
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sprayer2708, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    The rate of crime not involving guns in the UK is pretty much idential to that of the US.

    And I'll say it again, because you're such a thick headed shithead that I have to keep repeating: the people who get guns legally...are not the ones using guns for crime. Cool statistic there.

    Also, as I said - fun violence is largely involving certain....racial traits. You cannot simply say "we have no guns lol!" and think that's the only statistic that matters. Clean up the cities, you'll clean up a lot of the violence.

    Also, I seem to remember the idea that this country is based on the premise of the populous being armed such that if the government goes over the line...the people fix the problem. You know, I think the UK somehow factors in to this.

    Finally: When various countries looked to invade the US...their number ONE fear was how many civilians were armed. I'll keep my guns, thanks.
  2. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    dude we should invade the UK
  3. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    I'd rather my teeth stay flawlessly white.
  4. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    Free health care should cover dental work too
  5. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Being amazingly huge and therefore almost incapable of policing its borders may have something to do with it.

    Whether guns were legal or not in america, criminals would still get hold of them, They are actually illegal for criminals to own at the moment as far as I know, it's just that astonishingly, many criminals do not obey the law.

    Gun crime is, as far as I know, rising in the UK. Eventually it may be prudent to legalise them here.

    We have plenty of private dentists, and the NHS does offer corrective dental work, it's just most people aren't pansies who spend a fortune on unneccesary work as I doubt the NHS covers that, just as it doesn't cover cosmetic surgery, only reconstructive surgery.

    I'd rather my dick wasn't tiny like you asian people apparently have.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2010
  6. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    HA! zinger! bro five*
  7. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    yeh right, if only half of what ive seen in various documentaries about your social system is true, then its all because the US is a 3rd world country when it comes to social standards. this might also explain your "problem" with those with a "racial trait".
    its not clean up the city, its become fucking social human beings and not consumption-junkies that carve for ever new gadgets ...

    but no, being social would mean that the omg so bad government would take away your freedom (which seems to equal money) and that would be the worst thing in the world - bloody communists. its so much better a few got everything, who cares about all those who have to live on close to nothing.

    stupid poor people they piss me off ...

    Last edited: Dec 18, 2010
  8. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    Its not true at all.
  9. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    you are not exactly what i would call trustworthy either. you have shown an extremely ... uhm how should i call it ... strange ... world view in the past a couple of times ...
    you probably still believe that irak had WMDs :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2010
  10. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    which documentaries are you watching?
  11. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    Uhhh. OK, I'm trying to say this in a way that people won't call me racist buuuttt....go look up what sections of cities are the worst. Where housing is built by the government...and then torn down by the people that move in. Where people will take batteries out of smoke detectors to power their toys, THEN BLAME THE GOVERNMENT WHEN THEIR BUILDING BURNS DOWN.

    As for people who are to be them, yes, But welcome to capitalism. Ther is a REASON that most of the innovation in the world happens in countries that live with capitalism, and not communism or socialism. You pay the smart people more, they have more incentive to invent stuff. Patent stuff. Sell their knowledge. KNowledge = money. And poor people DO have a chance to go to college and be funded by grants and scholarships if they're smart enough.

    Funny you call us communists when you're trying to tell us to BECOME communists. you're the fucking tard here.
  12. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    u should calibrate your sarcasm detector then the logic behind my statement might become more understandable to you ...
  13. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    I think you're assuming that being black or hispanic or whatever the american traditional 'scum of the earth' minority is nowadays, is what causes people to turn to crime and generally be pretty terrible individuals.

    I think instead, it might be more reasonable to say that it is being poor that causes that, along with the problems that carries such as your parents having to work rather than spend time raising you, have little access to education, living in poor housing in crime ridden areas etc.

    What you seem to fail to grasp is that intelligence and being socially responsible and all that other lovely upper-middle class stuff we all enjoy is something you learn, you aren't born with a genius level IQ, at least most people aren't, and you certainly aren't born with the moral conditioning which is so very easy to develop when you don't have to worry about being shot or robbed or where the next meal is going to come from.

    While it is theoretically possible to say that poor folks can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and become self made men and all those other delightfully american ideas, chances are many will not develop the inclination to do so because their environment does not encourage it.

    If you are rich and live in a nice neighbourhood and have educated parents, your idea of success reflects that, so you use your parents' money to buy time and college tuition and get a fancy education so that you can be like them and live in a nice house in a nice neighbourhood and be an educated parent.

    If you live somewhere where the qualification for being a successful individual is 'hasn't been shot too much by the time they're 35', or is possibly even 'uses their masses of illegally acquired money to live like a somalian warlord' you might not be massively inclined, or able, to getting into college and start a wonderful career in liberal arts.

    The capital approach to this varies between 'shoot all the poor people' to 'enslave all the poor people in shitty jobs and make money off them' to 'yell at the poor people because they are all lazy yokels and massively inferior human beings to us rich people'. I doubt any of those will do much to convince poorer folks that being rich and educated is a good thing, because apparently it turns you into a prick, and I also doubt it will make them more able to become rich and educated.

    Now while more socialist approaches such as giving poor folks lots of money and rebuilding their neighbourhoods and so on are not exactly brilliant either, they are somewhat more logical than the capitalist approaches. What you really need to do is change how people think, make them think that wealth and education is success, and give them the ability to achieve it (government funded higher education is helpful there). Giving folks nicer housing and trying to prevent crime is helpful too, because then you make crime less profitable and less of a road to success, and if people have decent living conditions they are healthier and perhaps get a bit more free time on their hands because they don't have to spend it stopping their house from falling to bits. Perhaps they may even use the time to keep the house in good order. If I was working three jobs to pay the rent I doubt I would have much inclination to keep my house clean.

    On that note good jobs are also important, which means good paying jobs, which means something other than the capitalist 'pay as little as possible and buy out all the competition to ensure nobody else can steal our workers' approach. You need to find jobs for people with less education, or perhaps you could find ways to pay them and get them educated at the same time, apprenitceships are good for this and we have lots of them in england, you can get paid, do work, and learn a trade at the same time. The government has made quite a few intitatives along those lines so most places offer a good selection of them, and we have lots of not-quite degrees at universities, you can get higher education qualifications in lots of things that aren't bachelors level, but still will help you get a job.

    It is also quite important to educate as many people as possible because the job market is moving steadily towards educated jobs, technology related industries are the fastest growing in first world countries nowadays and people need to have a degree or thereabouts in order to be able to do many jobs. So the more you educate people, the more you make jobs available to them, and the less people need to resort to living off welfare or crime or whatnot. So you need to encourage the development of intelligence and social responsibility in poor places, otherwise nobody is going to end up smart enough to go to college and get good jobs and suchlike.

    Also starting a post with 'I'm not racist but' or variations thereupon basically means you are extremely racist.
  14. Fricken Hamster

    Fricken Hamster Mr. Super Serious

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    Race and culture does have an impact.
    In Latino culture, its generally seen as an insult to be most successful than your parents. There was this one Mexican mother who went on this radio show i heard and said that as long as her son has an honorable job, she has no problem with him working mcdonalds for his entire life.
    In Jewish and Asian culture, parents instigate academic and financial success from the very beginning.
    This image pretty much sums it up

    No doubt this has a lot to do with poor minorities.
  15. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    Wow, that's quite a bit too much to digest. I'm in a tl;dr mood right now sooo...I'll respond to the tidbits that caught my eye.

    You're not born with aptitude, but that raises a question - if you're not born with it, and your family is just a bunch of fat assholes who doesn't instill it upon you...what's the point? PLenty of people are in the US school systems just waiting to be old enough to drop out.

    Pure captialism does say the poor are fucked; the US system has unemployment, welfare, social security...etc. We sadly do not manage it well enough. There ARE plenty of people on welfare who have no business being there. Fat assholes, hell I've heard stories of people coming to the states, bringing their mother and being told when the mother enters the country that she CANNOT go on welfare, and what do they do but put her on welfare. It's disgusting, and welfare needs to be massively reformed, or allowed to fail - it cannot and should not exist in it's current state. Social security is going bankrupt; I've seen over $1,000 taken out of a paycheck for social security. That's sickening.

    As for the racist thing: No, it means that my comments can be construed as racist; I think that there are plenty white people that are the scum of the earth. But I think that equally of all demographics. Hell, were I racist I'd need to move to some new region, and find some new job. Where I work, caucasians are in the minority. I'm citing studies that show that blacks are nine times more likely to be involved in gun violence. NINE TIMES.
  16. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Corellation not causation, which is actually the best argument against the last line of my post. Was wondering if you'd notice.

    Saying black people are more likely to be involved in gun crime does not neccesarily mean that being black causes you to start shooting people, the idea that being black has a statsistical correlation with being poor and being poor can have side effects which result in a predisposition to violent crime is far more logical.

    So pick either racist or bad at statistics.

    I also do wonder what you propose to do with the people who are on welfare. Would it be overly charitable for me to assume you wouldn't have them burned for fuel?

    Shut up you know nothing.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2010
  17. Vulkanis

    Vulkanis Banned

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    Chris how did you WH40k themed dwarf fort go?
  18. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Er, it didn't, I never did one. That was a joke.
  19. Vulkanis

    Vulkanis Banned

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  20. rampantandroid

    rampantandroid Member

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    The ones who genuinely cannot work - then some system should exist for them. The people on there because they're too fat to work of their own accord should be shown to a gym, and given 6 months or less to get in shape. Hell, they shouldn't be allowed near a McDonalds or a Crispy Creme ffs. People not US citizens...get taken off. People who are capable of working if they put their mind to it...should be taken off and given the classified ads and a phone book.

    Social Security....well, there's something to be said for saving up for retirement. Disability, children's healthcare - sure I can agree with those systems, they need to be reformed and examined for places to cut some amount of funding to them without affecting their overall effectiveness. IE, deal with the beauracracy.

    For the black statistic - I'm not saying that having extra melatonin in your skin makes you a cold blooded killer. Makes you a better runner I think though...I'm saying that there is an existing culture in certain areas that leads to this statistic. Gangs are probably at the route of it. Groups like the black panthers as well. Those groups/gangs should be dealt with. But if you meddle with their culture, they scream racism. So everyone leaves them in their own area of the city and does nothing to help the situation. Because the 'r' word makes everyone run scared. I'm saying that if we're beyond racism, then we should get past the idea that entire sections of the cities are for one demographic or another. Irish people in this section, blacks there.

    But we'll never get past that. Our minds are built to see differences - to see that my skin is lighter than someone elses. They're also built to see similarities. These people look like me. Talk like me...and so should be clung to.

    Break up the people that only want to be with people similar, you'll see less racism by default.

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