Azure Towers Version: Beta 1 By: ScardyBob I've been working on this map off and on for over a year now and have finally got it to a releasable state. Its a flag-capture map where BE and NF duke it out over three primary towers. Several secondary towers provide side routes and minor flags that spawn health and ammo boxes. Also, the most direct route between the main towers is via moving platforms, a rarity in Empires maps. Hope you enjoy! SCREENSHOTS -Pic 1 -Pic 2 -Pic 3 DOWNLOAD emp_azuretowers_b1 -Mirror 1: Dropbox
This map looks both ridiculously stupid and ridiculously awesome at the same time. It's like that UT2k4 map with the 3 towers, only you can't jump between them. I look forward to playing it.
Oh nice. I wonder if I could use that to make jump pads between the towers. Would be extremely lulzy.
we just played it on VIPER and it was alot of fun. good map! alot good feedback from the other players as well
Yeah looks cool. Reminds me of that rooftop map on COD:MW2, I think we needed some more quality smaller flag maps to help populate servers. I was getting sick of district and urban chaos.
I love you bobby ove: That's why I suggested taking dod maps and adding them into emp so we could have some more. But I only suggested that cause I am not a mapper and figured it would kinda easy to do. But thank you for creating an orginal. I will use this map to populate viper anytime it needs it. Hopefully we can get it to become official so people don't leave because they have to download it.
just played it. this map needs bleed. besides that some great teamwork catwalks may be a little too long
Sorry, but I have to say that this is the most stupid map ever. Server owners please remove it from the map rotation/vote.
You want criticism... ok The map should be renamed NEVER_ENDING_sniper_training. The railings to each tower are far too long to run across even with speed upgrade without getting killed 3x over. The glass was a good idea but, its FAR too vision blocking from long range. you can sit behind the lower doors in the towers and snipe out them and they can't see you to kill you. The flags mean nothing other then spawn points.(please bleed them.) The map just now lasted 2 hours because we ran out of tickets and we kept squad reviving. A saintly admin changed maps for us.
Sure. I thought that it was obvious. What I don't like at this map is that camping and sniping (also with rifleman weapons) is the most important part. You can't get anywhere without getting shot. This map needs a lot of more cover and a bleeder. I don't want to watch the sniper duels for hours. Please remove it from the servers when 2.26 comes out. New players shouldn't think that camping and sniping is a part of Empires.