Anyone else dislike the new sabotage?

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by communism, May 21, 2009.

  1. Mashav

    Mashav Member

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    You could always do that.... That isn't what makes sabotage broken. The large amount of damage over time is what makes it broken. If the 50% is what made it broken, people would have been calling it overpowered from the first time it showed up, not after massive buff to its DoT.

    The 50% HP of the building is probably the second most powerful mechanic in the game right now for team work besides revive, Its just almost never used with teamwork in mind because of the damage.(and I don't consider solo killing the enemy teams buildings/refs teamwork)

    As for outsabbing 3 engineers... All you need to do is get enhanced senses and go get the scout. If you cant go outside to get the scout, you're going to lose that siege anyways. If its not during an assault, you could go find him then switch to engi and repair the rax. The main reason its a problem is that usually the engis don't know theres a scout till the buildings are dead, or they get there too late and lose the buildings that he sabbed first.
  2. Alceister

    Alceister Member

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    Maybe because few people actually bothered to use the Scout in that capacity? I have yet to see anyone do that whenever I played: sabbing a forward enemy rax while attacking it.

    And you make it sound really simple, when really it isn't, because there are usually other distractions, like other people shooting at you, that need to be taken care of first. You also forget the fact that he can shoot back.
  3. Mashav

    Mashav Member

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    The recent increase in its usage is because sabotage DoT was buffed to fuck so more people are using scout... If it was really so powerful, wouldn't it have been used? It was a good skill, not overpowered at all.

    If you've never seen it happen, how can you comment on it at all? Its like hearing about someone eat an unknown food, then telling them how you think it tastes.

    If the side of your rax is not secure enough that you cannot walk outside, you are most likely going to lose that rax because you cannot repel the attackers. If you can get outside, and sabotage is as powerful as you think, why would you bother shooting anyone else? You should be running outside and killing him if you can. If he shoots you, then respawn and try again. If you already lost the rax, your defense wasn't very good and you would have lost it anyways.

    As an aside:
    When the scout was first around, his "selling point" was essentially just hide. His rifle was ok, but not all that great. He wasn't really all that appealing.

    When stuns and sabo came along, they were nice additions, but did not add enough to change his selling point. The scout was now a bit more appealing.

    When the scout rifle got an actual scope, the selling point changed to the rifle. The rifle was overpowered and caused many people to flock to it. However, the rifle also made the player useless, because they would just sit on a hill and camp. The scout was now Very appealing because of an unbalanced mechanic.

    When the scout rifle got nerfed, the selling point went back to hide, and the scout was a tiny bit better then when sab and stuns were added.

    Then sabotage got a massive buff to its DoT. The selling point now changed to sabotage. Sabotage was now overpowered and people came to use it, however after the stigma of "Scunts" fewer people use it then when the rifle came out. However this was much more powerful then the rifle, as it could kill entire bases and cripple a teams resources. The scout was now Very appealing because of an unbalanced mechanic.

    What will come next... Besides the shotgun, we know very little about the devs plans for the scout. Hopefully the selling point of the scout will not be an overpowered and unbalanced mechanic and will be an all around bettering of the class.
  4. PreDominance

    PreDominance Member

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    Like a one-hit-ko weapon?
    Honestly, if the Shotgun is going to be better than the NFP2 (DURRRRRRRRRRR), then it will be over-fecking-powered.
  5. Nickierv

    Nickierv Member

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    A few days ago, I watched Mashav walk into an enemy rax, sab it they proceed to melee most of the team that was trying to repair it while a few light tanks where killing it.


    It seems that the two ideas for fixing the OP of sab is to remove the dot or remove the 50% hit.
    What about making the initial effect a -50% hp, then dot to 25% or -25% hp and dot to 25%?
    Keeps sab useful as you still have to run around and repair the buildings.
    Gives you a chance to run around and repair.
    More teamwork
  6. PreDominance

    PreDominance Member

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    Make sticky stuns do 1dmg to buildings.
    Make sab halve the building's health every 30 seconds or so.

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