known issues: tail fins suck, cargo bay is blocky, engines arent perfect yet etc etc L shaped lines are hooks, concider them invisible axils its a sketch (in sketchup) of a possible BE transporter for that mod we never play anymore
wow... thats fecking huge. Call it a day and get the skinning people on the job. edit: hmm... the design looks similar to another games cargo plane I seen before.
sweet new way for com to get around/hide? Someone makes one then puts the com in it and flys com out of harms way while come does his thing.
Looks front heavy, if you stick guns or cargo in the the front it's going to tip over. It's especially going to tip over because source assumes uniform density, so you'll have to manually stick the centre of mass further towards the back and that might make it fly weird. Visually I don't know, I think it will probably look rather boring ingame because the wings are really fat and the whole shape is rather primitive, it doesn't have any real interest points apart from the engines and only then really when landed, otherwise it just looks like a big fat cheese triangle with four cylinders stuck under it. Even jumbo jets have more interesting shapes and they aren't particularly interesting to look at. The whole solid wedge plane design thing doesn't look very appealing. It has a functional use in reality, but in game it's more about looks than functionality. Also like the other one the legs being right next to the jets looks kinda silly, you generally keep the landing gear away from the superheated tornado-force winds.
Kind of cool, I wish the wings were normal though, since the wings make it look like a massive paper airplane.
Aww shit, he gana yell at chris for ripping his model attempts. I do agree tho, it does look front heavy, perhaps moving the front pair of engines forward to almost the front edge of the wings. As for strafing you could have a pair of micro jet output ports on each side of the engines. Its a Fing huge plane... it can't really be expected to strafe fast. For the feet, The legs close up when lifted, shown on the second picture, I think they are fine where they are if a heat shield is placed there.
It might look a bit odd if you can't tilt them sideways which it doesn't look as though the design would allow. You could tip the whole plane sideways but it wouldn't be quite the same.
you dont need the engines to tilt to strafe, applying more power to engine 1 and 3 would make it move to engine 2 and 4's general direction when all engines point down sure its not a fuel economical system, but then again you dont go strafing hours on hours in an airplane like this
It's going to look a bit daft if the thing just drifts in random directions without any apparent reason visible to the observer. If it goes in a direction you need some sort of movement on the model that shows it doing something in order to move that way.