it would make it suck. So many fun games fighting over that spot. moving the ammo crates more towards the back of the flag would actually make it less easy to fight there with tanks, because if you jsut sit there, you'll run out of ammo without those crates. Or at least be forced to drive way up to the side where you can't spam. But yeah, if it has more color or character to it, it would be awesome. Middle is good IMO, don't delete it.
I said delete the flag itself, not the area. I need to have that area there or the map would lag everyone to hell. The flag itself though...
without the flag there, there's no reason to fight in that room. Whether that's a good idea or not I can't say.
This map will be used in the next PUG match. Please don't release any updates to the map before then so we don't have any version mismatches and we'll do a huge playtest for you
can you please make a mapper flame war forum on the pug site so we can flame each other because of the custom maps that are choosen for the pug and the ones that arent?
We probably should stick to long played solid balanced maps if we are going to add unofficial, play testing a map while playing a competition at the same time is asking for trouble in my mind people are going to say "hey our team was soooooo disadvantaged" and then the map will be adapted to that comment and it will turn out to be not that bad and then it will be unbalanced even more and people will be sad and we all start hating the map while in the end it was a good map and all the effort will be lost because it would have a bad name and rock the votes will be all it sees in its lifetime
This map has already been play tested a bunch. I play tested it over a year ago. It's been around the block. The play test the PUG will provide is just playing it on a 48 player server
the map is fine enough for balance, NF could use a better starting point, but theres nothing drastically unfair in it.
I gave NF a massive increase on how easy it is to defend there final point. It was a bit unfair on how piss poor easy the point ended up being to capture.
If you still work on this map from time to time, I'd consider tweaking the lights. For my map I borrowed the light designs from the Valve example maps you can find here: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\STEAMID\sourcesdk_content\hl2\mapsrc Sdk_d1_trainstation_01 thru 05 are city/interior maps, and you'll find a fair amount of light sources in there. Also, if you want to be even lazier, I could send you the vmf of my map and you could steal the lights that I use. I think a lot of your spotlights are fine, but most standard lights seem too bright or too dark or off center. Also, adding in more (I'd double it, but that's a lot of work) would make the lights have more effect on gameplay. You may also need more cubemaps, as the lighting on the vehicles seems odd in some places. Again, you could look at my map for hints on that. Pm me if you're interested.
Thanks flounder, I know how great you are with mapping and I do need the help. Also I have no cubemaps, and I don't need hints to use them. They are quite easy to make.
tbh, try driving a car near the edge of a road, and it'll feel almost exactly like it does in shadows. Cept the tanks are a ton lighter feeling than they should be, but that's a different issue.
Drive a BE tank close to the edge and its almost glued to it, NF tanks dont have any problems at all.