Empires on UE4: UE4 is FREE edition

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kylegar, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    does ET mean EDT? so i assume this is 5h earlyer for me? EDT is a -4 offset from UTC and i am still at +1?

    when will people learn to use UTC or at least have the decency to tell their current offset.
    admitably its only a problem for a few weeks twice a year. anyway, its -5h for me (CET) yes?
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
  2. Kylegar

    Kylegar Specstax Rule

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    We now have per-map minimaps backgrounds. I found some code in UT4 that did per-level settings so I copied part of it and made it work.
  3. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    This post reminds me when missiles were made client side and everyone complained about how that seemed like a tiny and worthless thing to update.
  4. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    I don't know about hosting on Viper, I've no idea how much access is needed to achieve what you need or how much resources you'll need. Not that I'd have a problem with it but for that you'd want to speak to Vicki.

    If it is helpful I can give you a VM with admin/root access via remote desktop, a pubic IP, any firewall changes you want, licensing too if you can stick with 2008 R2.
    You can use it for the reposity and/or running a server - PM me if its any good to you.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
  5. Kylegar

    Kylegar Specstax Rule

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    I have some free Azure time, so if we are moving over to better hosting, that would be it.
  6. A-z-K

    A-z-K Member

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    Cool beans, sounds like you guys are making awesome progress. Can't want to check it out.
  7. Kylegar

    Kylegar Specstax Rule

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    Alright, so I sat down with Zenarion and talked about art direction. It also went into a discussion about lore and environmental storytelling.

    One of the things I was thinking of is to do to 'Eras' when it comes to maps and the equipment you use.

    The first Era is the Insurgency. Lore-wise, the Brenodi Empire has conquered the Jekotian Empire, creating the global Empire we all know and love. The Northern Faction, a group of extreme Jekotian nationalists, stuck to their ideals and their national identity and opposed the Brenodi occupation force, the ICA (Imperial Civil Authority).

    This leads to matches between the Northern Faction and the Brenodi ICA, and the maps are set in the north (Glycen City, etc). The game modes are more Infantry and small vehicle oriented, with Conquest (Battlefield style capture points), Insurgency (A number of possible weapons caches on the map, the ICA must find them and destroy them), and Assault (a series of check points that either side must advance through... think Escort). I am thinking there would be one or two Commander maps set in this time period, but they would be limited to ground vehicles only and no heavy tanks/artillery.

    The second Era is after the success of the Northern Faction insurgency and the recall of the ICA, the Jekotian Republic was founded. Quickly after the foundation of the new Jekotian State, the Brenodi call it a revolution and vow to put it down, mobilizing the entire army. This means that later era maps are the Brenodi Empire vs the Jekotian Republic. These maps feature the entire arsenal from both sides, including heavy tanks, artillery, and aircraft.

    Later Era gamemodes would be Classic Commander (Two sides have a Comm Vehicle, you kill the enemy commander to win). Commander Conquest (Battlefield style Conquest but with Command Vehicles. If you lose your CV you get a major ticket drain), and Commander Assault (A series of objectives that one team must take. Both teams have a commander). The maps would be all kinds of different theaters, themed after an initial Brenodi Assault, then Jeokotia Repelling them and expanding operations in the south and eventually pushing into Brenodi home territory.

    There are a couple reasons I want to do it this way

    1) It allows for an 'Early Access' period where I can release Infantry/small vehicle gameplay. We can focus on the ground game that everyone will be playing before diving into the RTS stuff.
    2) it builds a ton of places to do Environmental Storytelling. By building the lore into the entire gamemode system, it's very clear what is happening in the world and why you are fighting.
    3) You get both lower level infantry combat scenarios as well as massive battles and RTS/FPS gameplay.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
  8. f1r3w4rr10r

    f1r3w4rr10r Modeler

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    Well that is pretty much lore and setting only. Can you be a bit more specific on art direction? Or do you want to sit down with more people for that one?
  9. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Any plans for that to give excuse for including side objectives on some maps?
  10. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    apart of that barely anyone is going to care when doing maps, your idea also requires trice the models. at least if you want to have it visually distinct and not just as background info in which case you wasted way too many letters on describing it.
    not saying its a bad idea, but who do you think is going to do all that?

    i mean do we even have a single playermodel yet?

    may i suggest to focus on a single somewhat decent quality map in single time containing both indoor and outdoor enviroments first? and ideally anyone finding out anything in the process - and be it oh so simple - records himself and puts up a short vid on youtube. this way you at least get some enviroment-artists.

    the process of getting a prop into the engine is a breeze, super easy, i didnt have to read a single tutorial - neither for importing, nor setting up the materials - thats how intuitive it was. its a really nice enviroment to work in, we just need to get people familiar with it.

    i still think you underestimate the sheer amount of work youll need to put into art assets. its not source which comes with several hundred props. there are maybe 10 empires models which aint faction or map specific.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2015
  11. f1r3w4rr10r

    f1r3w4rr10r Modeler

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    I agree with flasche. And I would like to stress that art assets are NOT something you can just do on the fly like you are already doing with the game design and code. Not only do you require an art direction everyone can follow, artists also need to know different specs for where, when and how often their asset is used. Most of the time that's not something you can just quickly change again after the model is done. So if you don't want to do meetings and a definite plan for the game design, fine by me. But please please please, don't do the same for art. Because if you do, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you.
  12. TheLiberalElitist

    TheLiberalElitist Member

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  13. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    yes thinking modular will certainly be the way to go. you dont create a model of a room, you create wall pieces, with and without doors or windows, floor and ceiling tiles and whatnot. it yet has to be created, thats what im on about.
    once there is a minimum amount of assets, the actual mapping process will be rather fast, at least in comparison to source.

    there are also some really good cryengine tutorials on creating levels.
    the specifics are different, but the concepts are the same.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
  14. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    I have 1 TB of space on my dropbox account with 19 GB used. If using my dropbox would help I am happy to do that, let me know.
  15. 101010

    101010 Member

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    I agree with f1r3w4rr10r..
    There are a lot of nights I have been off of work that I wanted to help with this project but. Lack of direction kind of kept me from it.
    You kind of need a consistency with art.

    (Environmental Storytelling)
    One idea I had after seeing and some of Kylegar's other post is Have kind of like BF3 maps.
    Where you have one big map that is split up by game types.
    Then commander mode could be the every part of the map.

    (Mapping ?)
    How much detail are we going for ?
    You can do some amazing things in UE4. But how much is too much?
    I know a lot of the current players don't have expensive gaming computers.
  16. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    We can start with outdoor maps, those things don't need art direction outside is outside.
  17. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i dont think its about testing if it works, but to create a game. you can create a test enviroment in an hour even if you are artistically impaired. and a plain heightmap terrain wont be very appealing. there really is (almost) nothing in ue4, its not like hammer where you have a ton of textures and models available from hl2.
    everything helps at this point. make a material, share it, you helped. model a wooden plank, share it, you helped. im not joking, thats the status quo.

    dont expect to play this so soon. (at least not as a regular game)

    but to not only be the grumpy old naysayer, the tools available provide instant gratification on a whole new level. creating content is not much more then opening what you created in ue4, you even have it lit and with shadows, no baking lighting for hours just to find out it looks shit rinse repeat. yes, instead of editing geometry in the editor, you outsource the process to the 3d suite of your choice. this comes with a bit different workflow and it at first will look like its a lot more work, but you are also given tools to push the detail to a level you could have never reached in hammer and on top it comes without much extra cost other then learning it once. some things are actually gonna be easier by the order of a magnitude - want round corners instead of blocks in hammer? good luck.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
  18. f1r3w4rr10r

    f1r3w4rr10r Modeler

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    If you want maps to look like patchwork, then they don't.
  19. Lazybum

    Lazybum :D Staff Member Moderator

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    I think it's been said by epic that you can use assets from their demos in the market place in ue4 games. So there's plenty of stuff to get started I think. There is also a couple of free content packs floating around, I think a couple in the market place and a few online like this texture and material pack.

    Oh I wanted to ask, I notice I have 30$ in my market place wallet, I think it's a refund of sorts when the engine went free. Do the people who were subscribing before also get some cash back?
  20. LordDz_2

    LordDz_2 Strange things happens here

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    "Cuz I'm having too much time tonight.."

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