I haven't quit multiple times. One summer I didn't play because I didn't have Internets. I'll probably just be gone until the summer. I has As to get. Never said I was leaving forums just uninstalled.
I usually go on vacation every-so often.. but, since everyone in here has a cute little tushy(esp. arky), and they all get lonely without me(esp. arky who goes emo w/o me). I can't seem to fully quit.... Tho, I believe I'm practically the raving hobo here that runs around screaming insanity, whilst contributing nothing to society. Whos Trent?
Even though I don't follow Empires as much as I used to; on occasion, I do fire it up and play a round or two; teach those young bastards a thing or two :p Even though yes, there are retards; well there are retards in every game. When everything works in Empires, it's simply amazing, plenty of chances for goot tactics and strategy to shine through.
Indeed. I hear a lot of bitching about Empires when the finger of blame really needs to be pointed at the players. It's not the games fault it has griefers. If you change the game too much to make it too noob friendly and grief resistant, you'll end up with a game that in the end isn't Empires anymore. You'll have just another boring team based shooter, and there are plenty of those. How often do you get a sweet round were both the coms knows what they are doing and everyone is pulling together to win as a team? Not often, but often enough to make it worth it.
there was a problem? it's part of the game. at the end of the round, you can run out of spawns or be left in a situation where you have to preserve your life, or you won't be able to continue playing. same thing happens in counterstrike. i suppose running out of tickets is also a problem now, too. Personally, I think it makes the game more interesting and varied. I can see why it would be a problem but that is definately not the solution. but yeah, why not add more front line, risky CV driving. it's not like games will be ruined when the commander gets trapped in enemy territory, or the team can't protect the CV as it gets to it's new forward location. there's a very good reason why front line commanding is frowned upon, and that's because it risks the game ending early due to a mistake or a well positioned enemy, which generally ruins the game. I think it's unanimously agreed that the grenadier spawns with too little ammunition. spawning without full ammo is, I believe, to give people the choices of stocking up before they go into combat or sticking with an engineer, and is generally to increase variety and teamwork in the mod. and to stop the game being monotonous (though i agree, getting ammo is monotonous too. getting ammo should be instant, not have to take 20 seconds) mines ARE only detonated by enemy fire, unless you mean mines blowing up other friendly mines. there is a very good reason for this: it stops areas being completely clogged up with mine spam. picture slaughtered without mines blowing other mines up, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to move forward. it's a lot easier to spam mines into a chokepoint than to defuse them, so it's neccessary that nearby mines detonate or the game would massively slowdown. well, now that 9 mining has been removed, i don't see the need. it also means that if your comm gets stuck or put in the water, it's game over, but then i didn't want 9 mine removed anyway. i agree. i agree.
The jeep just shouldn't be able to push a tank. Don't tanks weight 10-50 tons? Whats a jeep, 2 tons max? It just looks stupid.
well, if the jeep can't do anything, its way underpowered I support 0 base cost jeeps if it cannot do anything to tanks
Jeeps arent supposed to do ANYTHING to tanks; they originaly served as mobile transport for small teams from position to position. There have always been talks of adding MG's to jeeps to make them more effective.
would be nice if it had 1 multi slot for passenger, for a rocket, a cannon or a machine gun... just imagine it guys, just imagine
If I can bring up something from the OP and get things away from the new version a bit... The last part was what stuck out at me. The other problems are not specific to empires -- stacking, awful teammates, etc come up in every game. But a bad commander (not even a grossly incompetent one, just a kinda bad one) can ruin Empires much more quickly than other issues in almost any other game. I think that that trying to address that issue should be one of the main focuses of development -- making comming as easy and fun as possible, making it as hard as possible to miss a 'no-brainer' action like forgetting to research or forgetting to drop a ref and screwing over your team as a result, and so forth. It should not be a chore to comm. People should play Empires hoping to command, and enjoy doing it. There should not regularly be people who simply get out of the CV when voted in (and that has been happening more and more often -- I see it all the time.) Seriously, that 'willing to comm' option is badly needed, at the very least. I'm sick and tired of seeing games ruined because the initial comm either says nothing or types one easily-missed line, then gets out of the CV and runs off. Forcing people to comm does not and has never worked; it is reaching the point where it's seriously hurting gameplay. There needs to be a very clear and easy way for people who are unwilling to comm to indicate it and prevent themselves from being voted in; as it is, they're just slamming 'E' as soon as they're voted and screwing over their team. This also makes griefing much more easy -- I'll bet a big percentage of the CV-stealing griefers get in because we don't have a 'willing to comm' checkbox, leading to a huge number of CVs abandoned in the early game. Of course, this is only a small fix; a much larger overhaul of comming as a whole is necessary so more people will want to do it. But it's an essential one. People who do not want to comm should not be in the CV. If it really is common for there to be nobody who wants to comm, we need to massively overhaul the game to fix that, because it is a vastly more serious problem than minor details of how the guns and tanks work. The comms are the very essence of what Empires is; if comming isn't fun, then in the long run Empires isn't going to be fun, either.
Being able to make a research que would be good, even if you don't yet have the res or even a radar. Just stick 10 techs in a line and they get done as the res becomes available.
Research queue = Good idea. Most Empires players = asshooooles. I agree with Recon's original post except I have fun more often than he does, apparently. Though, the players do need to be polished. With fisticuffs. And now that 2.2 is here the mod might need to be polished anew, too. Or melted down and reforged, lulz.
clearly you've never played Counterstrike. they make a round of Empires look like an episode of the Care Bears.
I hate playing games for long periods of time. This is/was the only game I have played for a long period of time as I have. I kinda stopped after the FPS part of the game became entirely useless, and you can only have one commander, so why worry about the RTS part?
This game is flawed in many aspects but I like playing it because every game is different. Besides, it feels like the most active mod to me because you can usually find lots of people, 20-40 of them, playing it at any one time.