I comment on you since you are the only one since I have updated to give any reasons to dislike this map. Everyone else has just been trolling/stupid. On the subject on the NF flag to the middle you are commenting about. I am shamed to admit it but I never thought about the problem being something like that. I could rotate the block around by 90 degrees to have the flag room facing the northeast instead of the southeast to give the attackers a bit more room to attack. It would also stop NF from being able to enter the south side as easily. The more I think of it the more likely an update will have this change. On the subject of the hight from NF to middle. I gave the NF side a basically overwhelming advantage on the tunnels on that path but the tanks do have that problem. I would think the fact that no tanks in this game can aim downwards worth a damn would give BE more problems defending that it would give an advantage but apperently not. I could just remove the hill as well, but I don't want to do that due to how nice it looks giving the map some obvious height difference. Might be the best solution due to me having a limit on how full the map already is, and therefor I can't really add anything new to fix that height problem. With the infantry getting killed lots by tanks. When shadows was first made, APC weapons were not the stupidly powerful things they are today, so the map wasn't designed with an insane amount of cover that is required in this version. I wouldn't really call it that bad but for a few problems area though due to most of the map having infantry tunnels or tons of doorways to hide in. Could add some more cover to the Northeast part of the map, near the first NF flag to the middle. Fixing the ticket rate along with some prop work could allow for a emp_shadows_final or whatnot. Might rename it due to a suggestion from Caggers as well. To everyone whining about RC8 though. Recompile it if you really want. I don't think I put any protection on it and I don't care if you do the decompile/recompile. I could release the source for it but I hate seeing it due to me using the worst optimization possible for that version and don't care for the ones whining. *Edit* Looking over this post is amazing to me. My writing currently is quite bad, I blame being tired.
We were just about to ask you permission to do that with RC8, and we really appreciate you giving it Cyber-Kun. Expect to see Shadows RC8 to compare with Shadows_final side by side pretty soon.
Fun. Since you really do want this release, I would like to know everything done with it. AKA who is the we you are talking about, what changes will occur, and how this is going to be released. Disregarding that boring stuff, I am looking at the vmf now. I don't see how this is going to be some holy release that will overshadow everything but I am willing to see how this will go.
We is Omneh, but he's too lazy/much of a pussy to post here. Afaik so far, he changed the old luminous green texture to a newer one, but idk what else he's done. I'll ask him when he's online. I guess we'll post the link to it in this thread.
I'm bringing this back because there's an issue with the latest version of the map. The tracks on every wreck (well, the ones near the E5 flag at least) are all spinning back and forth even though the tanks are nothing more than wreckage. It's nothing serious though, I just found it by accident.
That's a really old bug, I know it was in the previous version too. The tracks sync up with the closest vehicle with the same chassis type.