Cache ain't got shit from my end, and I've tried pretty much every bort related thing. The viper forums were shut down. This isn't the funniest Bort quote by far, but it's my favourite due to the fact it only took him one page to get to the point where he had called everyone on the forums, who actually knew what they were talking about, retarded.
In short Hexi, this guy set up a server with highly increased resource rates, tonnes of starting res, accelerated research and huge building/turret limits. We explained (nicely, I might add) that this may not be a good idea - That we have played the game for quite a long time and that, in our experience, this was not advisable. He responded by telling us his gaming community dates back to the early 90s and that he knows what's best for our game. We proceeded to explain to him that this was a bad idea the best way we knew how: This took me a long time to dig out. But anyway, that was tame compared to some of the shit other people pulled. But no matter what, he refused to accept defeat. Anyone doing shit like that (using his server settings to an advantage) just got banned. He banned Communism for a wallhack, which was hilarious. I went on their forums, tried to smooth shit out. He went apeshit, started quoting my posts but deleting the originals (wat) and then everyone piled on. In the end, he said his server would outlast us all etc etc. Upon which, we all agreed to stop going there to troll him, and it never got populated again.
Yeah, I read the thread where some guy called Nightmare was talking shit and bragging that "the little clans" would die soon and that they would last at least for another year. I saw the Commie wallhack thread too. Very entertaining read.
Let's be honest, it's not like everyone doesn't already know all these 'tips' But there are people unenlightened to the ways of Bort, and so it is our duty to share what knowledge we have
Well, I would personally divide tips into three categories. n00btips/medtips/protips N00btips and medtips are good for newbies/regular but not good players. Protips are for more advanced players and vets.
Filled the middle of Isle with turrets, the server lagged to shit every time an enemy came close. Parachutes were exploitable because they refused to take advice on how to fix them beeeeee It was so hilarious. Also funfact: For the longest time I thought Brot was Bort and always wondered when did he turn sane. Or when did he abandon his super awesome clan that's been around since the 90's
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. They did a clan-wide ban on MEG. But rather than do the smart thing and just use their steam-group, they just made it ban anyone wearing the tags.
There was no smart way to go about banning MEG. It was just dumb. We were banned because hobbes boomtanked and managed to go beat a stacked outcasts team by doing it, which made the psycho mad, claiming it wasn't how somebody is 'supposed' to command. But seeing somebody exploiting the parachute glitch in the distance brings back good memories.
Ah yes, Outcasts. The clan that claimed they had code access to the mod because they managed to use gcfscape on the GCF's and extract the scripts folder. Lawl. Better yet, when trickster repeatedly explained to them that they couldnt really do anything with this they decided he was stupid and didn't know what he was talking about. Edit: Just realised that bort is the same guy that said NF LT's need buffed as BE AFV's are superior to them in every way (wut?)
No, it was exactly like that and no matter what argument you used he was all like "omg afv OP because it has one extra plate of armour/side, LTs are bad" I thought he was trolling at first, later I was sure he was the best troll ever but the sad thing is that he was completely serious.
Yeah, his whole argument was based on sitting with both vehicles parallel, side by side without moving. Anyway, if yous are looking for more details on that then the forum search should find it if you search for his username (bort)
He also honestly believed that Paradox, Devourawr, Hobbes, and myself were all actually the same person using the same account.
I regret having a shitty computer for a good majority of my younger days. Because these stories sound awesome and I wish I was there to witness most of them.