Well, perhaps more squares and a tad blocky-ish, so it looks like a big mean motherhubbard, instead of a sleek gun that looks like a hair gel dispenser.
Personally, I like it However, I think what Cloud and others are saying is that is doesn't look like what we would consider a grenade launcher. For example, here are some pictures of real life grenade launchers: http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj234/ScardyBob/SOFWeek_Milkor40mmMGLMk-1S_1.jpg http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj234/ScardyBob/SOFWeek_Milkor40mmMGL-140_7.jpg http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj234/ScardyBob/SOFWeek_Milkor40mmMGL-140_5.jpg http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj234/ScardyBob/SOFWeek_Milkor40mmMGL-140_3.jpg http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj234/ScardyBob/mgl-140.jpg http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj234/ScardyBob/launcher.jpg I find it helps quite a bit to take a look at real life examples for mapping/modeling/etc.
I'm not sure if you're allowed to do this, but maybe you could edit one of the Rifleman weapons? And attach a grenade launcher on it? Keep it up thought.
Who cares if it looks like a real life grenade launcher. Why we dont burn everyone thats imagination is less creative than his poo??????????????????? WOULD MAKE LIVE MUCH EASIER it can look like whatever it wants to look like there are no limitation. Where is the rule that doesnt allow not blocke grenade lauchers. Does the universe collide if it isnt blocky. Such limited mindset makes me sad and angry at the same time.
Hmm... i had written a 200 word response to that, but then i deleted it, and i have to sort of agree with you after i reread what you wrote cause it does make sense, although you gotta admit that it looked more like a lava/gel gun than a grenade launcher.
What did you use to create it? Do you understand how game engines work with polygons? and please get some bigger pictures. *edit* example: We have 2 identical looking objects in maya, the object on the left has 1600 polygons, the one on the right has 400.000. The engine that empires is using, the source engine has a polygon limit of 15.000 on 1 model (not sure), 400.000 poly's wont work, I think your model has around 2.5 mil, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much for a grenade launcher. And Empty, please be a bit more mature, this person is just showing off his work, it is even better than my first model!
I'm impressed by the ability to count polygons by looking at a 320x240 render. You should try modeling a shotgun for BE.
An artist who just does random shit is a bad artist, a good artist knows how to link his work to reality. Hence why everyone hates jackson pollock.
OMG DONT START A DISCUSSION ABOUT ART WITH ME D: ...what has art to do with reality, and btw what has art to do with product design for a game (mod). I dont know if its a common to use the word artist for designers in english countrys but here it is not. I like pollock and if you like I explain you what was the reason and why he did such pictures
Its about the mindset and the thinking behind doing this, first off he was the first who did something like that. No artist bevor pollock reduced the interaction and influence between the artist and the work to such an degree. Its about pushing against boundarys and breaking the rules, thats what art is all about. Doing something new and in a way no one else did. Pollock believed that only in an fast and mindless process real art can be done. Its the same with stuff like dadaism or warhole the "piece of art" itself isnt the art that the artist produced. Its just the result and product of an concept. Its a common misunderstanding that art has to be "hard to do" or "alot of work" art is a expression of an philosophy and not making something nice. Making nice handcrafted stuff is craftsmanship.
The purpose of art is to communicate ideas yes? Art which doesn't is pointless. If your art cannot communicate ideas to people it's bad art, and bad art, and if you can't control the ideas it communicates then you are a bad artist. A good artist can communicate fluently in the language of his chosen medium, to many people, as pollock's art is meaningless to most people, he's a bad artist. Art requires a connection to reality in order to be interpreted. It must draw on existing ideas to make sense to people. You can do it through colour, shape, sound, texture, whatever is available to you, but if your art has no meaning to people then you have failed as an artist. And I'd say modelling is an art, it's making things to communicate to people, if poetry, painting, filmmaking, architecture, and music are all arts, so is modelling.
If you dont understand the art of an artist its not the artitst fault. "art" doesnt care if people understand it, art doesnt want to sell itself. Art that wants to be effective, sell able and have a meaning is called design. You talk the whole time about art but what you really mean is design. An artist produces art for the art itself, everything else is craftmanship or design.
So if I started speaking a made-up language that nobody can understand, it's not my fault, it's everyone else's? They're too stupid to understand my badly constructed language, rather than I'm too stupid to be intelligible? All art communicates, every person who teaches art in any reputable institution will teach you how to communicate ideas in your art. Perhaps this would be easier. Assuming that you are correct and art does not have to be meaningful. In that case what you call art is entirely worthless to us, it has no place in the mind of a modeller for games because a modeller for games must be able to communicate ideas, and if he doesn't he is also worthless. Therefore, regardless of the word used, this model must be constructed within the limitations of the design criteria, if it isn't then it's a shit model and the modeller is by extension a shit modeller. So you would do well to not to fill his head with stupid ideas like 'it can be whatever you want it to be'.
Yes but if I make art and nobody understands it, it is still art and nobody has the right to jugde it. Reputable institution, I mean srsly every revolution in art was done by people that made art that was against the rules of the "Reputable institutions
And every art revolution was about saying 'fuck you' to the 'reputable institutions' and so was about communication... It would have been a rather poor revolution if nobody understood that message wouldn't it? Modern art institutions are built on the principles of the revolutions and so they recognise the need to communicate through art. If you make art and nobody understands it, saying 'I like it and you have no right to judge it' isn't going to stop them from doing so. People are judgemental, and most of them believe that they don't need a 'right' to judge, they just do it.
Yes but it isnt necessary for art to be understood. In short art is about doing what you want without limitation other than those you chose. I dont say that pictures of people like pollock have to be so high priced as they are. The whole art market is imo a big pile of poo.
I can't make any criticisms of the art aspect (i.e. I have no eye for good work ). But I feel that a model should have three important qualities: 1. Be instantly recognizable as what it is/should do 2. Look logically consistent with its function 3. Not significantly hamper the engine That's why I proposed that you tailor your grenade launcher closer to real life examples. What you have done so far makes it look closer to a hand cannon with a small, side-mounted magazine IMO. There is nothing wrong with that except that I feel it violates my first point. This is less of a problem with weapons because you can usually figure out its function by just firing it. However, with other models (say vehicles or aircraft), this would be more troublesome.
thankyou for the good input(excludeing empty) im thinking either a single shot pump action or a round fed version like in tf 2
Ok New Concept i took a new apporouch of the one you guys seem to wnat aka the rotary fed launcher and added my own touch to the handle to make it inot what i immagine as a mobile artillery like a short range mortar, i was hoping for a big boom infantry killer. so i took the handle from a old heavy bolter and put it with this and here is what we got still needs iron sights or something cuz the top is way too bare