Britfaggs wanna leave eu?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Paradox, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    they tried leninism and following to that, even worse, stalinism or variations, all of them extremely conservative. its not even predictable what would have happend if the soviets wouldnt have sucked off lenin that much and listend to trotzki. at least it would have been progressive and not stuck in dogmatic fascisms.

    there is also no rule where it says that communism has to end up with empty shelfs. this can happen and already happend in capitalist countries aswell. you can actually end up with full shelfs and still stave.
    such things usually have varied reasons and are only a matter of how responsive and self-critical the political system is in the end (and here democracy beats them all, as sad as it is that its the best - we know, to be on churchills side here)

    btw, only a bit more then 1/3rd of the autrian population actually works (the rest are old, sick, mothers and children and compaired to that a neglectable amount of people that simply dont want to work in shit jobs with just enough money you dont starve to death). this would never ever work in a pure capitalist, completely deregulated enviroment. wed have tons of poor people everywhere. that surely wouldnt increase the quality of life here.
    and ironically, wed produce enough to support this globally, we just would have to stop being so incredibly decadent.

    oh and btw, i didnt mean to say you lie. it would imply intention and i doubt that you are in a position where you could have one ...
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2011

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