Well, enjoy the one sided games then. I would just back out if you cant even hold down more than 1 ref for 20 minutes. Because that's what its going to be if people don't bother to keep the teams balanced. Randomly picked names and assigned to a team via dice roll is over complicated but it will stop stacking. Candles said the same shit and then guessed what happen? Some asshole and all of his clan members were on the same team and the rounds ended under an hour.
You know we (the leaders) have already discussed this, and if when the time of the league is near teams are still unbalanced, we're going to put everyone in a pool and let both team's leaders pick players 1 by 1. I wonder if people will ever learn that random numbers generator does not solve balance. I know you've been away for a while but I would expect you to know better.
I know better that I can't trust anyone to do something correctly. It's still the same shit as it was when I first started playing. The game is still balanced around flavor of the month research for crying outloud. Chemistry meta is the research of my grandfathers but if people bothered to try something different, only chemistry wouldn't of existed in the first place when I started playing.
We're not talking about game balance, we're talking about players' skill balance. You're changing subject completely.
I am telling you can't trust people to put the game quality ahead of their own selfish desires. Even im guilty of this shit, I joined NF because BE had somebody I don't want to deal with. But if I didn't have the option in the first place, my selfish desires are moot. People will always pick options beneficiary to them over the quality of other people. It's a completely normal human thinking.
That's precisely why picking players work, because you can rely on people to put their selfish desire (having the best players) first. So they'll pick the best players first and work their way down, it works.
Because I fucking love you, and you are 38 in my head canon. Who are these people im supposed to trust? Because after looking at your admin picks, I don't think I can even trust you. And who the fuck would remove wages from their server when that's the only incentive people get from building shit I place in the fuck middle of nowhere? I rather loose on random chance than my win being controlled by somebody else.
Mark my words, I am wrong 95% of the time. But pray to god you don't witness the other 5%. Because you will never hear the end of it. Me being right isn't a good thing Mr. X Being wrong allows me to keep faith in humanity. I am going to assume steam is going to tell me when its time to get my ass stomped.
Sadly this does not guarantee balance. It has a chance of balancing as much as that of stacking. This happens exactly because it's random. Scrambling teams and things like that do not work as we would like. However, we can just keep scrambling teams until we are satisfied with the skill pool in both teams. I don't think it's the worst way to balance team. It's just another way to get random results. MEDIOCRE
Yup, now that I don't want to kill myself anymore all my energy has gone back into being in a state of constant anger.
I mean you can always kinda weight the players a bit then random them, so you don't randomly end up with all the skill on one side. As far as I have seen though captain drafts work the best assuming captain has decent knowledge of the player base. I suppose there's that idea too, give the list of people to one non participant and have them divvy out the teams, but if they don't do it right they'll just receive more hate. That's the nice thing about just randomizing teams I guess, there's less things to blame if things don't work out quite right.
Good thing flache isn't a fucking retard then and won't make that mistake, with the added bonus of him being with the game longer than any of us. His experience and not drinking the koolaide like everyone else has makes him more valuable than you think.
now i dont know if i should feel offended by the last sentence or honored by the first one also there are people around for longer than me. and my experience with players skill levels is questionable at best. also i thought im supposed to roll dice? dont confuse an old man ...
You have been around longer than the current active empires players. Thats all you need under your belt. You don't need to know anybody, you just need to know what number is red team and what number is blue team and place them accordingly. Also you're not old, old is 45. You are not even 40. Organize people alphabetically, grab a name, roll the dice and then assign them in the two columns. if one column has more than the other, re roll until they get placed in the other roster. You being completely unbiased and non-petty makes you a perfect candidate to not dirty the pool. But it doesn't matter anyway because people like playing onesided easy games now where back in my day, everyone was fucking shit at the game and only clan stacks were the issue.
why you need me to roll dice? some program could roll dice aswell and its more impartial than i will ever be. aside of that randomly assigning people to teams actually is a feature of the game now. i question dice rolls will archieve anything other than even numbers. skillwise its pure chance with a high probability of imbalance. itd be nice for our everydays games where team composition changes per round, but not in a league format where we stick with the same team over the course of several weeks. if anything one could assign players by their estimated skill level, but first of i dont know everyone well enough to guestimate and second i wont burn my fingers there, its like a guaranteed shitstorm. on top you have the problem that some people will refuse to play together with certain others ... ... thanks for your trust, but no way.