
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sprayer2708, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    Because communism has been successful in the past.
  2. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    as if capitalism would, it just needs longer to crash. wait a few centuries ...
  3. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    I'd take 200+ years over 70 any day of the week.
  4. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    whatsoever - im tired of this discussion already anyway ...
  5. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    Typical leftist response.
    Ignore argument and call opposition racist.
  6. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    no im just tired argueing with someone half my age that knows nothing about the world at all ...

    i know, typical ageist response. i dont care ...
  7. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    :) :) :)
  8. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    you didnt bring forth much arguments anyway. its not my job to entertain your trolling. unless youd pay me for it, but i doubt you could afford that ...
  9. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Mmm the idea of mechanical assistance in the western world is probably greek or maybe egyptian. Things like the archimedes screw pump or primitive construction equipment would have originated with the first large scale builders.

    The idea of large scale automation was probably first done in england as part of the textile industry and with the invention of the punch card.

    The idea of a mechanical mathematical engine was probably first realised in the difference engine which is also an english invention.

    The first 'modern' programmable computer would likely be something like the one used during world war 2 to break german cryptography. A british invention. Although germany did have a considerably earlier one which lacked a couple of features.

    As to modern computers they are such complicated devices that they are probably designed by people from all over the world, although many of the parts and applications are probably constructed in india and china, certainly development teams are recruited from all over the world.

    If you want the greatest driving force in inventiveness however it is not capitalism, which did not exist until fairly recently in human history. It more probably war. War drives people to invent things to avoid being killed, or simply because governments often give a lot of money to scientific programs in wartime as long as they can get useable weapons out of them.

    Amusingly, in wartime, the free market is often suspended, as are many liberties, all in the name of protecting the country of course. A state which is supposedly the opposite of everything American is often the mother of the greatest inventions. A lack of nationalism also helps because it means that you can recruit people from other countries. Nationalism is probably one of the greatest impediments to human progress, because it prevents so much cooperation. Although I suppose it does create a lot of wars, so it can't be all bad.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2010
  10. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    Flasche, that article that you posted said that the nagasaki and hiroshima atomic bombs were example of state terrorism.

    Apparently you never heard of the casualty rate for both american and japanese soldiers in the pacific theatre.

    Even better mine has Citations and isn't considered biased.

    Could you imagine what would have happened if several hundred thousand US soldiers and a million Russian soldiers invaded the Japanese mainland? 2 bombs killed 240,000 civilians. Somehow I doubt that is anywhere near the average casualty rate of around 90%. I honestly doubt there would be a japan left if it weren't for the use of nuclear bombs. To call it an act of terrorism is blatantly ignorant.

    At any rate, I think the past 7 pages have been absolutely full of retards arguing over national pride. There is a reason for many americans owning guns. several million of us hunt. America is a big place, and stating that the nation, as a whole, is more dangerous because of it's gun control policies is absurd. You need to compare apples to apples. Brittain is nothing like the united states as a whole, either by topography or demographics, therefor is moot point.

    As far as self defense with a fire arm, I'll restate something I've posted before. I actively avoid situations that may put my life at risk. I don't walk down dangerous neighborhoods at night, and I don't drive through them either. In my opinion it is far too late for the US to try and create any sort of gun control, especially with laws that prevent the unlawful search or seizure of private property. I can own whatever the fuck I want, and as long as there is no probable cause for a police officer to search my residence, I can keep it there. Not being legally allowed to own a gun just makes it that much easier for people using them to keep it hidden. If I was not legally allowed to have a gun, and committed a crime with a gun, all I'd have to do is say I don't have a gun. Without the gun or any evidence that I had a gun, there is no reason to search for one, as I am assumed to be a law abiding citizen.

    At any rate, as stated before, the US is so diverse demographically, topographically and socially that you cannot understand my point of view on the matter, nor can I fully comprehend yours, so it's an argument best left for when we go house swapping.

    *edit* o inventions.

    Yeah, I would attribute all of the earliest forms of mankinds inventions to the Aztec.
  11. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    lol, what? The space age was driven by the US. The best military and a lot of research comes from that, and it bleeds into the civilian sector. Medicine is being advanced in the US. But really, the US isn't the only captitalist country, right? Go sum up all the countries that are capitalist and the invents while under the influence of capitalism.

    Counterpoint: what did Russian invent? Hmm? I sum up Russia: they could have kicked off rocketry in the 19th century. A Russian scientist did a lot of work that Robert Goddard did later. But no one cared. No one even looked him up. It's only more recently we realized that GOddard unknowingly duplicated this guys work and then took it many steps further.

    In capitalism, you can think big, you can worries about offending the government...get and idea, find the funding and go. That...doesn't happen in communism. The west is also far more advanced culturally then the warsaw pact countries are; better living conditions.

    As far as listing inventions? I don't need to. They so numerous that I could walk through your house and point to a vast majority of the items that were invented in the west...under capitalism. And I's centered in Silicon CA, USA. Whoops?
  12. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    yes i actually agree there, that point really is argueable. coincidentially i just seen a documentary about operation downfall which would have been the invasion of the japanese homeland.
    anyway, one could still argue, that the second bomb not necessary at all and just a inhuman test. theres only 3 days in between, a really short time for the japanese to get what just happend to them. though emperor already been informed, was really concerned and shortly before capitulation (also because russia entered the war at about the same time). ill not follow this argumentation though, there has been so much wrong in world war 2 and its unpredictable what would have happend, i dont want to argue bout that.

    but what about the rest?

    this has nothing to do with captialism or communism. communism does not mean that its a dictatorship - thats only after lenin. thats like youd say democracy is what happend under mccarthy (freedom of speech and equal rights whats that?)
    also i wouldnt call the US culturally more advanced then any of the warsaw pact countries. they have cultures ten times as old as yours. id also wouldnt dare to call hamburgers, hollywood and santa cocacola cultrured - thats just laughtable - it might sound arrogant, but seriously ... lol
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2010
  13. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    Russia - Stalin
    China - Mao
    Laos - Choummaly Sayasone
    Cuba - Castro
    Best Korea - Ill
    Why do communist states tend to have all the dictators?

    Mccarthy was never the leader of America. His power was fueled by the growing fear of Communism in the US and was ultimately brought down by the forces of free democractic America in a peaceful manner rather than revolutions.
  14. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    you obviously have deep insight in politics i cannot compete with. i bow before you all wise hamster.

    is that enough for you to go away?
  15. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    I accept as you accept your position. Rise as my vassal and take your sword.
  16. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    Flasche, I like to point out that none of those articles have any information on what russia was doing at the time either. Remember that 1950's - 1980's there was this thing called the cold war. US and Russia predominately were involved in making sure we both knew that we had nukes, and were willing to use them. The idea was that any communist country was in bed with the russians, and any democratic nation was in bed with US. Right or wrong, both nations secretly or not so much so tried to destroy eachother's way of government in several different nations around the world. Most notable among them are our failures; Vietnam, Cuba, and North Korea.

    I'm not as familiar with the specifics as I should like, but I would like to point out that Russia had been in the business of doing much the same thing, and it was called the warsaw pact. They tried to bring in Afghanistan, for example, and failed (in no small part to the US providing them with large amounts of weapons and helping them build bunkers iirc, which came back to bite us in the ass 20 years later as they turned around and blew up 2 rather large buildings in new york city.)

    I hesitate to say that we had it coming, as Europe has a long history of such subjugation, but feeding the flames of wars and not taking any responsibility for the outcome is not a good thing either.

    All I'm saying is that, though you are quick to point out the evils of the United States in the past 100 years, remember that you have your own history to account for. To some extent, most americans share this history at some point. There are only 2 ethnic groups, African Americans and Native Americans who don't share this history.

    At any rate, it will suffice to have you accept that we are all from the same place for the most part, and share much of our history at some point. Also that none of that history is very pretty.

    Not sure what else to say other than "you guys probably did it first".
  17. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    A pretty pimp assault rifle imo
  18. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    please do not misinterprete parts of my polemics and think im defending the soviet union. the USSR was no better then the 3rd reich - actually it was pretty much the same. you could go so far to say they even been first to commit genocide - in ukraine they seized all edibles in '33, letting over 7mio people starve to death in winter - thats a few years before nazis started to extinquish jews and other "subhuman beings"
    i really dont want to defend the USSR or other communist (though in reality, they just been fascist) countries. id feel dirty ...
    but i clearly distinquished pre-lenin and post-lenin communism several times. while marx has seen "the revolution" as something that would inevitably happen because of capitalist production, lenin interpreted this theory so that its something that has to be enforced. there is quite a bit in between early communists ideas and whatever came after lenin. marx already had problems with radicals at his times, which made him state that he wouldnt be a marxist himself ...
    i also dont want to say that marx had everything right, the world has changed a lot in the hundred years after he wrote his books. but he unmasked the mechanics behind capitalism quite well - its just a pitty that most never read "das kapital" so his teachings are unknown to a big extend.
    you cannot blame germany (and austria) for not taking responsibility for either world war 1 or 2. thatd just be not true.
    germany also became a major critic of all military interventions in the recent history (so did we austrians, but we are a pretty small country and have little geopolitical influence)
    you best see that after 9/11, germany had big problems to openly speak about being "in war" in afghanistan infront of its own population.

    i only pointed out US failures because of hamsters stupid unquestioned patriotism - but then i realized his age and that im the stupid one for argueing with him. at this age i though id know the world - my views have since changed a couple of times (im 31 now, if hamster really is 16, then its 15 years in between)
    how could i deny that, you guys are europeans too in the end. and it was us europeans who traveled around the world exterminating most cultures and interfernig with their way of living.

    so yes, we all are in the same boat - which really only is a small rock floating around a slightly bigger gasball, that again floats around a quite big thing noone knows what it could possibly be together with a lot of similar gasball-rock combos. we call that then galaxy and this galaxy again, together with similar galaxy things, floats towards a local galaxy cluster and so on.
    knowing that shows how incredibly stupid and simple minded racism, nationalsm and thelike are. really, after the first guy has been up there in space, we should have overcome all that ideologies and see ourselfs as what we are, "the human race".
    and imo the only currently available utopia there is that takes account for that, is a socialist democracy. how can anyone think he is better then anyone else just because of where he has been born? i cannot even tell how stupid that worldview is.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2010
  19. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    btw i just seen a lot of grammar errors reading it again, i dont give a shit. if someone wants to corret them, send me a corrected copy and ill replace it. took me long enough to write that anyway ...
  20. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Germany invented it, russia stole it, as did everyone else really but russia looks most like it. Then everyone east of russia stole russia's design.

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