the map is finished but im having a pretty major problem... when im walking around on foot, i can travel along the displacements, but if i get in a vehicle, i go through the displacements and fall to the bottom of the skybox. does anybody know why this is happening?
I am running the map with -novirtualmesh but unfortunately my computer cannot compile it without shutting off! I have an older machine and its not good for compiling. I will probably end up sending it to duke to compile.
I would like to compile it for you too if you want... Ill probably have to give up playing empires for 24 hours to do so :D
Thanks for the offer caelo, but the map is finished and duke has it to compile with HDR. The map will be included in the new release. :D
yeah I just wanted to be sure he meant 1.08... It makes me very happy, cant wait to play this on a full server!
I just want to inform everyone of this epidemic facing the USA. According to that page, 50% of americans have it. Thankfully, with the new technique mentioned on that page, I've been able to cure myself. Thanks Wikipedia!