The allstars spec chatters, ukgamer, *****, pickled heretic, eth0, HSM, Saunders, Walmartgreeter, Dr. Baron von Evil-Satan go in and argue THE FUCK out of each other. Guest star complete lamer on the keyboard. The rest of the players in the spec chat are there to keep the fireplace fueled.
Actually it's not last man standing, it's the moment when someone's volume exceeds 30 decibels they are eliminated. The aim of the game is to argue on extremely controversial topics (like nature vs nurture for instance) without raising your voice too high, which is kind of hard for most people on Empires. Yeah, 30 decibels, you'd think no one would be able to lose if that's the threshold but some times people get passionate.
Naaa... Last person to get fed up and leave. I reckon it would only take marginally more time than a normal round of district! But yeah, it was only suggested in jest obviously! I didn't imagine how quickly the thread would descend into absolute chaos! So to bring it back to some kind of order I would like yto bring your attention back and thank Vicki who actually did all the admin stuff and had the idea in the first place. I think in some small way we've highlighted the good things here in the community. Everyone's participation was enjoyed.
Really? Cuz I usually win by mic-spamming the hell out of eth0. He says he can't mute me but I don't know what he's talking about. Only Saunders and maybe ******* are worth talking to. The rest are fucking retards or slimy britfags.
Or the complete opposite, he sounds like the most intelligent person who plays empires but he doesn't waste his grand intellect and breath on us.
Was my pleasure and a big thank to you AZK for all the hard work and hours spent calcuating to be fair to reznov since his computer crashed towards the end of the contest. And to Steve UK for helping out with the calcuations as well.
i've actually been doing my lamer impression for years, in reality i sound just like hamster speaking of which, where is that kid i wanna see if he ever got the girl/bike/job/all that shit he wrote about