Woops! Fixed. I going to go over encore again and just pakrat all the custom material. There is a bunch in it and making sure everything is in the .res file is just a nightmare. This will make it much easier.
The maps that trickster wanted with res and sound cache files. Smokies didn't have res files tho. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11954784/Map Stuff.7z give it 40 minutes after this post to be up... its about 34M.
Heads up on emp_oasis_ob1 We had a packed server on VIPER and that map was on and it crashed the server and crashed everyone's client with an hl2.exe error
Leaving bugs aside I don't want to ever see emp_oasis again. It's ugly, it's cheap (it was/is buggy) and there are plenty of better maps. Better get 1.07 maps back.
cause its a giant halo themed looking map that everyone hoped a ninja would end. It might be different now that there is more tanks n stuff tho, but as far as looks, its like being a mini person in a halo multiplayer map. emp_halorat
anyone have the source for emp_castle? If thats been abandoned I'd really like to take a look at it. The current version has the main grass texture missing anyways, but I also really think that some changes could be made to the gameplay.
i gave the map to scardybob and he recompiled it for 2.3 its still awesome as fuck no missing textures for me
I have it (well, a decompiled version of it), but I would need Blight's approval to send it to you to work on. While I'm fine with recompiling maps (as long as I don't get an explicit statement for the mapper saying they don't want the map rereleased), I don't change anything in a map unless I get approval from the author first.
I'll ask him myself then, I just figured it was one of those maps that someone made a long time ago and abandoned. Gameplay as is on it is terrible with more than 10 people, but I really liked the way it looked so I wanted it to be played more.