Are you actually trying to be dumb and point this out to be a semantic error? Cause logics is basicly disproving arguments by pointing out flaws in reasoning. Logics is litterally that. Please dont try to hide behind semantic bullshit, cause this is clearly not that. Flaws in reasoning = illogical. Get the fuck out of here destroyer
I'm saying that you need to back up your claims for them to be taken into consideration. Resorting to ad hominem arguments when they are countered doesn't get you anywhere.
Holey moley. I litterally broke down why your counter arguments are bad, why the reasoning is bad, why its illogical. And Im not using my ad hominems as arguments. Im litterally using my arguments as arguments. Im intermixing ad hominems with arguments in one post, but that doesnt make the entire post an ad hominem. Trying to victimize yourself cause Im a cunt doesnt make what I say less true.
Please re-read posts 153 and 177. And be glad someone is still responding despite the pointless insults. Victimizing myself? Really? This strayed quite far off the intended topic. Thank you for the feedback, but I believe the name will be staying, at least for a short while.
hey look another issue that comes with making useless semantic changes to the game Today at 4:57 PM - Xyaminou: ugh... Today at 4:57 PM - Xyaminou: so devs renamed the maps to con_ stuff Today at 4:57 PM - Xyaminou: well they didn't rename the minimaps... Today at 4:58 PM - Xyaminou: minimap files are still named emp_ Today at 4:58 PM - Xyaminou: fucking inconsistencies Today at 4:58 PM - Xyaminou: seriously if you do something at least do it right. Today at 4:58 PM - D.D.D. Destroyer: just rename resource files amd leave everything else as-is for a clientside fix Today at 4:59 PM - D.D.D. Destroyer: so that resource files are called "con_<mapname>.txt" Today at 5:00 PM - D.D.D. Destroyer: or as_escort.txt Today at 5:00 PM - Xyaminou: no, the resource files are renamed, the minimap files aren't. Today at 5:03 PM - Xyaminou: and, by the way, glycenplains, a shitty map without minimap, is still included with the game, for some reason... Today at 5:04 PM - D.D.D. Destroyer: my minimap files work just fine, checked glycencity, urbanchaos, district Today at 5:05 PM - Xyaminou: I never said they didn't work, I said they're inconsistent. Today at 5:06 PM - D.D.D. Destroyer: oh that's what you mean Today at 5:07 PM - D.D.D. Destroyer: i'm gonna give it a solid "meh", it doesn't really matter in any way Today at 5:07 PM - Xyaminou: yes, like the seismic name doesn't matter... Today at 5:08 PM - D.D.D. Destroyer: the affected group of people is even narrower, only server owners, mappers and developers even see those files, let alone use them in any way Today at 5:08 PM - Xyaminou: oh and more problems... mapcycle and maplist for the servers, it still has emp_ instead of con_ Today at 5:08 PM - Xyaminou: so default server would basically not work with district and stuff... Today at 5:09 PM - D.D.D. Destroyer: again, unimpactful, but this should be fixed Today at 5:10 PM - Xyaminou: unimpactful? it literally breaks the mapcycle for vanilla servers... Today at 5:11 PM - D.D.D. Destroyer: those don't see much use Today at 5:11 PM - D.D.D. Destroyer: however, occasionally they do; it needs fixing Today at 5:12 PM - Xyaminou: yeah, no let's just do everything half-arsed because it doesn't matter... hey guys i made this change for new players but this thing that breaks the default configuration is no issue since only noobs use it destroyer is about as logical as a teenage atheist
Already reported the mapcycle.txt maplist.txt at day one of update. The map prefix names should have been changed a long time ago. Its just more difficult and messy the later its done. But I always wanted this Now you can actually easily detect the changes between comm infantry, conquest maps, or comm maps. Rather than detecting the cv or detecting "commander_exists" in comm_vote event, or things like that.
Which "noob" consciously uses minimap files for anything? They should be renamed for consistency's sake, but as far as the game is concerned, they can be called anything as long as the resource file points to the correct minimap file, and that is the case right now. There is no question that mapcycle.txt and maplist.txt should be fixed as they are bugged as of now. However, the amount of new servers being set up for Empires is either 0 or very low with the occasional LAN party setting up a local server for themselves. That makes addressing the problem low priority in comparison to, say, cannon shells hitting your own tank, so it'll probably roll out with the next patch, which is around May if our schedule keeps up.
Double crosshairs on tank is incredibly confusing. I took to just firing a calibration shot and trying my best to ignore the crosshairs. Whatever the original intention of the non-instant tank turret rotation were have probably been lost, I don't think it actually affected the gameplay at all for me and it actually made tank gameplay feel unpolished.
A lot of people wanted a second crosshair for some reason when the turret speed was not instant, though I feel like it was wanted more when the speed was significantly slower then currently in testing. Personally I don't get it, the turret shoots where ever the crosshair is aiming at, so you just don't shoot til it's on target. It can't be just to help look around either, you can do that anyway.
Originally. We never had a second crosshair. But that didn't feel right to use. In short. Because you can look beyond the minimum pitch of your barrel now, without a second crosshair, there is no way of knowing how far below the minimum you are. So you would move your mouse up, expecting your barrel to rise, and it wouldn't, because you were still below the minimum... That was very off-putting in tank combat, as you had to maintain your view in some unknown "sweet spot" to get the responsiveness of the turret. That's what I experienced anyway. And yes, like lazybum said, we were testing this at much slower turret turn rates (which I personally prefer).
The problem with the double crosshairs is something Wired pointed out, that you can look further down than the actual turret allows. The second crosshair needs to have the same limitations as the actual turret so it can't look further down or up than the actual turret allows. This would fix a bunch of the problems. I find myself trying to shoot at the infantry approaching me with the second crosshair and find myself frustrated that the turret isn't going down that far.
The second crosshair just needs to look less dominant than the primary one. Adding some translucency to it would go a long way to alleviating the problem.
That doesn't solve the fact that you can look lower than the turret can actually look making it feel extremely frustrating.