Britfaggs wanna leave eu?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Paradox, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    US dollar was defined that way in American law long time ago. 1 dollar bill was replaceable for specific amount of gold by other central banks until 1971. Nixon told to print money and in the end he had more dollars than gold to make good on the promise. Good old communist known as FDR did similar thing with respect to individuals in US in 1930s.

    I'm not arguing that Bretton Woods (gold+fractional reserve) was best thing ever but clearly better than fiat+fractional.

    Last edited: Oct 27, 2011
  2. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    I'm guessing that translates to 'the evolution of the greek national debt' or something?

    And I assume that's ms merkel standing in for tony blair?
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2011
  3. WalMartGreeter

    WalMartGreeter Member

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    I think that's the size of Germany's e-peen as the EU goes through the European debt crisis. Oh the irony of Germany saving rest of Europe from an idea that started after WWII.
  4. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    oh cmon please, dont you know anything? :eek:

    spot on ...

    its no specific european debt crisis, its still the aftermath of what "happened" with aig and lehman in around 2008 (or maybe even dotcom in 2000). its a crisis of capitalism as system, its the crisis of its motor, its the crisis of compound interest. what really fucks us over are the billions and billions that have been created out of nothing (and then be sold again, making even more billions out of those billions that had no real backing whatsoever)
    its only a shame that still noone is learning and that we currently create the next crisis for in 10years when we would have to pay back the quadrillions we currently create out of thin air. that this is impossible, is getting ignored (intentionally)
    its a huge scam, capitalism is a huge scam, this world is not unlimited, there can not be unlimited growth (resources dont get more in some magic way), if it grows on one end, it gets less on the other ...

    its so predictable, but everyone is too afraid to think outside. just because lenin and followers fucked it up when he thought marx was wrong with that socialism can only work globally. this fucking soviet union retards killed the whole of marx capitalism critic. though its just an analysis of capitalism and not the deffinition of communisim/socialism. all this effects we are currently are so super surprised about, are system immanent and only get worse if we keep on clutching onto something bound to fail by design in terms of social stability.

    captialism also contradicts democracy. in democracy participants would have to be en-par, as "everyone is equal by the law", but capitalism says, law is money or "everything must have a price". thats the war that is fought now and we leave the battlefield to two sides of profiteurs (capital on one side and capitalist politicians on the other). #occupy is the current chance to democratically change government and regain controll of economics for the people**, but its old cliches born in the 50s keeping people away, even within this loose movement itself.

    * there is barely any resource brought to earth from outer space in regular intervals, except for sunlight, but thats a completely different topic. ill just leave it at, look how much funding went into that as long as people could be made believers in unlimited fossil energy. real growth is actually something captialists wouldnt want anyway since it wouldnt make them richer then anyone else and they could run their factories on their own. only growth of debt is wanted - why do you think you get consumer loans? it sure is not generosity or because you deserved it, its because you enslave yourself to capitalism. but fancy fact, i actually do not believe this really is intentionally, just intrinsic to the system. seems only a few are fully aware and those exploit this bug as much as they can ...

    ** since the "job" of economics is to fullfil peoples needs and not to create kings

    ok, i admit, its a bit polemic :D
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2011
  5. RKB53

    RKB53 Member

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    They're not saving Europe, Germany and France are the only countries stupid enough to think that shovelling loans into a country that cant pay off the debt it already has will fix it.

    I don't think we should leave the EU, just renegotiate our terms of membership. Just so that they cant force their retarded laws onto us.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2011
  6. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    Not really the case in Europe, it was triggered by that but not that directly related.

    No, it's crisis what TV idiots call capitalism. It's privatization of gains and socialization of losses. What is the root cause that is said to require that socialization? Fractional reserve banking. It was "optimization" to make banks more "efficient".

    That has no relation to capitalism at all. When you have fiat currency and politicians deciding (directly or not) how much money to print you end up with that. I don't remember the details but that kind of "optimization" was made in England in 17th century, few decades later it all exploded after huge bubble.

    Like from old joke where 2 people say they lend each other $1M even though neither of them have it.

    What you were talking about was an obvious scam and isn't related to capitalism. Dumbest of all that is democratic government makes it happen. Fiat currency requires government monopoly for it. Fractional reserve makes banks 90% insolvent all the time and too dependent on central bank.

    You're trying to be malthusian which is insanely stupid ideology. World population rose to 7B and we're all fine. Your bullshit about no unlimited growth is more related to Germany having no growth (due to several things).

    That's the best part. All that you're talking about is one of other mutation of socialism.

    This I can't answer to. It looks as if you read Naomi Klein bs and got drunk.

    Fuck yes, it does. Ownership isn't democratic at all. There are various freedoms: politic, economic and social. If you have money you can decide to spend it on anything you want. Political freedom is usually based on deciding about someone else. Social (abortion bullshit) is related to others far too much.

    Not that I'm a fan of democracy but they only have to right to vote. There are 2 kinds of equality: equal treatment with respect to law and compensating for inequality (affirmative action).

    More Naomi Klein bullshit. Government makes the law. Democracy (mass of idiots) chooses people that prefer to make deals with bankers that benefit them and bankers. They don't even look at what will happen after their elections.

    In democracy everything surely has its price, buy all the votes and you're home.

    Other than use of wrong term you're basically saying you're in favor of capitalism: private gains and private losses. If you're not then you're an idiot, you'd have to be saying socialized gains and socialized losses which hasn't worked anywhere.

    I can't tell what crowd thinks nor you can. Crowds are only group at crowd thinking.

    Not interested in debunking everything but again you're saying you don't like currency artificially inflated by government officials, handed to banks and lent to idiots.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2011
  7. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i dont like the whole idea of private property, all it creates is historically justified debt. (and please dont start a discussion about you can now come to my place and take what you want. i hope you are informed enough to get what i mean)

    also i dont get how you can say there is no limits to growth? ofc there is limits, you can only stack people this high. i didnt say we reached a point of no return or some peak or whatever ...

    but yeah, i understand. why should we get less then our parents had in the past? well, i think, contrary to them, we shouldnt live on our childrens children future. like it is, this wont take a good end.
    oh and because i always have to defend myself against this, i dont want the ussr back. i want a social enviroment that secures the ongoing of the human race for more then two generation.
    and this can only work together, not competing against eachother, absolute liberalism is self-destructive.
    if someone would chose to buy all food, would you still say, "yeh its ok, i just starve".
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2011
  8. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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    Spartacus' Law of Hurt Feelings:

    The number of times a single post is cut into separate quotes in a replying post is directly proportional to the probability that the original poster will feel hurt.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2011
  9. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    no hurt feelings on this side. maybe mootant should have split each letter, it would at least have given me a headache :P
  10. ImSpartacus

    ImSpartacus nerf spec plz

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  11. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    yeah whatever ...
  12. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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  13. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    You know, communists wanted to share wives too.
  14. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Interestigly my preferred solution to that problem would be to adjust humans so they're OK with that idea.
  15. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    i said i am not interested in reestablishing the ussr and that only because it happend marxs economic critic is still not wrong. it is private property that works against the wellbeing of the people, as much as you would want to be rich and own a god damn yacht or whatever, you simply shouldnt, because for you having a yacht someone else has to not have a yacht. in the end its better that none of you has one, because you both simply dont need it. if you want to travel the oceans, you are allowed to rent one (probably together with others, since they probably use a lot of res)
    yes i know what i am saying, we wont have shit again. but in the long run, im quite sure, this would do us more good - also mentally. we are a sick society, srsly, i mean we define ourselfs by buying good of a certain brand, how pathetic for a race that considers itself to have an advanced society.
    we dont have go back to the caves, thats absurd and impossible and not what im saying.

    also whats so bad about free love?
    as long as it is the females choice, what is my right to forbid it?

    here have that ussr thing quoted :D
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2011
  16. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    More bullshit based on Naomi Klein and people like her. If it's so wrong then go establish a commune and live happily in there. If you won't then you clearly don't believe in what you're saying. BTW there are lots of leftists on unis in west Europe doing their "Marxist studies" and crap like that. They're really efficient at extracting subsidies from society.

    Last time I checked capitalism transformed whole China in a matter of few decades. If any of what you said were to be true it'd mean that you want that 1B of people to live like animals even today. For their wellbeing.

    That's random rambling of a person sitting behind a desk manufactured by capitalistic China, LCD made in capitalistic China tbh. I don't think that more than 1% of goods you own are made in countries that don't have 19th century capitalism.

    What female fucking choice? Shared means what it says. Enforced by "society" that is communistic govt. That's what communism is, equalizing society even against nature/all social standards.
  17. alucard13mmfmj

    alucard13mmfmj Member

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    well. china wont last long. the standard of living is going up, thus the wages would increase... thus increasing the pre-consumer price of a product and decreasing the net profit. companies will probably look to vietnam or india in a decade or so.
  18. flasche

    flasche Member Staff Member Moderator

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    go live in china then, have fun ...

    i mean you cant be serious about that. are you actually suggesting a world where we are born, live, sleep, eat and die in sweatshops?
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2011
  19. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    I thougth that was just retarded dictatorship based communism?

    I was under the impression that originally communism was supposed to be stateless and classless, essentially a pleasant form of anarchy, really. Obviously it's a rather improbable outcome, but the idea of people voluntarily treating each other as equals is hardly an objectionable one.

    Of course it might require a bit of genetic tinkering to make people more amenable to the idea, it obviously loses all benefit if it's enforced against the conscious will of the people, but if you could change people themselves so that they all happen to decide the same thing, that'd be a laudable goal I think.

    In practice communism is kind of a retarded idea, although some of the original hypothetical ideas espoused by communist philosophy seem quite nice. Seems like it'd be a better philosophy to live your life by than rule a country by though.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2011
  20. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    That's not a variant of what I said. I already buy my share of stuff from China and I already am paid least amount of cash required to do my job when doing contracts.
    Chinese + sweatshops is true but normally such things get balanced with currency price. Although capitalistic with respect to specific businesses, Chinese are manipulating currency price for unknown reasons.

    You can pretend you somehow feel for the poor but if Chinese stuff were to become more expensive, factories will move to Africa and solve "problem" of Africa. Oh these poor Africans that will get only few bucks, water, education, healthcare, infrastructure and so on. It's better not to exploit them, right?
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2011

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