On crossroads, join the stacked team, spam mines to get free kills from newbies, and shell the enemy roof top. (Assuming you dont even try to rush their top so you can killwhore). I have memorized every position and every arch where you can shell the enemy rooftop on crossroads. Means most kills does not equal skill and is bullshit gg My suggestion: Award gifts for awesome (retarded) stuff people do = more fun
Commander maps were chosen because they offer linear gameplay which require only a competent commander and will be less affected by research trees. Good old fashioned grinding through chokepoints and densly packed action where pretty much everyone is in the same place at the same time with plenty of people to shoot at and lots of bullets to dodge. Slaughtered / crossroads should show off a little tanking skill later in the game. But by a large these maps offer pretty predicatable results time after time. If you can get a bunch of kills with the mortar on crossroads then it just means you are an efficient killer there and you'll do well. But at the same time people are going to be out for blood - you may find that instead of revive whoring ontop of the towers people do alot more flanking to the corners, or atleast that is what I hope will happen. I think people will change their play styles quite alot and I don't think it is going to be as straight forward as you are thinking - Don't be suprised to find yourself without ammo, heals & revives all round. Whatever happens everyone is at the same advantage or disadvantage so it will be interesting to find out if people simply try to camp spots or go balls out. But for every person who camps there is going to be a rifleman with a nade
I would have chosen vehicle training except I couldn't bare not playing ti myself and I'm gonna be speccing to make sure all you play fair. Plus I'm sure alot of people would have moaned about it. On which note - demos will be recorded and anyone exploiting will feel my grumpy wrath because I really want to play myself even though I have no chance & already own ND. Also I will be donating my copy of ND also at my discretion for awesomeness or for those people who make some sacrifices for the team (commanding, etc or anything else noteworthy). It was Vicki's idea and I think it is really cool, out of the box for an Empires event. So I hope we can all have alot of fun and not a load of drama. If it goes well who knows we could have some more competitions with prizes so try and play nice!
As I'm sure that many other topics discussed about most kills contribute a small part of this game, so I guess I don't need to come up with reasons why the contest is contra productive for what really Empires gameplay about. Since it is obvious that the fps haxxorz who get the better support squad and commander has outstanding chance to win this contest. I suggest that the award should go for the winner team, and pick randomly a guy from all those who were; -Played from the start. (Screenshot1?) -Not griefed his team, being afk and stuff. -And they really won the round. (Screenshot2?) This way maybe you don't need all three round, or you can roster the claimants by only picking winner from the guy who been on the winning side all the 3 rounds (or most) and met with the criteria... plus a little luck with random. For the prize it will force the players not to troll, funzorz around but really go for the winning with any legal way possible. EDIT: Force auto assign, to minimize stack.
I don't know why are we talking about how the things should be changed. It says "Top kill player wins the prize" NOT "Most contributed player wins the prize, that means the player with top kills." But of course, even the kill count doesn't mean your "kill" ability, you might just spammed it from pubbers.
I am aware highest kills does not indicate best player etc. I am also aware empires is a whole lot more than kill score. But for the first contest, kills was the most clear cut way to determine a winner for the prize. Also since empires is alot more than kill scores it is also harder to get high kill scrores than some other games imo. Skill points might be for the next contest, if this goes well, we shall see.
There are way too many exploits atm to get easy skill points (most of them involving engies). Should try to do the 2nd Annual Empires Summer League. Prizes will convince people to make/join a team.
aww I hope you can get it booted up..you still have a little more than 2 hours. Try booting from cd you're map is first
Top Killer Competition on Vipers Starts in 2 Hours! Prize is a copy of Nuclear Dawn for the winner and for whoever I choose for being otherwise awesome. Paste "Connect" into console if you cannot find us in the server browser. Times (With US States!) 1800 PDT: WA, OR, NV, CA, AZ 1900 MDT: MT, ID, WY, UT, CO, NM 2000 CDT: ND, SD, NE, KS, OK, TX, MN, IA, MO, AR, LA, WI, IL, TN, MS, AL 2100 EDT: ME, NH, VT, ME, RI, CT, DE, MD, NY, PA, MI, IN, KY, WV, VA, NC, SC, GA, FL 0100 GMT / UTC: Europeans figure it out for yourself if you are still awake. 0200 BST: British Summer Time
Due partly to my drunken incompetence and partly to a lack of dedicated commanders the map cycle for the competition have been revised. Round 1: Eastborough Round 2: Urban Chaos Round 3: A vote between District & Shadows
Sorry dude. But on the strength of the warmup rounds I think commander maps would end up being a bit of a farce and definitely end up in alot of drama. At the end of the day it isn't meant to be a show of who is best at Empires, just a bit of a kill fest.
I became a forum troll for that post so I'm mad now. Time to remove some old posts It is not REVERTING HALP