Wait hobbes beat them by boomtanking and THEY got mad? I can imagine trickster getting mad at epic for losing to a hobbes boomtank but... aaaaaaarrrrgggh. My god those guys were idiots.
Though my GTX 680 is overclocked to 1201 MHz (top boost), and SLI isn't as reliable I have an H100 (While we're at the subject of being cool, my GTX 680 with its DCUII cooler is, according to ASUS, 20% cooler )
"Isn't as reliable" isn't really an argument. I'm sorry but, your peasant-tier setup can't really compete.
If you want a thread about Empires, you have to start one about monkeys being recorded buttraping one another at the zoo. Derailment is a circle, you see.
Normally I dont mind derailing but this is a thread put together to clean up other spammy threads containing tiny tips etc. Soooo I'ma say clean it up. If you guys wanna continue the current discussion start a thread in OT, lets try and keep this one ontopic
This is derailing too. Also tip: When several buildings are sabbed, check their health, it's a good indicator of Scunt's position.
I hate it when people derail threads of actual value (I'm looking at you EmpiresMod Forum). So- here's look like the only scunt tip I know; Sab buildings up to 99%, then find a quiet moment to just run round and finish them all at once, work in combo with a gren as squad leader and you need very few squad points to level an entire base (drop squad arty between sabbed buildings). for extra points sticky stun the CV in his now dead base and kill spawn to a forward apc to bring reinforcements to finish the job.
If you HAVE TO play scout, take enhanced senses, a submachine gun and sticky stun bombs. Zoom in your minimap to the second closest level, and enjoy the wallhacks this skill gives you.
Bolt action has a niche in squad combat, you can deal damage to stragglers and weaken enemies long before they reach effective engagement range, you won[t get many kills but it gives your squad a small edge. Of course you have to weigh this against just playing rifleman. It's situational but not entirely useless, also sabotage is the best ability in empires imo, especially for refinery harass.
On open maps like isle or cyclopean, you might consider an engineer in a jeep. This combo is fast, mobile and can kill refineries rather quickly.
Need to place a mine quickly without being exposed for too long? While in cover, click and hold mouse 1 and then get to the position and release the button.