty much you could get away with making it just a block eclipse shape. lets use our old friend the blimp for an example here. So we have our nice looking blimp, yey lots of blocks makeing everything look nice. this is all well and good if the players are actually fighting on this blimp and it is a main focus of the map. but if the blimp is for the background enviroment and will only be seen from one direction in one part of the map you might look to use something more like this i think the iron sights one is pretty self explanitory So you have more animations used than others, fireing animation is seen 30 times(each bullet) for every 1 reload time. now for some things it would mean you would make the things that make up the fireing animation extremly detailed compared to the reload animation(for some things this is true and it all depends on the situation) HOWEVER the fireing animation lasts about 2% of the reload animation time, therefore depending on the speed of the reload animation you may want the items in it to look very detailed but alot of the time you can get away with worse quality animation and graphics with faster animations so you also have to take this into account, shitty models and graphics can still have a good feel with quick animation gameplay. btw for the model design im refering to shit you only see during the animation such as clips and other hands or other parts of the gun. is the clip just 1 rectangle? is it a angled and rounded item? does it have a detatiled bullet on the top? are the hand about to walk right of some CG movie or are the animations so fast all you need is 10 fat block finger blocks? I would keep writing but im tired and want to play some games b4 sleep, GL.
this sint aingame render by the way thisIS a high polie photo this would not be whats in game, i have put int toa low poly version in maya
Your not suppose to do it quickly, if you want to impress someone take your time and do your best. Also, for the love of god, fix your grammar.
people attacking people for grammar are retarded, as long as the point gets accross I dont give a fuck how you spelled it.
I agree with simon, learn to model. I tried constructive criticism but you guys didn't like that, so I'm going the other way. It's shit.
all right then, be bitches if you will but you still have not told me WHAT you dont like about it, what do you wnat cahnged and when you say it, remeber theres tonnes of different versions and the origional only had 26 polys acording to the polie counter empty