Who won? And by won, I mean wasted their time playing a terrible game, just so they can win a even more terrible game that no one plays.
Thanks for that WMG. At any rate thanks to everyone who attended. Obviously it is very difficult to run something like this for Empires on an open server but it was only supposed to be something a bit different for fun. We did our upmost to ensure things were fair. Leaders were specced throughout, fould play was dealt with, people were teleported if they couldn't !unstuck, etc, etc. So before anyone calls us out on all short comings, a few of which are inevitable try to remember alot of people gave up their evening (or for me stupid o'clock in the morning) to put it on. I am running through the scoreboards now to calculate every single persons scores. It is suprisingly difficult because many of you idiots changed your names, not everyone stayed to the end, others joined half way through etc... so basically it is 6am and I have 300+ fields to input and correlate. As soon as I am done I'll post up the results.
So it is 7:44 am and I am done with Excel! =BSID= Harryhoot1 wins the competition for most kills across 3 rounds. The other prize for kills minus deaths across 3 rounds is a little more difficult because one of the top contenders, Reznov, unfortunately disconnected very close to the end of the final round and couldn't respawn due to lack of tickets. Obviously we do not have a screenshot at the moment before he disconnected but I do have one moments thereafter. So to be fair to Reznov I will replay my demo file and log the console output to a file and then grep out his kills / deaths. If at Reznov's point of DC he was kill-death leader he will win. If not then the winner will be the kill-death leader at the end of the final round (ceased early as per vote). Stats for the top 5 of each round & for totals will be posted here once I'm done playing poker tomorrow (Which I will win) Edit: due to minor grammatical error.
reznov is not kill death winner harry hoot is. Reznov had about 110-20/30 ish the urban chaos game harry had 50-10 whilst reznov had 19-10. harry won overall reznov came in second or I came in second. btw I left 15 minutes before the end of the game BECAUSE IT WAS FUCKING 5 AM IN THE FUCKING MORNING. pics of my scoreboard just before I left
From your pic that you posted, there's someone with 45 kills and 0 deaths. This kinda applies to good kdr.
My demo file crashes my PC so I'm having trouble getting the log output I need to tally Reznov on District. Steve is at it now so expect to see the final standings sometime this evening. Almost certainly it will be between Paradox, Rawrawrawrawr and Reznov
My left mouse button trolled me so I ragequitted. (It turned my HR into semi-auto like wtf) Luckily I am not interested in ND.
>Implying it's considered KDR when the variable is called tickets and it doesn't accurately show how many times a player has died.
Reznov was 110-120/49deaths at time of disconnect. I remember deaths cause team was yelling at him for ticket greif. He was just suicide for kills.